Smallville Quotes

Clark: Where's Lex?
Alexander: He's standing right in front of you.
Clark: No, you're not him. The real Lex would never try to kill me or Chloe.
Alexander: No, you're probably right. But he's thought about it! All the times you've meddled in his plans, derailed his ambitions. He's thought about killing all of you. He just never had the guts to go through with it.
Clark: What are you?
Alexander: I was just about to ask you the same question.

TV Show: Smallville
Lex: Let's see what happens to me if you die!
Alexander: You can't kill me! I drive you. I give your life meaning. I'm your soul, you weak, pathetic little man! I'm the real Lex Luthor!

TV Show: Smallville
Lex: Look, whatever I've done in the last few days...
Lionel: Please, no need for an apology. Quite the contrary. I must say, you finally proved yourself to be the son I've always wanted, and I thank you for showing me so clearly the error of my ways.
Lex: What are you talking about?
Lionel: I'm closing down the foundation immediately.
Lex: What? You can't. The charity is your life.
Lionel: Just a foolish dream. I'm awake now. A man can't deny his true nature, can he, Lex? No. We're Luthors.

TV Show: Smallville
Lois: Mrs. Kent, a lot of things are possible in this world, but there will be a man on Mars before Clark and I go to Prom together.
Dawn [in Martha]: So what, you two just get together and mack, but keep it on the down-low in public?
Clark: Mom!
Lois: I don't mean to be rude, Mrs. Kent, but did you crack open the cooking sherry?

TV Show: Smallville
Chloe: Well, we are in Smallville. And I mean, what would the Senior Prom be without a body-snatching Prom Queen?

TV Show: Smallville
Dawn [in Lois]: How do I look?
Clark: Looks like you're going to the Prom.
Dawn [in Lois]: I am. And you're taking me! I'm not going to let you sit around moping all night while your parents go out and do the electric boogaloo all night. It's gonna be fun.
Clark: No, I'm not going.
Dawn [in Lois]: Massive re-strategy. You're going to your senior Prom whether you like it or not. End of discussion. Put on your tux.
Clark: Lois, wasn't this not in the realm of possibilities?
Dawn [in Lois]: Anything is possible, Clark. Anything.

TV Show: Smallville
Lois: What the hell am I doing in a dress, and what the hell am I doing at your Prom?
Clark: Oh, no...
[Lois points to the corsage pinned to her dress]
Lois: Did you pin that on me?
Clark: I'll explain later, Lois.
Lois: A little close to the boob, don't you think?

TV Show: Smallville
Lois: Hey. You know, a year from now, this is all gonna seem like a lifetime ago.
Chloe: That's funny because it feels like just yesterday when he deserted that nervous freshman on the dance floor.
Lois: You're headed for Metropolis. You are destined to be a big shot reporter at the Daily Planet. Do you really picture Clark Kent being able to keep up with you?
Chloe: You know, Lois, I think Clark might have a lot more to offer than you realize.
Lois: I wouldn't bet on it.

TV Show: Smallville
Lois: Clark, you know that.
Chloe: Well, not so much. He has amnesia, and he's having a hard time—
Lois: Again?
Clark: What do you mean again?
Lois: Well, at least this time you got clothes on.

TV Show: Smallville
Chloe: I'm gonna go to the Torch and see what I can find out about amnesia.
Lois: Yeah, just leave Mr. Memory Reboot to me. I'm getting to be a pro at this. [to Clark] But you know what? You're gonna have to put up with PB and J because that's the extent of my culinary skills.
Chloe: [to Clark] Okay?
Clark: Please tell me I'm not related to her.
Chloe: No, I am. You live with her.

TV Show: Smallville
Clark: How did I do that?
Chloe: Why did I always picture myself on the other end of this conversation? Smallville was hit with the world's biggest meteor shower when you were little. Now, I know this sounds way out there, but some of the meteor rocks have had an extraterrestrial effect on certain people in the town, and it's my theory that you were one of them.
Clark: Extraterrestrial powers? You mean I'm some sort of alien?
Chloe: No. No, of course not.
Clark: A mutant?
Chloe: Uh... yeah... who has saved my life on more than one occasion. See, you've sort of taken it upon yourself to be Smallville's self-appointed hero. And if you ask me, I think that that is amazing.

