Grey's Anatomy Quotes

Meredith: You're here, you're everywhere, and I can't not tell you. You know, I've been not telling you all day because I thought it was kind and I thought I was giving you space. But I can't not tell you because you're here and you're you and I broke up with Finn.
Derek: Okay.
Meredith: Okay, then. Okay. I told you.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Mark: She told you. I've known you my whole life, I grew up with you so I know what you're thinking. That there is a year of your life wasted. Trying to make it work with Addison and you could have been with Meredith. That you could be happy right now. That all this, everything. That you and Meredith could have had a real chance. Still, I thought you should know the truth. Thought I owed you that, as a friend.
Derek: You're not my friend.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Meredith: [voiceover] First do no harm, easier said than done. We can take all the oaths in the world, but the fact is, most of us do harm all the time. Sometimes even when we're trying to help, we do more harm than good. And then the guilt rears its ugly head. What you do with that guilt is up to you. We're left with a choice. Either let the guilt throw you back into the behavior that got you into trouble in the first place, or learn from the guilt and do your best to move on.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Meredith[voiceover]: To make it - really make it - as a surgeon - it takes major commitment. We have to be willing to pick up that scalpel and make a cut that may or may not do more damage than good. It's all about being committed, because if we're not we have no business picking up that scalpel in the first place.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
George: Okay, I'll be Cristina for you, if you'll be Izzie for me.
Meredith: Deal.
[George stops the elevator]
Meredith: Derek had a woman in his trailer last night. She was ugly, very ugly, except she was tall and beautiful. And he was naked.
George: Oh. Uh, McDreamy was doing the McNasty with McHottie? That McBastard. Uh, how was that?
Meredith: That was good.
George: Cristina enough? [Meredith nods] Really?
Meredith: Yeah.
George: Yeah?
Meredith: Yeah.
George: Excellent.
Meredith: Channeling Izzie. Go.
George: Okay, uh, Callie... she won't forgive me. Uh, she won't talk to me. She dumped me. Which is uh, I don't care about, you know, at all...
Meredith: Good because you deserve better. You do. You are George. I mean seriously. Seriously. Seriously. Was that Izzie optimistic?
George: [a little stunned] Yes, it's very Izzie. [both of them sigh]
Meredith: What the hell has happened to us?
George: We are now the people that the people we want to be with avoid.
Meredith: We have careers to think about. We don't need attention from men with perfect hair.
George: You know, we should make a pact. There's no more dating.
Meredith: [nodding] No more Derek. No more Callie.
George: Just a hundred percent focused on our work.
Meredith: They're dead to us.
George: They're freakin' corpses to us. [knocks fists with Meredith]

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Nancy: What are you doing here, Mark? Are you trying to torture him?
Mark: He's my family, Nancy. Plus I needed a change of pace. [Nancy gives him an unconvinced look] Plus I slept with my tennis partner's wife and he went out and bought a gun.
Nancy: There it is.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Callie: [to George] I'm out of my element here, I break bones for a living, I used to live in the basement, most days I wear last night's eyeliner to work, and I don't give a crap about what other people think of me. Because I am a happily independent and successful woman and I like it that way, only when you say stuff like this, it just makes things too hard. So please, don't chase me anymore, unless you're ready to catch me.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Meredith: [voiceover] There are times when even the best of us have trouble with commitment, and we may be surprised at the commitments we're willing to let slip out of our grasp. Commitments are complicated. We may surprise ourselves by the commitments we're willing to make. True commitment, takes effort, and sacrifice. Which is why sometimes, we have to learn the hard way, to choose our commitments very carefully.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Meredith: [voiceover] As surgeons, we are trained to look for disease. Sometimes the problem is easily detected, most of the time we need to go step by step. First, probing the surface looking for any sign of trouble. Most of the time, we can't tell what's wrong with somebody by just looking at them. After all, they can look perfectly fine on the outside, while their insides tell a whole other story.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Meredith: Derek's camping. Taking time. Getting space.
Cristina: Prestons do not go into the woods. A guy named Preston is gonna get his ass kicked by a squirrel.
Izzie: It's basically a slumber party, they do it outside, we do it inside. It's really the only difference.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Meredith: Okay, before you start, there are rules to this friendship thing or whatever.
Mark: The Dirty Mistresses Club has rules? Gosh, I thought a bunch of dirty mistresses would be a little less uptight about these uh, rules.
Meredith: Number one, no flirting. Second, no talking about Derek and C, no giving me the face.
Mark: The face?
Meredith: The McSteamy face. Doesn't work on me. I'm immune.
Mark: You know, if I'd gone off to the woods, I would've invited you to keep me warm.
Meredith: Breaking rules 1, 2 and 3.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Eric: Man, I thought my brother and I had problems. But you two are morons.
Cristina: Okay, well, swallowing Monopoly pieces wasn't exactly a genius move. You could've really hurt yourself.
Eric: Well, I didn't did I? Now my mom's gonna make my brother let me play Monopoly all I want.
Cristina: And that makes you smart?
Eric: You're fishing through my poop. How smart are you?

