Ashes to Ashes Quotes

Gene Hunt: You know, Keats and people like him, they wanna take us down, Alex. So whatever he says... don't help him.

TV Show: Ashes to Ashes
[Gene, Alex, Chris and Ray arrive at the suspects house. Gene walks up the driveway and addresses the suspects wife]
Gene Hunt: Cup of tea, sugar, pleanty of milk and my biscuit of choice is the garibaldi.

TV Show: Ashes to Ashes
[The team arrive at the mortuary and view the body of a dead drug dealer]
Ray Carling: If I wanted to wipe out a bunch of dealers, I’d grab 'em, shoot 'em up and overdose 'em. Then they'd be just another statistic.
Alex Drake: We wouldn't've even noticed Warren Johnston's death if the guv had not wanted to speak to him. Which makes you wonder, doesn't it? How many times has this happened before? Because this is murder!
Gene Hunt: Yes, thank you, Quincy.

TV Show: Ashes to Ashes
[Gene and the team watch for the whereabouts of the undercover police woman while waiting in the Quattro]
Gene Hunt: Hey up, there she is, Miss Undercover 1983.
Ray Carling: Oh yes! Leave this one to me guv...

TV Show: Ashes to Ashes
Gene Hunt: Good, right! Looks like old Danny Boy is going down faster than a five pound prozzy.

TV Show: Ashes to Ashes
Louise: Being undercover, it’s not what I thought it would be.
Chris Skelton: Well, you've got balls though. [Louise looks at Chris] You know what I mean, you've got balls, balls as in...

TV Show: Ashes to Ashes
Jim Keats: You look a little strung out.
Alex Drake: Do I? Well I haven't been sleeping well. Erm... This may sound a bit strange to you but I think I'm being haunted.
Jim Keats: Metaphorically or...
Alex Drake: ... No, literally!
Jim Keats: Huh! Odd is probably underselling it a bit then. I can't say I believe in all that sort of thing to be honest.
Alex Drake: No, nor do I, well not in the real world I don't...
Jim Keats: Who is haunting you? An old lady? A creepy child? King Edward the Second?
[They both laugh]
Alex Drake: It's a police man, actually.
Jim Keats: Oh ,that's interesting.

TV Show: Ashes to Ashes
[The team pull Danny Stafford over and search his car]
Gene Hunt: Where you off to Danny? Church?
Danny Stafford: I'm off to see the girlfriend for a spot of morning glory.
Gene Hunt: What at five in the morning? Do I have gullible written on my forehead?
Alex Drake: Here we go again.
[Gene leans in and Danny looks briefly at Gene's forehead giving Gene the opportunity to head butt him]
Gene Hunt: You see I know you're lying Danny because your lips move, just like your old man.
[Ray opens the glove compartment to Danny's car and finds some heroin]
Ray Carling: Guv, you'll want to see this.
Gene Hunt: [To Danny] What's this? A little present for the girlfriend?

TV Show: Ashes to Ashes
[After Danny escapes the team searching his car, Gene, Chris, Ray and Alex give chase to him. Danny jumps over a brick wall and Chris tries to throw a can of fuel oil at Danny but misses. Gene follows Danny over the wall while the team wait. Lots of smashing and crashing can be heard from over the wall. After a moment Gene pops his head over the wall next to a Blue Peter logo on a sign]
Gene Hunt: Would somebody like to give me a hand dragging this bastard back over?
[Alex spots the sign]
Alex Drake: Is there a garden in there?
Gene Hunt: Yes, why?
[Cut to sometime later in the CID office. The team watch an episode of Blue Peter on their TV. The presenters talk about the garden being vandalised and the members of CID stare at Gene]
Blue Peter Presenter: Vandals broke into the Blue Peter Garden and caused rather a lot of damage and one really cruel thing they did was to pour fuel oil into the fish pond. We've drained the pond and rescued some of the fish although a lot of them have died and the fuel itself has caused a lot of damage. If that wasn't enough, they then smashed our sundial and callously threw into the pond. We hope to repair the damage, but it is very sad to think that there are a few people that take such pleasure in...
Gene Hunt: It's only a bloody garden! [To Shaz] Turn it off.
Shaz: It’s such a shame, those poor little fish.
Gene Hunt: Off!

TV Show: Ashes to Ashes
[Gene and Alex stand in a corridor discussing Louise and her undercover operation]
Alex Drake: I was thinking after all this is over we could bring her onto the team.
Gene Hunt: No!
Alex Drake: Why not?
Gene Hunt: She's a damn fine copper but she's too much of a liability.
Alex Drake: I think she would be alright under you guidance.
Gene Hunt: Do I look like a piece of toast?
Alex Drake: No?
Gene Hunt: Then stop buttering me up like some demented housewife.

TV Show: Ashes to Ashes
[In the interview room Alex interrogates Danny Stafford while Gene stands against a wall]
Alex Drake: Five dealers dead in two months. A van load of heroin which you tried to steal. A network of dealers you tried to set up...
Gene Hunt: Not to mention the party pack in the glove compartment.

TV Show: Ashes to Ashes
Chris Skelton: Guv, the CCTV is up and working.
Gene Hunt: Right.
[The team enter the room with the CCTV monitoring equipment. They view the prisoners on a screen]
Gene Hunt: Can they hear us?
Ray Carling: [Getting close the screen and the mic] Oi! Scrot you’re being watched by DI Ray Carling.
[There is no reaction by the people on the screen]

TV Show: Ashes to Ashes
Gene Hunt: Just been through the prison records seems our escaped prisoner Paul Thordy shared a cell with Jason Sacks. It appears someone didn’t want us to know that, they covered it up.
Alex Drake: What and you believe this is important?
Gene Hunt: [Sarcastically] No, I have just spent the last hour going through all this for my own mindless entertainment!

