Battlestar Galactica (2003) Quotes

Adama: So say we all!

TV Show: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
[After a bout of negotiations with Sesha Abinell, leader of the Cloud 9 terrorists, Adama briefly confers with Tigh.]
Adama: Saul, we can't give her Sharon. I hope you know that, right?
Tigh: I know that. Against our dealing with the terrorists... if we start now, it'll open the floodgates; and it will never stop. And by the way, it's not Sharon. It's a frakking Cylon.
Adama: You don't think I know that?
Tigh: I think there's part of you that looks into that thing's eyes and still sees that young girl that reported aboard two years ago as a rook pilot. Well, it's not. It never was. Bill, it's a machine.

TV Show: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
[Following the Cylon ambush of Pegasus and the death of Commander Barry Garner (Pegasus's commanding officer).]
Adama: In your opinion, off the record, what was Garner's flaw?
Apollo: He was used to working with machines. Command is about people.
Adama: Remember that, as you take command of "The Beast". Garner was my decision; his failures, my responsibility. Don't let me fail a second time. Congratulations, Commander.

TV Show: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
[About Garner]
Starbuck: So, barely competent and paranoid? That's a hell of a combination.

TV Show: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
[Caprica-Sharon has gone into premature labor with her Hybrid baby.]
Doc Cottle: I find it absolutely amazing you people went to all the trouble to appear human, and didn't upgrade the plumbing.

TV Show: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
[Six and Three are talking about Boomer-Eight's resistance to her Cylon psychology]
Number Three: Caprica, you don't understand. She really needs your help. If we don't turn her around soon, there's talk of boxing her.
Caprica-Six: Putting her memories in cold storage? You can't be serious.
Virtual Baltar: [sardonically] Well, that's a charming way to deal with emotional problems! One might almost call it inhuman. Oh, that's right, you are!

TV Show: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
[Six is talking to the original Galactica-Sharon about Baltar's house.]
Caprica-Six: I always loved the view. Sunlight on the water. It's my favorite spot in the universe.
Virtual Baltar: Yeah, it's magical. Too bad you nuked it.

TV Show: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
[Roslin, Baltar, Admiral Adama and Colonel Tigh discuss what to do with the hybrid baby.]
Roslin: If the baby does survive, the question is — what do we do with it?
Baltar: Do? What are you suggesting? That we throw it out of an airlock?
Roslin: I don't make suggestions, Mr. Baltar. If I want to toss a baby out of an airlock, I'd say so.

TV Show: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
Caprica-Six: Look, God loves you.
Sharon Valerii: [showing photo of her Galactica crewmates] This is love. These people loved me. I loved them. I didn't pretend to feel something so I could screw people over. I loved them. And then I betrayed them. I shot a man I loved. Frakked over another man, ruined his life. And why? Because I'm a lying machine. I'm a frakking Cylon!

TV Show: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
[Roslin is trying to control her pre-debate giggles.]
Adama: You just have to really try to think about something serious. That always helps, right?
Roslin: Like what?
Adama: Well, like, uh... [they look at each other and crack up laughing]

TV Show: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
[Chief Tyrol is worried that like Galactica-Sharon, he could just as well be another Cylon sleeper agent.]
Tyrol: How do you know I'm human?
Brother Cavil: Oh, well, maybe because I'm a Cylon and I've never seen you at any of the meetings.

TV Show: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
Brother Cavil: Do you know how useless prayer is? Chanting, and singing, and mucking about with old half-remembered lines of bad poetry? And you know what it gets you? Exactly nothing.
Tyrol: Are you sure that you're a priest?

TV Show: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
[Vice-President (and Presidential candidate) Gaius Baltar, conferring with campaign manager Tom Zarek.]
Baltar: I'm not sure if you're aware, Tom, but the mob isn't usually in the habit of electing ungodly apostates who denigrate people of faith.

TV Show: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
[shaking hands after a presidential debate]
Baltar: Not your night, I guess.
Roslin: Why don't you go frak yourself?

TV Show: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
[Doctor Cottle, after treating Cally's broken jaw.]
Doc Cottle: Jaw set nicely. You're done here. I'm kicking you out of here and sending you back to work.
Cally: [muffled, with her jaw immobilized] Work? Like this?
Doc Cottle: You gotta love a woman who can complain even with her jaw wired shut.

TV Show: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
[Admiral Adama, remarking to newly-elected President Gaius Baltar that he needs to pay attention to a possible security risk.]
Adama: You're not listening.
Baltar: I don't have to listen. I'm the President.

TV Show: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
[Admiral Adama after deciding to jump rather than launch alert fighters when the Cylon fleet arrives at New Caprica.]
Adama: We're leaving. But we'll be back.

TV Show: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
Number Six: [To President Baltar as Cylon forces land on New Caprica.] Judgment Day.