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Meredith: [voiceover] Not all wounds are superficial. Most wounds run deeper than you can imagine. You can't see them with the naked eye. And then there are the wounds that take us by surprise. The trick with any kind of wound or disease is to dig down and find the real source of the pain - and once you've found it, try like hell to heal that sucker.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Meredith: [voiceover] Many people don't know that the human eye has a blind spot in its field of vision. There is a part of the world that we are literally blind to. The problem is, sometimes our blind spots shield us from things that really shouldn't be ignored. Sometimes our blind spots keep our lives bright and shiny.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Meredith: Today is the day people, today is the day when dark and twisty Meredith disappears forever, and Bright and Shiny Meredith takes her place! You're probably not gonna want to be friends with me anymore, because the sheer intensity of my happiness will make your teeth hurt, but that's OK, because life is good. Life is good.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Mark: There you are! What, did you go all the way to New York for my pastrami?
Alex: Extra spicy, extra lettuce, light on the mayo.
Addison: Mark, what are you doing?
Mark: Lunch. Want my pickle?
Addison: Seattle Grace is a teaching hospital, part of your job is to teach, your interns aren't your slaves.
Mark: Fine, no pickle for you!

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
George: I don't get you people.
Meredith: Us, with the boobs? We make a lot of bad decisions.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Meredith: [voiceover] When it comes to our blind spots, maybe our brains aren't compensating. Maybe they're protecting us.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Cristina: [voiceover] As doctors, we know everybody's secrets. Their medical histories. Sexual histories. Confidential information that is as essential to a surgeon as a ten-blade, and every bit as dangerous. We keep secrets, we have to, but not all secrets can be kept.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Derek: Six letter word for pinnacle.
Meredith: Zenith.
Derek: Ah, this is good. No sex. Crossword puzzles. Current events. When does the knitting start?
Meredith: [laughs] Shut up. Good things come to those who wait.
Derek: Yeah? I want sex. [pulls her close to him]
Meredith: There will be no sex!
Cristina: [enters Meredith's room, see's Meredith on top of Derek] Am I interrupting sex?
Derek: No.
Cristina: Good. [to Derek] Get out.
Derek: What? You can't ask me to leave.
Cristina: Meredith.
Meredith: [sees worried look on Cristina] Give us a second. [kisses Derek]
Derek: When I get back, there better be some sex. [gets up and leaves room]

