Undeclared Quotes

Steven: I'm exploring my options.
Lloyd: Okay, Lizzie... Your right hand. Those are your options.

TV Show: Undeclared
Lizzie: This is my friend Kelly.
Kelly: Hey. It's nice to meet you.
Ron: Kelly, oh, that's... That's Gaelic for, uh, church or warrior.

TV Show: Undeclared
Ron: Are you hungry for breakfast yet?
Kelly: Aww... yeah, I'm hungry... but not for breakfast, though.
Ron: Oh, so, uh, you want seconds. There's plenty of Ron left. Yeah I got... what do you want? I got Ron links. Those are good.
Kelly: That sounds good.
Ron: There's Ronffles, which is like a waffle, kind of.
Kelly: Kind of!
Marshall: I'm right here. I exist. Please stop talking like that!
Kelly: Hey, Marshall, why don't you just go back to pretending like you're asleep like you did last night.

TV Show: Undeclared
Marshall: Lloyd, you know how girls like you?
Lloyd: Yeah.
Marshall: Um, I was wondering if you get a lot of 'em tonight, if it's cool if I take your overflow?
Lloyd: Marshall, I bequeath you my overflow.
Marshall: YES!

TV Show: Undeclared
Theo: He [Steven] was always a geek in high school.
Lizzie: Hey, none of us were perfect in high school. So, you were a geek. Everybody was something. I was a slut.

TV Show: Undeclared
Steven: {Holding an armfull of condoms} Well, I think I have enough condoms... for tonight!

TV Show: Undeclared
Rex: You know what a relationship is? Real Exciting Love Affair that Turns Into Ongoing Nightmare... Sobriety Hangs In Peril. Something like that, I got it tattooed on my back, you wanna read it?

TV Show: Undeclared
Rex: She's a good girl man, I know.
Eric: I know.
Rex: Reminds me of another girl I once knew.
Eric: Who?
Rex: Her name is Your Mother. I'll tell you something, buddy. There is nothing as good as the love of a good woman. Except ecstasy.

TV Show: Undeclared