Stargate - Atlantis Quotes

Zelenka: I'm all yours. What would you like to try now?
McKay: Actually, unencumbered by the continual need to explain things to you, I've actually made remarkable progress.
Zelenka: Oh, really?
McKay: Mmm. [they start walking into the lab] The systems the Ancients had in place were designed to create fully functional humanoid replicants, right?
Zelenka: [suddenly pensive] ...yes.
McKay: Well, turns out that trying to create something much simpler is – ironically – much more difficult. In the end I was forced to compromise.
Zelenka: Wait, you're not suggesting that...
McKay: Ah, I know it wasn't part of the plan but it was either this or nothing.
[Arriving at the Ancient table, Rodney gestures to...]
FRAN: [smiling warmly at Radek] Hello.
Zelenka: [somewhere between shock, horror, and awe] ...oh, my.

TV Show: Stargate Atlantis

[McKay is describing his plan of eliminating the Replicators]
Dr. McKay: [casually] Whole planet will be destroyed in the process.
Larrin: You don't mess around, do you?

TV Show: Stargate Atlantis

[aboard the Daedalus approaching the Replicator homeworld]
FRAN: This is quite exciting.
McKay: It's a bit nerve-wracking, yeah.
FRAN: I quite look forward to it.
McKay: do?
FRAN: Yes. One always wishes to achieve one's purpose.
McKay: Right. And you're...okay with this?
FRAN: Of course. Why would I not be? It's my reason for being.
McKay: Well, you know, you're going to...cease to be.
FRAN: [matter-of-factly] Yes.
McKay: Well, I just...I just imagined you'd rather keep being than, uh ... uh, than not.
[Zelenka, in the background, edges away looking uncomfortable]
FRAN: Surely you're not worried for me, Doctor?
McKay: Worried? No, of course not. That would be silly.
FRAN: Yes. It would.
[McKay nods and steps away, whispering to Zelenka]
McKay: Should never have given it speech...

TV Show: Stargate Atlantis
Dr. McKay: [About to be 'almost' fed on by a Wraith Queen] Great, in my entire life I was never chosen first. And now fate decides to restore the balance.

TV Show: Stargate Atlantis
[referring to Ronon's latest injury]
Keller: Another sparring accident?
Ronon: Actually... I slipped in the shower.
Keller: Really?
Ronon: No, sparring accident. [grins]
Keller: This is the third time this week I've had to patch you up... You know, there are a lot of other ways you could spend your free time.
Ronon: Not as much fun though.

TV Show: Stargate Atlantis
Lt. Col. Sheppard: [Typing in Rodney's password, who thinks Sheppard can't remember it] 16431879196842. See, it doesn't take a genius.
Teyla: I-it doesn't?
Lt. Col. Sheppard: 1643 is the year Isaac Newton was born. 1879, Einstein. And 1968...
Teyla: The year Rodney was born.
Lt. Col. Sheppard: Never underestimate the size of that man's ego.
Teyla: Weren't there other numbers?
Lt. Col. Sheppard: 42.
Teyla: What is that?
Lt. Col. Sheppard: It's the ultimate answer to the great question of life, the universe and everything.
[Teyla stares at him blankly.]

TV Show: Stargate Atlantis

[Ronon and Dr. Keller tried to blow a door open with an oxygen tank, like in Jaws. The door stays shut.]
Ronon: A lot stronger than a shark.

TV Show: Stargate Atlantis
Lt. Col. Sheppard: [to Rodney] More searching, less complaining.
Dr. McKay: Sorry, I'm hungry. When I'm hungry, I get cranky.
Lt. Col. Sheppard: And when you get cranky, you get hit.
Dr. McKay: Okay, okay....

TV Show: Stargate Atlantis

[Talking over the radio]:
Genii: Theoron come in.
Genii: Theoron come in.
Dr. Mckay: If we don't respond, they're gonna investigate.
Lt. Col. Sheppard: [disguising his voice badly] Theoron here.
Genii: What's your status?
Lt. Col. Sheppard: Good.
Genii: Elaborate.
Lt. Col. Sheppard: Real good.

TV Show: Stargate Atlantis

[after unveiling a painting depicting a heroic McKay and a cowering Sheppard]
Dr. McKay: Yeah, pretty much how I remember it.

TV Show: Stargate Atlantis

Col. Caldwell: [in regards to Michael's Cruiser] Major Marks, please make that ship go away.

TV Show: Stargate Atlantis
Ronon: I watched it last night. There was hardly any fighting.
Lt. Col. Sheppard: It's not about fighting.
Ronon: Then why's it called Blades of Glory?
Lt. Col. Sheppard: It is about skate blades.
Ronon: And this is a real sport? Men and women dancing around on ice?
Lt. Col. Sheppard: Unfortunately.
Ronon: Your planet's weird.
Lt. Col. Sheppard: You can say that again.

TV Show: Stargate Atlantis
[Referring to Ava Dixon]
Ronon Dex: So, um, what happened to the rest of her?
Dr. Lee: Oh, uh, they deactivated the bond between her nanites, effectively breaking her into base elements.
[Ronon looks at Sheppard in confusion]
Lt. Col. Sheppard: They scrapped her.
[Ronon smiles faintly]

TV Show: Stargate Atlantis
[talking to two young boys]
Col. Carter: If you help us, we'll get you whatever you want.
McKay: Oh yes, good, great idea, yes.
Col. Carter: Thanks.
McKay: Maybe you should show them your…
Col. Carter: Excuse me?
McKay: I was once a 10-year old boy too, I know what gets their attention.
Col. Carter: McKay…
McKay: What, you want to get out of here or not?
Col. Carter: I think we can reason with them without resorting to that, thank you.
McKay: If you say so. (looks hopefully at Keller)

TV Show: Stargate Atlantis

Dr. Keller: Whoa whoa whoa, wait wait, don't pull me up!
McKay: What?! Why?
Dr. Keller: I see LIGHT!!
McKay: No no no no no! Don't go toward the light! You want to stay in the land of the living!!