TV Show: Smallville
Chloe: Hold on a minute, are you telling me that you can see through solid objects?
Clark: I guess that's one you didn't know about, huh?
Chloe: No, and that might be one of those abilities you're gonna want to keep a lid on.
Clark: You know, I've been thinking about that. You know, I don't know why I was worried so much about what people think. I don't know why I let it rule my life. I mean, you understood.
Chloe: Yeah, but Clark, unfortunately, some people in Smallville aren't as progressive as your post-amnesia tour guide.
Clark: That should be their problem, not mine.

TV Show: Smallville
Clark: So it must've been kind of strange to have a zombie best friend walking around.
Chloe: Yeah, I mean, you know, I never really realized how complicated that zombie's life was.
Clark: Complicated? Did I do something unusual?
Chloe: You had a clean slate to start all over with, and you made all the same choices... except for one.
Clark: Chloe, I need you to be completely honest with me.
Chloe: Honest, huh?
Clark: What'd I do?
Chloe: You trusted me.

TV Show: Smallville
Adams: Last time I checked, babies don't just fall out of the sky, Mr. Kent.
Clark: It left a 30-foot crater, Sheriff. How else would you explain it?
Adams: Well, I can't. That's why we're conducting a little something called an investigation.

TV Show: Smallville
Lionel: You know, there were other treasure seekers in China, Genevieve.
Genevieve: A farm boy, an ex-cheerleader, and Lex Luthor. Who do you think ended up with the prize?
Lionel: Well, my son hasn't been listening to me. What do you want me to do, give him a good spanking?

TV Show: Smallville
Lionel: Parenthood. It's an interesting phenomenon, isn't it? The lengths we go to... to protect our children. No limits.
Genevieve: [choking] What have you done to me?
Lionel: The wine you've just drunk will kill you in a matter of minutes. I'm told that the pain will be excruciating. How about a trade? You give me the stone that you stole from Bridgette Crosby, and I give you... the antidote. One more thing... you go near my son, and anything that happens to him happens to you. Is that understood?

TV Show: Smallville
Jonathan: There is nothing quite like watching your son grow up into a young man you can be very proud of.
Clark: It's too bad I'll never know what that's like.
Martha: Why not?
Clark: I'm from another planet. I'm not even human. Who knows if I can have kids?
Martha: Clark, your father and I couldn't have children. We were still blessed with a son. You never know what the future will bring you.

TV Show: Smallville
Lex: I'm releasing our findings to every research facility across the globe. Evan's life may offer hope for generations to come.
Clark: He was a special kid, Lex. I can't help wondering what kind of man he would've become.
Lex: A good one... as long as you were in his life. I bet you're gonna be a great dad someday, Clark.
Clark: So will you, Lex.
Lex: I don't know about that. Look, we're all reflections of how we've been raised. Your parents gave you encouragement and support. Mine chose the opposite track. I plan on leaving a different kind of legacy.

TV Show: Smallville
Martha: I know what you're doing, Jonathan. You can't take the place of Clark on this farm, no one can. Every other farm in the county has at least five hands to help out.
Jonathan: Sweetheart, my family managed to run this farm for generations before Clark came around. I see no reason why I can't run it by myself.
Martha: Sometimes I wonder which one of you is more stubborn.
Jonathan: Why don't I give you a clue?

TV Show: Smallville
Jonathan: Martha, what exactly is it that you want me to do? You want me to tell our teenage son that we couldn't possibly survive around here without him? What kind of parents would that make us?
Martha: Honest ones. How many times has he asked be treated like an adult? This decision took a lot of maturity.
Jonathan: Or guilt. Martha, Clark still feels responsible for my heart problems. I'm not going to allow him to do this out of pity.
Martha: It's not pity, Jonathan. Clark knows that if he leaves, he can only come back a few times a year. And he doesn't want one of those times to be your funeral.

TV Show: Smallville
Lex: You're making a big mistake Jason. I know she's your mother but don't think for a second she won't turn on you. Trust me on this one.
Genevieve: Jason...
Jason: It's okay, Mother. I don't expect him to understand the meaning of family loyalty, especially when the only thing running through the Luthor blood is betrayal.

TV Show: Smallville
Genevieve: Lex, your father has one of the stones.
Lex: And what do you want from me?
Genevieve: I have a feeling that he'd sooner die than give up that stone. But all that might change if his own flesh and blood were at stake.
Lex: You obviously don't know my father as well as I do.
Genevieve: I hope for your sake you're wrong.

