The Suite Life on Deck Quotes

Bailey Pickett: The islanders would be so grateful, they might put your picture on their coins.
London Tipton: Oh, do you really think so? Then I could flip myself to decide what shoes to wear!

TV Show: The Suite Life on Deck
Bailey Pickett: I knew my pig gram would work! It's how they delivered mail in Kettlecorn until 1995.
London Tipton: Let me guess, your phone is two cans and a string?

TV Show: The Suite Life on Deck
Carey Martin: Mr Moseby, it's so good to see you.
Mr. Moseby: And here's your bill.
Carey Martin: I haven't even checked in yet.
Mr. Moseby: It's for everything the boys have broken since they've been on board.

TV Show: The Suite Life on Deck
Carey Martin: Oh, my back is killing me. Cheap Charlie's started their own airline. They cut fares by eliminating frivolous amenities like seats and bathrooms.

TV Show: The Suite Life on Deck
Mr. Moseby: "-Boys,boys,boys... Maybe there is a lesson in all this. Maybe in the future you two become more responsible.I cant even say it with a straight face."
Mr. Moseby: [laughter]

TV Show: The Suite Life on Deck
Miss Tutweiller: Bailey, I'd let you stay; but unfortunately we don't have a cabin to put you in.
Zack: She can stay in my room. I'm willing to take one for the team.
Miss Tutweiller: I meant, a girl's cabin. Every girl has a roommate.
London: Except for me!
Bailey: Oh, London. Thank you. Thank you.
Moseby: London, so nice of you to share your room with Bailey.
London: I wasn't offering! I was gloating! Stupid Sea School!

TV Show: The Suite Life on Deck
Bailey: I want to stay here and be your BFF! (hugs London)
London: Get O-F-F.

TV Show: The Suite Life on Deck
Mr. Moseby: [reading a letter from London] "I can't take it anymore. No one understands me, no one cares about me. I'm going to a place where no one will ever find me!

P.S. Please send my luggage to Daddy's villa on Parrot Island even though that's not where I'm going."

TV Show: The Suite Life on Deck
Mr.Moseby: [on cell phone] Yes, Captain, I want you to turn this ship around right away. We're missing a student. Well, here's why you should care: that student is London Tipton! [boat tips far to the side]

TV Show: The Suite Life on Deck
Bailey: Look! Where did that little piggy come from?
Woody: That's what the doctor said when he saw my extra toe.
Bailey: [to the pig] Are you stuck? Here, I have something for you. You like nuts? [picking up a rope lying on the ground] Oh, this rope will work like a leash. There. Aw, he's so sweet. He reminds me of my--
Zack: Breakfast?
Cody: Football?
Bailey: Y'all hush up! He reminds me of my pet pig from back on the farm. Sir Snorts-a-Lot and I were best friends. Then one day I woke up and he wasn't there any more. I got really worried. But Mama told me he moved to the big city.

TV Show: The Suite Life on Deck
Bus boy: I swiped this card and the machine just laughed. Ha-ha. Seriously though, you've maxed out your card.
Cody: You used up all the money on your card?
Zack: No, I used up all the money on your card. I maxed out mine yesterday.
Bus boy: Then this is yours. [cutting up the card] Is it a snowflake? Is it a butterfly? No.
Cody: You took my card?
Zack: Well, you left it lying around.
Cody: It was in my wallet! Under my pillow, guarded by Mister Snuggle Bear.
Zack: Well, he didn't put up much of a fight.
Cody: Zack, that was all of the money we had for food for the entire semester!
Zack: Well, why didn't you tell me that before I took your card? Cody, are you coming to give me a hug? [looks scared] Maybe not.

TV Show: The Suite Life on Deck
Zack: Here's your four-berry glass. Boisen, rasp, blue and straw.
Ashton: I only ordered three.
Zack: Then I guess your "berry" lucky.
Ashton: Then I guess you won't be getting a "berry" big tip.
Zack: Which would make me "berry" sad. Your turn.

TV Show: The Suite Life on Deck
[Zack is making more juice.]
Ashton: I know how hard it is to press a button, but this isn't a smoothie. It is a lumpy.

TV Show: The Suite Life on Deck
London: Moseby and Tutweiller sitting in a tree. K-I-issing.