TV Show: Stargate Atlantis
[Ronon and Teal'c are fighting in front of a cheering crowd. Carter walks up and approaches Sheppard.]
Lt. Col. Sheppard: Colonel, wanna place a bet?
Col. Carter: What's going on here?
Lt. Col. Sheppard: Just a friendly sparring match.
Col. Carter: It looks anything but friendly.
Lt. Col. Sheppard: No, it's good for them. They're just blowing off some steam.
Col. Carter: How long have they been at it?
Lt. Col. Sheppard: About an hour or so.
Col. Carter: An hour?
Lt. Col. Sheppard: Not even taking any breaks.
Col. Carter: They are now.

TV Show: Stargate Atlantis

[On seeing one of the SGC's dead personnel]
Ronon: He was fed on by the Wraith. That's not a good way to go.
Teal'c: Indeed.
Ronon: You say that a lot.
Teal'c: What?
Ronon: "Indeed".
Teal'c: Do I?
Ronon: Yeah.
Teal'c: I had not noticed.

TV Show: Stargate Atlantis

[After the station's self-destruct sequence is triggered]
Lt. Col. Sheppard: Rodney?
Dr. McKay: We've made a terrible mistake -- we never should have revived Kavanagh!
Lt. Col. Sheppard: He turned on the self-destruct?!
Dr. Kavanagh: [defensively] Not on purpose!

TV Show: Stargate Atlantis

[After using Ronon's gun to kill a Wraith]
Teal'c: [examining the gun] I would very much like to have a weapon such as this.
Ronon: [taking the gun from Teal'c] Yeah. Get in line.

TV Show: Stargate Atlantis
Teyla: I knew you would doubt me. I should not have said anything.
Dr. McKay: Hey, I've been cocooned inside an alien spacecraft; I've had another person living inside me; I've encountered not one, but two different versions of myself, so who am I to judge? If you say it was a vision, then I believe it was a vision.
[jump cut to McKay and Sheppard walking to the control room]
Dr. McKay: I seriously doubt it was a vision.

TV Show: Stargate Atlantis

Teyla: I purchased the pendant from an artisan in Croya, the village we are about to visit. Among the Athosians, it's quite common to present such gifts as expressions of admiration and respect.
Ronon: [to McKay] Hey. Maybe I'll pick you something up while we're there.
Dr. McKay: Really?
Ronon: No.

TV Show: Stargate Atlantis

[On M2S-181, Teyla and Lorne's team walk through the market.]
Maj. Lorne: [nostalgically] Kind of reminds me of the flea markets they used to have back home. Every Sunday, stroll down to the Bay area, find pretty much anything you wanted. [He looks at a few of the more "shady" stalls.] And a lot of things you didn't.

TV Show: Stargate Atlantis

[Teyla and Lorne are interrogating a trader who has been selling Athosian jewelry. He is bound in a chair in a dark room but it still refusing to talk.]
Maj. Lorne: [doing the bad-cop routine] I don't give a damn about your trade secrets. We wanna know where you got this stuff.
Trader: And if I don't tell you, what are you gonna do? I recognise those uniforms; I've heard the stories. People from Atlantis – do-gooders of the galaxy. You wouldn't hurt me.
Teyla: [steps out of the shadows of the room] I am wearing no uniform.
Trader: [noticing her obvious pregnancy] A pregnant woman! How intimidating!
[Teyla takes a branch, presses it to the man's chest, and shoves him and his chair over. He lands with a thud.]
Teyla: I will inform the villagers that you are a Wraith-worshipper and let them determine their own justice.

TV Show: Stargate Atlantis

Todd: [after Sheppard's team points weapons at two Wraith guards moving a Wraith corpse] Ah, don't mind them. They're just here to help with the clean-up.

TV Show: Stargate Atlantis

Todd: Obviously there is more you want from me, or you would not have come.
Ronon: Maybe we just came to kill ya.
Todd: [unafraid] Did you?
Sheppard: Unfortunately, no.
Todd: Well, there's always next time.
Sheppard: Rodney?
Dr. McKay: One of our people – Teyla – was taken by a Dart today.
Todd: [flippantly] I suppose she's already made some lucky Wraith a very tasty meal.

TV Show: Stargate Atlantis

[John, Rodney and Ronon step into a doorway, aiming their weapons ... and stop and stare in total disbelief at what they see. A man is sitting on a bunk inside the room, dressed in a grey prison outfit. He sighs in relief at the sight of them.]
Dr. Beckett: Finally. It’s about bloody time. [standing up] What took you so long?

TV Show: Stargate Atlantis

Todd: [after Sheppard has refused to help him] You always say that- but you always come around.

TV Show: Stargate Atlantis
Dr. Beckett: Aye, you're damned right it is! First you tell me I'm not the only Carson Beckett, and then you tell me the other one died in a horrible explosion! [suddenly coming to a realization] Oh my God! My mother! You didn't tell her, did you?
Dr. McKay: Well...yeah.
Dr. Beckett: Good Lord!

TV Show: Stargate Atlantis

Dr. Beckett: [after Sheppard assists him in putting on his pack] Thank you. I must be a wee bit rusty.
Lt. Col. Sheppard: You're not rusty, Doc. You were just never very good at this.
Dr. Beckett: Fair enough!

TV Show: Stargate Atlantis