Smallville Quotes

Kara: [to Jonathan] Tell Kal-El what you did.
Clark: What kind of deal did you make, Dad?
Jonathan: I promised Jor-El that if he gave me the power to bring you back from Metropolis, that one day I would return you to him.
Martha: Jonathan, you didn't do that...
Jonathan: Martha, I had no idea it was going to be this soon.
Kara: I told you, Kal-El. They'll always betray you. Even the man you call your father.

TV Show: Smallville
Martha: She killed a man, Jonathan. We have to call the sheriff.
Jonathan: What are we gonna tell the sheriff, sweetheart, that a Kryptonian girl vaporized a federal agent?

TV Show: Smallville
Kara: Come with me, Kal-El. Come home.
Clark: This is my home.
Kara: I know it seems that way. But sooner or later, everyone you know here will lie, betray, or leave you.
Clark: No matter what you say, I'll never go with you.

TV Show: Smallville
Lex: There's so much of my own life I can't explain. I've survived countless brushes with death, and it all started with this car crash. If I'm guilty of anything, it's that I've inherited my father's eccentric curiosity for the unexplained.
Clark: You've inherited his dishonesty.
Lex: Clark, look me in the eye and tell me you don't have any hidden places of your own where you keep your deep, dark secrets.
Clark: Ever since I've met you, I've been defending you, making excuses for you to people like Pete, like my parents. Telling them, "You can trust Lex Luthor. He's a good guy. He's nothing like his father." I was wrong.

TV Show: Smallville
Clark [as Kal-El]: I am fine.
Lois: You've just been hit by lightning, you're stark naked, and you don't even remember your own name. You have a fairly loose definition of "fine."
[Clark turns to face Lois.]
Lois: [to herself] Look at his face... I have a blanket in the trunk.

TV Show: Smallville
Lois: Guess I'm a sucker for stray dogs and naked men. [Martha stares] Okay, that didn't come out right...

TV Show: Smallville
Lois: Look, I didn't come here fishing for thanks. I think Clark might know something about my cousin Chloe's death.
Martha: I'm so sorry for your loss.
Lois: Yeah. Were she and Clark ever an item?
Martha: Oh, I think for a minute...
Lois: It's funny, I never thought she'd fall for the farm boy type.
Martha: Trust me, that can happen to the best of us.
Lois: Not me. Give me a nerd with glasses any day of the week.
Martha: Clark has many sides.
Lois: Yeah, I've seen several of them already.

TV Show: Smallville
Clark [as Kal-El]: I am Kal-El of Krypton. It's time to fulfill my destiny.
Martha: Destiny?! That's Jor-El talking! He did this to you! I want my son back! Give me my son back!
Clark [as Kal-El]: Clark Kent is dead.

TV Show: Smallville
Crosby: Martha, I can help you if you'll let me. Now, where's your son?
Martha: I don't know... He flew. He flew away.
Crosby: So he's-- He has completely embraced his Kryptonian destiny.
Martha: Do you know what that destiny is?
Crosby: No, but the symbol burned into your field three months ago? That's the Kryptonian symbol for "Crusade."

TV Show: Smallville
Jason: Oh, sorry. Your American, right?
Lana: Yes.
Jason: Great. Can I ask you a big favour?
Lana: long as it doesn't get me arrested.
Jason: No, I'm supposed to meet my, uh, my girlfriend here. Well, she's not really my girlfriend, even though we spend every waking moment together. See, we met two months ago today on this exact street corner, and I bought her something to mark the occasion. I wanted to get your opinion.
Lana: All right.
Jason: Okay.

TV Show: Smallville
Lex: I want you to pull the pin on that grenade. Find it, fake it... do whatever it takes to knock Jonathan Kent out of the race. I want to be senator. I want it all.
Griff: Consider it done. Merry Christmas.

TV Show: Smallville
Young Lex: What are you going do?
Duncan: I'm going help people, like Warrior Angel.
Young Lex: You better hit the gym. Spandex is tough to pull off.