TV Show: Smallville
Clark: Dad, you raised me to make my own decisions. Why don't you trust me on this?
Jonathan: Because you are a lot like me. I had a full ride to Met. U. waiting for me when I graduated. Problem is, my father needed me on this farm. So I stayed.
Clark: Dad that's a pretty big footnote to leave out. Why didn't you tell me?
Jonathan: I didn't want it to weigh you down. As much as I loved my father, a part of me still resents him for needing me that much. I don't want you to feel that. That's not the kind of father I ever wanted to be.
Clark: Dad. This isn't about the kind of father you are. It's about the kind of son I want to be.

TV Show: Smallville
Lois: I took this career test in some magazine - it said that my perfect job would be a radio disc jockey.
Clark: That makes sense. You talk enough. There won't be any dead air.
Lois: You mock me now Smallville, but you just wait and see.
Clark: Journalism. You ever thought about that? You wrote some half decent articles in your short lived career at the Torch.
Lois: Nah, kill me first. Even if I could spell, the last thing I'd wanna do is spend my time in a newsroom. With my luck I'd probably end up across the desk from the most bumbling reporter on the masthead.

TV Show: Smallville
Lois: I realize hand-eye coordination isn't one of your strong suits. Here, let me help you with that.
Clark: [annoyed] Lois, I'm not sure what I'm gonna do without you.
Lois: Oh, come on, Clark, your future is laid out right in front of you. You're going to go to community college, major in agriculture, probably minor in law enforcement. And then you and Lana are going to have a nice little church wedding.
Clark: Excuse me?
Lois: It's written in the stars and you know it. It's only a matter of time before you join the bowling league, take over the family farm, and then, well, you and Lana can bring little Clark Jr. into the world.
Clark: I think you're hallucinating.
Lois: No. Hallucinating would be imagining Clark Kent going off to the big city to make his mark in the world. I'm just being realistic.

TV Show: Smallville
Lois: Look, I know we've had our disagreements in the past. And I will be the first to admit that I've made it my own little hobby to bust your chops.
Clark: I'm used to it. Besides, I know I haven't been the most gracious host.
Lois: Look, I just want you to know, Clark, that when I'm sitting in the audience today at your graduation and you stand up on that stage in front of all those people, I'm gonna be looking up at you and thinking one thing.
Clark: What's that?
Lois: Please, God, don't let him trip.

TV Show: Smallville
Jor-El: The knowledge of the universe is meant for you only. Yet you chose to deny your heritage. Today, you will witness the consequences.
Clark: Then you sent the meteor shower?
Jor-El: I have done nothing, Kal-El. Human blood has stained one of the elements and awakened a great danger from the darkness of space.
Clark: What can I do to stop it?
Jor-El: There is nothing you can do to prevent what is already in motion. But the meteor shower is just the beginning, Kal-El. I warned you that the elements could not fall into the hands of a human. The three must become one. It is the only way to save Earth from total annihilation.
Clark: I don't know where they are! I don't have time to find them!
Jor-El: If you don't unite them at once, you, my son, will be seared by a fire from the sky even you can't survive. The future of mankind rests in your hands, Kal-El.

TV Show: Smallville
Clark: You're gonna have to go without me.
Jonathan: Do I have to remind you, Clark, that the last time we had a meteor shower, it was full of kryptonite?
Martha: If the same happens today it could kill you. You have to come with us.
Clark: I spoke to Jor-El. He told me I have to find the other two stones right now, and unite them with the one in the cave.
Martha: No! You're my son. You're not gonna go on some kind of suicide mission.
Jonathan: Clark, you might be stronger than steel, but you're not invincible.
Clark: I know, Dad. But I'm the only one who can do this.
Jonathan: All right. But I want you to listen to me right now. All the years that your mother and I spent raising you from that wide-eyed toddler running around on this farm to the man who is standing in front of me right now was for this moment. You do this, son. You make us proud.

TV Show: Smallville
Jor-El: Kal-El, you must continue your education. You cannot stop.
Clark: She's my friend! She needs help!
Jor-El: Your destiny is far greater than saving one human life.
Clark: No, I won't let her die!
Jor-El: Each time you let your emotions guide you, the fate of the entire planet is at risk. That is your weakness, Kal-El.

TV Show: Smallville
Clark: I wasn't born anywhere near Smallville. In fact, I wasn't born anywhere near this galaxy.
Chloe: Okay... okay... so that would make you an...
Clark: Yeah.
Chloe: But you... you look so--
Clark: Human? I'm still the same person.
Chloe: Clark... I think you're so amazing. You save people's lives and take zero credit for it. To me, you're more than just a hero. You're a super hero.
Clark: Chloe--
Chloe: I'm serious, Clark. If more humans were like you, the world would be a better place.

TV Show: Smallville