TV Show: The Suite Life on Deck
London: Told you, she's poor! She sleeps on a raft!
Bailey: London, they make very comfortable inflatable mattresses these days.
Maddie: They do... But this happens to be a raft.

TV Show: The Suite Life on Deck
Maddie: I can't believe I'm being forced to marriage at gunpoint!
Bailey: More like cannon point!

TV Show: The Suite Life on Deck
Tutweiller: Has anyone ever heard of the International Dateline?
[Cody and Bailey raise their hands.]
Woody: What you say to a French babe so she'll go out with you?
Bailey: No. It's an imaginary line created in 1884, to the east of which the date is a day earlier than it is to the west.
Cody: So when you cross the dateline you have to turn your clocks back 24 hours, a full day.
Tutweiller: Correct. [claps] Yay! Which is what we are going to do tonight.
Zack: That works for me. Because if tomorrow is going to be today again, then today is actually yesterday, which means that yesterday's homework isn't due today, it's really due... tomorrow!
Tutweiller: In other words, you didn't do your homework?
Zack: Not yet.

TV Show: The Suite Life on Deck
Tutweiller: London, can you tell me what this is?
London: A bad manicure.
Tutweiller: No. Though, ew. Okay. Has anyone heard of the International Dateline?
Cody: Wait a second. What's going on here? We already learned about the International Dateline.
Tutweiller: I'm sorry if you read ahead, Cody, but I have to teach to the lowest common denominator.
[Zack is balancing a pencil on his nose.]
Zack: Whoa, whoa, we're doing Math now? I thought this was Geography.
Cody: No. I mean, what happened to the dance?
Bailey: You mean, the one we're having tonight?
Cody: I'm having the strangest sense of déjà vu.
London: Déjà who?
Cody: Déjà vu. It's French for "I've seen this all before."
Zack: Wait a second. This is French? I thought this was Math.

TV Show: The Suite Life on Deck
Bailey: Goose darn it! Where are all the shrimp?
Cody: Yes. Everything is going according to plan.

TV Show: The Suite Life on Deck
London: Wow Cody! You're telepathetic!

TV Show: The Suite Life on Deck
Tutweiller: London, can you tell me what this is?
Cody: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tutweiller: You're probably right, Cody, but let's give her a chance anyway.
[London makes a face at Cody]

TV Show: The Suite Life on Deck
Mr. Moesby: How's the speech going?
London: Pretty good. Here it goes: "Ladies and..."
Mr. Moesby: That's it?
London: So far."
Mr. Moesby: Well,you have to admit that it's some of her best work.
Miss Tutweiller: [looks at London's speech] She misspelled "ladies."
Mr. Moesby: I know."
Miss Tutweiller: London, since when is there a q in "ladies"?
London: It's a silent q! Duh!

TV Show: The Suite Life on Deck
Woody: But she's smart and you're smart. That's stupid.

TV Show: The Suite Life on Deck
Chelsea: London!
London: Wow, you look just like my friend Chelsea! Same stringy hair, same ugly clothes, same bad nose job.
Chelsea: I am Chelsea.
London: Chelsea, you look fabulous!

TV Show: The Suite Life on Deck
Cody: Good morning, ladies. I'm using the one hour Moseby lets us be on deck for a little yoga.
London: I prefer my yoga with fruit on the bottom.

TV Show: The Suite Life on Deck
London: Well, we'll just have to change their answers so they match.
Zack: No kidding. Miss Tutweiller is looking for a six foot guy.
London: Well, that's a deal-breaker. Moseby's only got two feet.

TV Show: The Suite Life on Deck
Ms. Tuttwiler: I don't get it. His name is Curly, but he doesn't have any hair.
Mr. Moesby: That's the joke!

TV Show: The Suite Life on Deck
London: Once, when I flunked Kindergarden, Daddy cut my allowance to one pony a week.

TV Show: The Suite Life on Deck
Zack: [jokingly] Hey, Yogi, [points at Yogi] where's Boo Boo?
Yogi: Wow. [sarcastically] First time I heard that one.

TV Show: The Suite Life on Deck
London: Unpack what? She can't afford any luggage.

TV Show: The Suite Life on Deck