TV Show: Smallville
Lois: We've all done things we're not proud of. I just wish that Oliver didn't feel like he had to hide it from me.
Clark: You know, sometimes in order to protect the people we love, we keep secrets.
Lois: That is... totally retarded.

TV Show: Smallville
Lana: Well, I think that would probably be the last thing she would be expecting.
Jason: It doesn't really scream "romance" does it? But, see, the first time we met, I was driving by on my Vespa, and I clipped her. She thought I was gonna steal her purse so she kicked me off my bike. I messed up an old football injury and then she spent five hours with me at the hospital and we just clicked.
Lana: Well, it sounds like love at first crash.
Jason: Yeah. Well, for me it was anyway, but I'm just an impulsive kind of guy.
Lana: Well, how does she feel?
Jason: I don't know. She doesn't really talk about it. I think she, uh, I think she got hurt by somebody, but maybe she needs to talk about it.
Lana: Well, uh, nothing says "I love you" like a motorcycle helmet.
Jason: Yeah. It's for a weekend trip to Nice if she's... if she's interested.
Lana: If a guy did something that romantic for me, I think I'd have to kiss him.
Jason: Yeah?
Lana: Yeah.

TV Show: Smallville
Clark: None of this would've happened if I had been there.
Lois: Okay, Commando, I don't get you. Half the time, you're all meek "Yes, Ma" and "Yes, Pa", and the other half, you are the most overconfident guy I've ever met.
Clark: It doesn't happen to you much, does it? Not being able to peg someone right away?
Lois: Oh, get over yourself. You are not that complicated.

TV Show: Smallville
Clark: Um... we usually take turns in the bathroom.
Lois: Oh, don't start with me, Smallville. You're the one taking the marathon shower. Besides, my delicate feminine sensibilities weren't offended the first time I got a glimpse of, uh, Clark Junior.
Clark: My parents kind of missed the whole Woodstock phase. Besides, they freaked out the last time they caught me in a co-ed situation.
Lois: Last time? So the eagle scout does have a few secrets in the closet.

TV Show: Smallville
Lois: Wow, she didn't take any prisoners, did she? Lana? Cute, smart, gutsy... and way too much for you to handle. I can see why you're in love with her.
Clark: Look, you're really not the person I want to talk to about this.
Lois: Suit yourself.
Clark: It's just... I knew she'd be dating other people.
Lois: But?
Clark: I just don't understand how you could feel like you know someone so completely, like you know everything about them, and then just all of a sudden...
Lois: You don't even know what continent they're on.
Clark: [frustrated] Do you always have to finish people's thoughts?
Lois: [equally frustrated] Well, am I right?

TV Show: Smallville
Lex: Does this mean you're talking to me again?
Clark: Only because I don't have a choice.
Lex: Relegated from friend to last resort. I guess I'll have to accept it if it's my only chance to prove myself.
Clark: Good. 'Cause I want you to help me find Chloe.
Lex: Look, I'd like to set things straight between us, Clark, but don't you think raising someone from the grave is setting the bar a little high?

TV Show: Smallville
Jonathan: Clark, as much as I hate to admit this, Lex had a hand in this too. He did make good on his promise to protect Chloe.
Clark: And look what he got out of it. Control of LuthorCorp. Look, I'm sorry, but it's gonna take a lot more than that for me to get to trust him again.
Martha: Ever since he met you, he's been surrounded by things he can't explain. We can't really blame him for trying to find the truth.
Clark: The truth is, he's been lying to me from day one. The legend on the cave wall says I'm destined to have an enemy. All this time, I've been worried about Lionel. But I'm beginning to think that the real threat was right in front of me. I think it's Lex.