TV Show: Ashes to Ashes
Shaz: Ray, I need to talk to you.
Ray Carling: Now is not the time, Shaz.
Shaz: Tell me! I heard Chris teasing you about seeing stars?
Ray Carling: It was nothing. [Pause, Shaz looks at Ray, pressing him] Yeah, alright I saw something... stars.
Shaz: Stars all around in a blackness like space?
Ray Carling: Yeah, or like dots of light. You know, like just before you black out. Look, I probably had one too many at Luigi’s, that’s all. It’s no big deal.

TV Show: Ashes to Ashes
Ray Carling: [To Chris] Kinnock or Worzel Gummidge? Who would win in a break dancing competition?

TV Show: Ashes to Ashes
Paul Thordy: [To Gene] I want to float amongst the stars.

TV Show: Ashes to Ashes
[Alex arrives at the cells to see Paul Thordy. She lowers the viewing plate on his cell, Paul is there right up against the glass]
Paul Thordy: I knew you’d come. You’ve got to help me.
Alex Drake: No, no! You’ve got to help me. Our friend is in danger. Is there anything that you can tell me that can help?
Paul Thordy: Yes.
Alex Drake: Well tell me.
[Paul's face turns to a smirk as he starts to laugh]
Alex Drake: It’s not funny!
Paul Thordy: It’s hard not to when you know the truth. [Pause] None of this is real. Sacks isn’t relevant. The riot isn’t relevant. It’s only us that matters Alex.
Alex Drake: Who are you?
Paul Thordy: My name is Sam Tyler. I had an accident and I woke up in 1973.
[Alex backs away from the door and viewing window]
Alex Drake: No! NO!
Paul Thordy: Am I mad? In a coma? Or back in... [Alex closes the viewing shutter on him]

TV Show: Ashes to Ashes
[Alex returns to the cells to question Paul Thordy]
Paul Thordy: Do you get the dizzy spells a lot? What about visions? Do they happen to you? They happened to me more and more as I got closer. I am Sam Tyler, Alex!
Alex Drake: What so you’ve had a face transplant have you?

TV Show: Ashes to Ashes
Chris Skelton: Any news on Viv guv?
Jim Keats: He’s been moved. We can no longer see him on the CCTV.
Gene Hunt: Yes. Feel free to butt in, Jim!

TV Show: Ashes to Ashes
Alex Drake: [To Ray] Why didn’t you tell me that Thordy was Tyler’s last arrest?
Ray Carling: What?
Alex Drake: A week before his accident, Thordy was Sam’s last collar. Why did no one tell me this?

TV Show: Ashes to Ashes
Jim Keats: What now?
Gene Hunt: Now? I’m gonna show you something.
[The scene cuts to Gene’s office. Gene throws a level arch file down on the desk]
Jim Keats: What’s this? Your memoirs?
Gene Hunt: It’s a list of visitors to the prison over the last year.
Jim Keats: Wow! Some good honest police work. Have a sticker.

TV Show: Ashes to Ashes
[Believing they are about to die at the hands of the prisoners, Ray and Chris reflect on life and their friendship]
Ray Carling: You’ve been a good pal to me. I don’t know how to say this without looking like a twat.
Chris Skelton: Go on.
Ray Carling: Well. If you don’t make it out of here, can I have your mug? 'Coz mine is knackered.

TV Show: Ashes to Ashes
Alex Drake: What is it? What’s the answer?
Paul Thordy: It’s... It’s a tin box. The answers are in there. Good luck Alex.

TV Show: Ashes to Ashes
[Attending Viv’s wake, Gene loses his temper with Chris]
Gene Hunt: I’ve just lost one of my finest and I’m stuck with officers like you, Skelton, you clumsy bastard [Throws glass at wall]

TV Show: Ashes to Ashes
Jim Keats: The time has come, Alex. Do what you were brought here to do. Get me Gene Hunt!

TV Show: Ashes to Ashes
[Alex enters Gene’s office. Gene stares out of his office window but notices her presence]
Gene Hunt: Bugger off, I’m grieving.

TV Show: Ashes to Ashes
Gene Hunt: Can I please have a bit of peace and bastard quiet!!?!

TV Show: Ashes to Ashes
Gene Hunt: Ray, get yourself back down that shabong.
Ray Carling: Shebeen.
Gene Hunt: Shebangs, Shebeens, shebongs, showaddywoddy... whatever.

TV Show: Ashes to Ashes
Gene Hunt: So what've you got?
Alex Drake: It's Tzi-Tzi, she seems agitated I think she may have something.
Gene Hunt: Good. Well maybe it's about time she had a chat with her Uncle Gene.
Alex Drake: Go easy on her won't you, she's had a hell of a life.
Gene Hunt: The very thought.
[Gene walks away from Alex's desk towards the door and opens it, he looks at Tzi-Tzi]
Gene Hunt: Right Zitty your in with me!

TV Show: Ashes to Ashes
[Ray produces a pocket knife from his jacket to open the barrel in the African's squat]"
Shaz: They're illegal!!
Ray Carling: Are they? Maybe we should tell the Police.

TV Show: Ashes to Ashes