TV Show: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
Number One: Let's review, why we're here shall we? Uh, we're supposed to bring the word of "God" to save the people right? To save humanity from damnation, by bringing the love of "god" these poor, benighted people.
Number Six: We're here because the majority of the Cylons felt that the slaughter of mankind had been a mistake.
Boomer: We're here to find a new way to live in peace.As god wants us to live.
Number One: And it's been a fun ride so far. But I want to clarify our objectives. If we're bringing the word of "god" it follows that we should employ any means necessary to do so. Any means. Yes, fear, is a key article of faith as I understand it, so perhaps it's time to instill a little more fear into the people's hearts and minds. Let's uh, let's execute Baltar.
Baltar: What? What?!
Number Six: That's not gonna happen.
Number One: Just because he's your favorite toy shouldn't interfere with the larger issues here.
Baltar: I think that I have co-operated-
Number Six: Gaius is with me. Anyone that wants to challenge that will have to deal with me.
Number Five: Well it doesn't matter. If we killed him at the beginning, it might've worked. But now most humans think of him as a traitor, and might actually cheer his death.
Number One: Fine, fine. We don't kill Baltar. We round up the leaders of the insurgency and we execute them, publicly. We round up at random, groups off the street and we execute them, publicly. Send a message that the gloves are coming off, the insurgency stops now or else we start reducing the human population to a more mangeable size. I don't know, say less than a thousand.
Boomer: We need to stop being butchers.
Number Six: The entire point of coming here was to start a new way of life. To push past the conflict that seperated us from humans for so long.

TV Show: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
Number Three: Is it really worth it Caprica? Is the love of that man really worth possibly losing all of this?
Caprica-Six: If you had ever experienced love, you wouldn't have to ask.

TV Show: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
[As a Three moves along the lines, congratulating graduates into the New Caprica Police]
Lieutenant Tucker "Duck" Clellan: (referring to his dead wife) I'll see you soon, Nora. (detonates his explosive vest)

TV Show: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
Tyrol: ...You know, we need to figure out who's side we're on.
Tigh: Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We're evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go.

TV Show: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
Tigh: [to Laura] You know, sometimes I think that you've got ice water in those veins, and other times I think you're just a naive little school teacher. I've sent men on suicide missions in two wars now, and let me tell you something; it don't make a Gods' damned bit of difference whether they're riding in a Viper or walking out onto a parade ground. In the end, they're just as dead. (puffs on cigarette) So take your piety and your moralizing and your high-minded principles and stick 'em some place safe till you're off this rock and you're sitting in your nice, cushy chair on Colonial One again. I've got a war to fight.

TV Show: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
Helo: Symbols matter. Uniforms, flags, banners - even mascots. They're like pieces of your heart that you can see.

TV Show: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
Sharon: [before going to the rescue mission on New Caprica, to Adama] Can I ask you a question? How do you know? I mean, how do you really know that you can trust me?
Adama: I don't. That's what trust is.

TV Show: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
Adama: I'll see you at the rendezvous point.
Apollo: Eighteen hours. Try not to be late.
Adama: I'm getting old; I'm a little slow, but I'll be there.
Apollo: Gods, I wish I could talk you out of this...
Adama: You can't. You tried.
Apollo: You know, Dad, um...
Adama: Don't. Don't make me cry on my own hangar deck.

TV Show: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
[The Galactica is preparing to jump to New Caprica and begin the rescue]
Adama: This is the Admiral. You've heard the news, you know the mission. You should also know there is only one way that this mission ends: and that's with the successful rescue of our people, off of New Caprica. Look around you. Take a good look at the men and women that stand next to you. Remember their faces, for one day you will tell your children and your grandchildren that you served with such men and women as the universe has never seen. And together, you'll accomplish the feat that will be told and retold down through the ages, and find immortality as only the gods once knew. I'm proud to serve with you. Good hunting.

TV Show: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
Number Three: What would you have us do, Gaius?
Gaius Baltar: Leave. Pack up your centurions, and go. Please. Go.
Number Three: And then what? What would you do if we really just left you here? You'd live out your lives in peace and never trouble yourselves with thoughts of us again? Or would you raise your children with stories of the Cylon, the mechanical slaves who once did your bidding, only to turn against you? Killers who committed genocide against your race, the occupiers of this city until we just ran away? Would you tell them to tell the story to their children, and to their children's children, and nurse a dream of vengeance down through the years so that one day they could just go out into the stars and hunt the Cylon once more?
Gaius Baltar: Blood for blood ...has to stop one day.

TV Show: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
[Hot Dog preparing to launch his Viper while the Galactica freefalls through New Caprica's atmosphere]
Brendan "Hot Dog" Costanza: Well... this oughta be different.

TV Show: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
[in the CIC of the heavily damaged Battlestar Pegasus]
Apollo: Set main batteries to auto-fire cycle B! Lock engines ahead flank! [into announcement system] This is the Commander: abandon ship, abandon ship! All hands, abandon ship. Report to evac Raptors and jump to rendezvous point! Good work, and I'll see you on the other side.
Dualla: All right, people, let's move! Out! Let's go! [turns to see Apollo lingering at his station] You too, Commander.
Apollo: Yes, sir. [starts to leave, but pauses to take one last look at the CIC; addressing the ship herself] Thank you.

TV Show: Battlestar Galactica (2003)