Stargate - Atlantis Quotes

Zelenka: No jo... Tak jo decka, do toho, jdeme, jdeme, jdeme, musíme tohle dodelat, pojdte už, honem! - Yeah... Okay kids, come on, go go go, we have to finish it, come on, move on!

TV Show: Stargate Atlantis
Zelenka: Ty vole "Say hi to the kids for me", já ti dám, ty seš takovej vul. - You idiot, 'Say hi to the kids for me' , you're gonna get it from me, you're such an idiot.

TV Show: Stargate Atlantis
Zelenka: Do prdele, to je na hovno tohle to, kdo to vymyslel že budeme pod vodou tentokrát? -"For cryin' out loud", this sucks. We're gonna be under water this time - whose idea was that?

TV Show: Stargate Atlantis
Zelenka: I am trying, do prdele! ("Do prdele!" is a very impolite expression of anger and frustration. It literally means, "into the ass".)

TV Show: Stargate Atlantis
Zelenka: To je frajer teda, to je... - That's a cool guy, heh, that is...

TV Show: Stargate Atlantis
Zelenka: On letí, on tak krásne letí... - He's flying, he's flying so beautifully...

TV Show: Stargate Atlantis
Alternate McKay: Mej se. - Take care.

TV Show: Stargate Atlantis
Zelenka: Zaplat pánbuh. - Thank goodness.

TV Show: Stargate Atlantis
Zelenka: Vždycky jsem to já kdo to musí udelat. - It's always me who has to do this.

TV Show: Stargate Atlantis
Zelenka: I'll have the power off in no time. Ježiš, to je neuveritelný, já jsem takovej debil! Si bude myslet, že jsem naprostej idiot. (peeps in) Nó, tak co mne zbejvá, no... Tohleto né...(groaning) Se sem nevejdu...fuj to smrdí! (looks down) Ježišmarija... (looks around) Jéžiš, to snad né... - I'll have the power off in no time. Jesus, that's unbelievable, I'm SUCH a moron! She'll think I'm a total idiot. (peeps in) Well, what else should I do? No, not this again...(groaning) Don't fit here...ugh, this place stinks! (looks down) Jesus Christ... (looks around) Oh tell me it's not happening!

TV Show: Stargate Atlantis