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Cristina: We crossed the line. Together. I crossed the line with you.
Burke: You dragged me to cross the line. You made us a team. You told Shepherd I was fine. You said nobody has to know. I was out there on my own. You made us a team.
Cristina: I did what you needed me to do. You were standing there looking at me telling me your whole life was your hands, if you couldn't operate, if you couldn't be Preston Burke.
Burke: That was your concern, not mine!
Cristina: Oh no, no, no, no, you put that on me. [long pause] When you got shot, I walked away. And you cannot let that go, can you? I'm sticking now. I'm sticking. Do you know how tired I am? Do you know how scared I am every time we go into surgery? But I do it, for you.
Burke: Do you know how scared I am when we go into surgery? I don't have to just worry about my career now. I have to put yours on my back too.
Cristina: We are a team!
Burke: There is no team. There is no team! There is only me once again, making allowances for your emotional shortcomings! [long pause]
Cristina: OK, we shouldn't say anymore.
Burke: No, [pause] we shouldn't.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Callie: I'm going to kick Meredith's ass right now. [slams Meredith into the lockers]
Meredith: [shoves Callie back] Get off me!
Callie: [slams Meredith into lockers again] I kept your secrets. I was discreet. I was a really good friend to you and I didn't have to be. And then you go and do this?!
Meredith: [pushes Callie back] Do what?!
Izzie: Hey Callie! Use your words! Use your words!
Callie: Panties, Meredith! I'm talkin' about the McFrickin' Code of Silence! Pair of panties I pulled off the bulletin board. Not to mention the adulterous McSex I witnessed! You remember that?!
Izzie: [shields Meredith from Callie] Hey! Hey! I'm sorry, I'm sorry but she's very little and you're hurting her!
Callie: You told George! My night with McSteamy was not yours to share!
Izzie: That's what this is about? Your sex with McSteamy?
Callie: You told Izzie? [furiously tries to grab Meredith]
Izzie and Meredith: No! No!
Meredith: Callie! You told me you slept with someone! You never said it was Sloan. George told me it was Sloan.
Callie: [looks shocked and hurt] George? George told you. Who told George?
Izzie: Maybe perhaps the guy you slept with?
Callie: George thinks I betrayed him and I didn't. [pause] I didn't, we were broken up.
Meredith: Well. Go. Tell. George. [Callie leaves]
Izzie: [laughs] Dude, she went all cage fighter on you.
Meredith: [laughs] I know.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Cristina: [voiceover] In some ways, betrayal is inevitable. When our bodies betray us, surgery is often the key to recovery. When we betray each other, the path to recovery is less clear. We do whatever it takes to rebuild the trust that was lost. And then there are some wounds, some betrayals…that are so deep, so profound that there is no way to repair what was lost. And when that happens, there's nothing left to do but wait.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Chief: Why are you researching neurosurgeons when you and I both know that Derek's better than anybody?
Burke: I don't want Shepherd.
Chief: You blame this on him? Up until now, I have not yelled. I have not yelled because you are a guy in trouble and I was supporting you. But now I am yelling!
Burke: Chief.
Chief: I am yelling very loudly!!! I wanna retire, Burke! I want my wife back and I passed the torch to you! I passed the torch to you and you blew it out!
Burke: I know I let you down.
Chief: Burke, I'm tired. I'm tired of you men acting like boys. You let me down and if you don't let Derek fix that hand, you're letting yourself down.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Alex: [to Cristina] You're here? You haven't been kicked out of the program yet?
Meredith: Alex.
Cristina: No, not yet. I'm still here.
Alex: How did you do it? I mean, did you have some kinda signal in surgery so that the nurses wouldn't know? Or did you-
Meredith: Alex.
Alex: What? I'm just wondering how to get ahead around here. Me? I get coffee for Sloan and Yang gets surgeries none of us would get.
George: Got a head count of how many patients you two lied to the past month?
Meredith: George.
Izzie: Leave her alone. Her patients live so she gets to scrub in.
Meredith: Izzie.
Cristina: Meredith, please can you just stop defending me? [leaves]

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Dr. Hahn: You remind me of myself when I was an intern.
Cristina: I do?
Dr. Hahn: Focused, intense, cold, and I don't mean that as a bad thing, cold is good. The dating, the friends and the family, if you ask me, it's all overrated.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Bailey: I was responsible for Izzie Stevens. I was responsible and I'm responsible for Cristina Yang. I am the common thread here. I. Lost them, Cristina, Izzie.
Chief: Are not the same. Miranda, you raised them. You raised them like [pause] like children and some of them make mistakes and some of them disappoint you. Some of them. Do you know what kinda strength it must have taken for Yang to come to me? To report on an attending? On her boyfriend? Do you see how much she's grown? You raised them like children and some of them turn out exactly like you Dr. Bailey.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Meredith: [voiceover] At the end of the day, when it comes down to it, all we really want is to be close to somebody. So this thing where we all keep our distance and pretend not to care about each other, it's usually a load of bull. So we pick and choose who we want to remain close to, and once we've chosen those people, we tend to stick close by. No matter how much we hurt them. The people that are still with you at the end of the day, those are the ones worth keeping. And sure, sometimes close can be too close. But sometimes, that invasion of personal space, it can be exactly what you need.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
George: I just dropped 8.7 million dollars on the floor.
Izzie: So?
George: I shouldn't be able to drop 8.7 million dollars on the floor. [throws an apple at the newspaper she's reading] You need to deposit that check!
Izzie: George. Your father's surgery is tomorrow. Any chance you're misplacing your anxiety on me and my check?
George: No! There's no chance. That check ruins my morning every morning. It belongs in the bank! Would you just please, as a favor to me, just put it in the bank? Please?
Izzie: Hmm. No. But if you're nice to me for the next 7 minutes, I will.. give you a ride to work.
George: You don't deserve 8.7 million dollars!
Izzie: Hmm. So true. So true.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Heather: What are you all staring at? Really, if you're expecting me to be the brave and heartwarming differently-abled girl, that isn't going to be happen so go ahead and do your thing.
Bailey: Stevens.
Izzie: Heather Douglas, 17. Past medical history of VATER syndrome.
Bailey: Which is?
Izzie: VATER syndrome is a genetic condition that affects the vertebrae, anus, trachea, esophagus and renal system.
Heather: Wow, give this girl a medal. She memorised the whole acronym, which I assure you is a hell of a lot easier than living with it.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy