The Nanny Quotes

Mr. Sheffield: Where is Ms. Fine anyway?
Niles: She's upstairs getting all farpitzed.
Mr. Sheffield: What does that mean?
Niles: You know, dressed.
Mr. Sheffield: I thought that was farblondzshet.
Niles: No, sir, that means confused.
Mr. Sheffield: No, man, that's farkakteh.
Niles: Well then, what's farshimlt?
Mr. Sheffield: I think that's her uncle.

TV Show: The Nanny
Mr. Sheffield: It's President Clinton's Renaissance Weekend. I was hoping I'd be invited.
Fran: Oh, a Renaissance Weekend. Boy, Clinton goes to those things? 'Cause I'm thinking tights and a pointy hat is not his best look.

TV Show: The Nanny
Mr. Sheffield: Where is this brother of yours, C.C.?
Fran: Brother? There's a brother coming? Is he short, ugly and married?
C. C.: No, why?
Fran: Then I gotta change.

TV Show: The Nanny
Fran: Ma, Jules is gonna be here in two minutes. Would you stop futzing with my skirt? Can you believe her? Stop it!
Mr. Sheffield: Ms. Fine, she's your mother. She's just pulling it down.
Fran: She's my mother. She's hiking it up.

TV Show: The Nanny
Therapist: So, ladies, what brings you to therapy?
Fran: I came because my mother has an obsession with me getting married.
Sylvia: I came because my daughter has a delusion that I have an obsession.
Yetta: I came because they brought me and I don't know how to get home from here.

TV Show: The Nanny
Fran: I felt just like my mother when I told her I lost my virgin... [Sees Grace] Airline tickets.
Grace: Did they give you another one?
Fran: No, honey. When you lose that ticket, it's non-refundable.
Niles: Unless you get engaged to Prince Charles, then it miraculously reappears.

TV Show: The Nanny
[When Frieda and Sylvia see each other with Fran]
Frieda & Sylvia: [Spoken simultaneously] What is she doing here?! She invited me! You're not welcome here! Fine! I'm leaving!

TV Show: The Nanny
Fran: Ma, you have nothing to do with this!
Sylvia: I have nothing to do with my daughter's boss's daughter's sweet sixteen?

TV Show: The Nanny
[After Sylvia is told she's not invited to Maggie's sweet sixteen party]
Fran: Ma, Aunt Frieda didn't get you blackballed!! They kicked you out because you donated cakes with half the frosting licked off!!!
Sylvia: (looks annoyed) I felt lightheaded in the car!!

TV Show: The Nanny
Sylvia [to Frieda]: Drop dead.
Frieda: Cook for me, and I will! (leans over to Fran) Your father was the first bulimic in Flushing.

TV Show: The Nanny
Niles: Did you pick up Miss Margaret's present from Mr. Sheffield?
CC: No. I spent the entire day driving around Greenwich, Connecticut looking for that damn jewelry store!
Niles: Oh, did I say "Greenwich, Connecticut"? I meant Greenwich Village.
CC: That's 10 minutes away, you boob! That's ridiculous, I don't know why that stupid store doesn't deliver. (leaves the house)
Niles: (looking at the present which was in his pocket) Oh, they do! I wonder if I can catch her. (walks very slowly towards the door, opens it, and in a very low voice) Miss Babcock, oh, Miss Baabcoock!

TV Show: The Nanny
Maxwell: Because we're British.
Niles: Yeah, we can say anything we like and people will think it's Shakespeare.

TV Show: The Nanny
Fran: You know, Niles, if you're not part of the solution... you're my mother.

TV Show: The Nanny
[After screaming out Niles' name from the hall at 5 o'clock in the morning]
Fran: Oh, good, you heard me.
Niles: Van Gogh heard you. He's dead AND missing an ear.... [looks at her face] You sleep in your make-up?
Fran: Honey, do you see a ring on this finger?

TV Show: The Nanny
Fran: Maybe I should have told Val I'd move into that apartment with her.
Mr. Sheffield: Come on, Ms. Fine. You live upstairs and you're late for work.

TV Show: The Nanny
Grace [to Fran]: Everybody will make fun of me! You have no idea how cruel children can be.
Fran: Honey, I've had this voice since the 2nd grade. Need I say more?

TV Show: The Nanny
Fran: Gracie, that whining is so annoying. (whining) Where did you pick that up?

TV Show: The Nanny
Val: Oh my God, a roach! A roach!
Fran: Well, take your shoe off and kill it!
(Val takes off her shoe and steps on the roach with her bare foot)

TV Show: The Nanny
Fran: What's the first thing I do when I'm upset?
Brighton: Eat a box of Mallomars.
Maggie: Rent The Way We Were.
Grace: Blame your mother.

TV Show: The Nanny
Fran: The years are passing me by! 27, 28, 29, 29, 29...

TV Show: The Nanny
Maxwell: Listen, everyone. Miss Fine will be back from her Shoppers Anonymous meeting any second. So let's have no more talk of shopping, OK?
Fran: Hi, everyone!
Maxwell: (looking at his plate) Oh, Niles, that's far too much. Take half off. Oh!
Fran: Oh, no, no, that's OK. I don't want anybody walking on eggshells around me. If I begin to falter, I just say my little prayer: "God, give me the serenity to accept the things I cannot, change!"

TV Show: The Nanny
Niles: So you didn't hear it from me, but Fran starts guessing Danny Thomas, Danny K, but Val meant Danny, her ex fiance, whose worse than dead. He's getting married.
Maggie: You lie!
Niles: As if.
Maxwell: Niles, that is quite enough gossip, thank you.
Brighton: So who's he marrying?
Niles: Heather Biblow.
Maxwell: No! The tramp that stole him away from Miss Fine?
Niles: Mhm hm. But you didn't hear it from me.

TV Show: The Nanny
Maxwell: Just spare me the details.
Niles: Alright, but it's about Danny and Heather Biblow.
Maxwell: Alright, come on, dish!
Niles: Well, you didn't hear it from me, but Heather wants Val out of the bridal shop so Danny fired her.
Maxwell: He didn't!
Niles: He did.

TV Show: The Nanny
Fran: Er...I'm letting go and you're not. Why?
Sydney: Aren't you gay too?
Fran: Me? No!
Sydney: I just assumed. You're over 30, never been married, there isn't a man in your life...
Fran: Oh, honey, I'm not gay. I'm just pathetic.

TV Show: The Nanny
Fran: Oh my God!
Mr. Sheffield: What? Another rat?
Fran: Worse. There's an echo in here. I just heard my own voice.

TV Show: The Nanny
Val: Fran, you think we're being too particular? Maybe we should lower our standards.
Fran: Val, we're already down to "mammal."

TV Show: The Nanny
Niles: Uh-oh. Someone's got a hell of a mess to clean up... Damn, it's me.

TV Show: The Nanny
Maggie: I go to Whitney's for one night and you guys completely trash the place? I miss everything.

TV Show: The Nanny
Val [to Fran]: Benny's clam bar burned down!
Fran: How?
Val: A fire!

TV Show: The Nanny
Fran: Don't panic! We just have to find a place to hold a hundred men and women by tonight!
Val: We're never gonna meet anybody!
Fran: We're gonna die alone!

TV Show: The Nanny