When the World Came to San Francisco Quotes

Narrator: The Exposition did shine brightly. The Tower of Jewels burst forth with great blazes of colour at night. It was a rainbow of hope... illuminating a city of dreams... a Jewel City... but soon, this city would be no more. It would only remain in memory, in ones dreams.

Movie: When the World Came to San Francisco
Reyna Belasco Rosenthal: When I was very small I yearned to travel the world, to visit other lands, to experience other customs and cultures, to hear their languages and dance to their music. Then one day, my wish came true.

Movie: When the World Came to San Francisco
Narrator: In the pre-dawn light of Wednesday, April 18th, a great earthquake struck the city... Amid the thunderous roar, church bells rang from swaying steeples and the sound of a thousand dogs barked in the darkness.

Movie: When the World Came to San Francisco
Clinton Park: Thank you for sharing this, Mrs. Rosenthal. I think our readers will really enjoy your story.
Reyna Belasco Rosenthal: May I tell you something, Mr. Park? As some of us grow older, we start to lose our voice. We give away our independence and begin to rely on the decisions and wisdom of others. So, in time, I gave up some of my own free will just to aid in my survival... but I will never surrender my memories.

Movie: When the World Came to San Francisco