TV Show: Smallville
Lois: Nice arm, farm boy. When's the first game?
Clark: I'm not on the team.
Lois: Why not? An arm like that is a "Get out of geek free" pass.
Clark: Well, even if I wanted to play--
Lois: Which obviously you do.
Clark: That wouldn't be the reason. Thanks, I don't really consider myself a geek.
Lois: So, what do you see yourself as?
Clark: I don't know. An outsider, I guess.
Lois: That's a recipe for wedgies if I've ever heard one.
Clark: [sarcastic] Have I told you how much I'm gonna miss you?

TV Show: Smallville
Chloe: Five credits in one semester? Lois, the only way you're gonna do that is if you add an extracurricular to your class list. Like, say, maybe... writing for the Torch.
Lois: Uh, no hard feelings here, cuz, but unlike you, the last thing I want to be is a reporter.
Chloe: Yeah, God. What could be worse than, you know, uncovering the truth and protecting the public?
Lois: And sticking your nose in other people's business.
Chloe: Like I said. You'd be perfect.

TV Show: Smallville
[Lois walks into the boy's locker room]
Clark: Hey, hey! The last time I checked, you were missing a few prerequisites for being in here.
Lois: So you have been checking me out.

TV Show: Smallville
Lana: I keep thinking of all the times that you've told me that I'm beautiful, and I can't help but wonder how much of me you really see.
Jason: Lana, I tell you you're beautiful because of who you are, not because of what I see. I mean, you're the girl I flew halfway across the world to be with. The girl who kicks the crap out of me at XBox and thinks it's hysterical. I mean, I have seen you with the stomach flu where your eyes were puffy and your nose was running, you're yakking--
Lana: Okay, okay. I get the picture.
Jason: All I'm saying is the reasons I love you... it's not something you can see in a mirror... That's good. I'm gonna write that down and use that later.

TV Show: Smallville
Jonathan: I guess practice ran late, huh?
Clark: Dad, I'm sorry I disappointed you. But I'm staying on the team. I'm tired of living my life on the sidelines.
Jonathan: I realize that, Clark. I also realize that you're a senior in high school, and from now on, you're gonna be making a lot of your own decisions. But if you want to be seen as an adult in this family, then you have to start acting like one. Adults in this family don't run off and do things without discussing them first.
Clark: I know. That's why I have just one question for you. You gonna let some assistant coach from Metropolis teach your boy how to play football?
Jonathan: ...Go deep.

TV Show: Smallville
Chloe: [about Clark] Wow, superhero and journalist - what are the odds?

TV Show: Smallville
Lois: I'm glad you made the team, Clark, but why be a conformist? At least with the whole farm boy plaid thing, as lame as it is, it completely belongs to you.
Clark: In the future, let's restrict our conversations to "hello" and "goodbye."

TV Show: Smallville
Clark: Making the wrong choices and living with the consequences... it's not easy, is it?
Oliver: Speaking from experience, huh?
Clark: More than I'd like.
Oliver: You know, we all make bad choices, Clark. All we can do is hope to make the right ones in the future, right?

TV Show: Smallville
Clark: Lex, if this friendship was so important, why'd you lie to me for so long?
Lex: I don't know, Clark. There's a darkness in me that I can't always control. I'm starting to think that's my curse, why every relationship I have ends badly.
Clark: We all have a dark side, Lex.
Lex: Yeah. But I can feel mine creeping over the corners. Your friendship helps keep it at bay. It reminds me that there are truly good people in the world. I'm not willing to give up on that.

TV Show: Smallville
Clark: What's that?
Lex: The Porsche you pulled me out of the day we met.
Clark: Why is it still here?
Lex: To remind me of what I almost lost. It's over, Clark. It really is. Look, I'm willing to give this friendship another shot if you are.
Clark: In the spirit of friendship, I was wondering if you could help me with a problem.
Lex: Absolutely. What is it?
Clark: Well, it's a who. Lois Lane.

TV Show: Smallville
Lois: You know, if I could describe my time here in one word, it would be "weird." I look forward to the relative normalcy of the big city. But don't worry. I'll visit.
Clark: Is that a promise or a threat?

TV Show: Smallville