Stargate Universe Quotes

Rush: Are you familiar with the cosmic microwave background radiation?
Young: Noise left over from the Big Bang.
Rush: A long time ago, the Ancients made a discovery. They found evidence of a structure buried deep within the background radiation. They believed that, at one time, this structure had genuine complexity, coherence, therefore could not have occurred naturally.
Young: How is that even possible?
Rush: It's not - at least not according to our current understanding of physics, nor could we even see this structure with our technology.
Young: OK, so what are we talking about? Some kind of code, a message?
Rush: A message, perhaps, or a sign of intelligence from the beginning of time.
Young: Sent by?
Rush: Hmm. Well, that's the very question they sought to answer when they launched Destiny. That is the mission. We're talking about a mystery rooted in the foundation of reality, a puzzle with pieces scattered across the length and breadth of the universe itself.

TV Show: Stargate Universe

Eli: (Unhappily, to Amanda Perry, who is using Ginn's body) You know, sometimes, with the stones, it's easy to forget you're in another person's body.

TV Show: Stargate Universe
Rush: Something wrong?
Young: On the contrary. So far it seems like everything you said is true.
Volker: About the Ancients finding evidence of a signal once being broadcast across the universe.
Brody: It is amazing. Distinct structure in the background radiation.
Young: That sounds like static to me.
Eli: Were you expecting “Stairway to Heaven?"
Volker: This is huge.

TV Show: Stargate Universe

Greer: I don't care if the colonel forgives him. I never will.
Scott: I'm not sure if anyone's forgiven him, but maybe he's right. Fulfilling Destiny's mission is the best chance of getting home one day.
Greer: All I'm saying is, from now on he'd better watch his own back.

TV Show: Stargate Universe

Simeon: I let you live. You know why? (whispers into his radio to Rush) I wanted you to live with it the way I have. I wanted the pain to eat you alive. I know it's a fate worse than death. I let you live, but next time I won't. You want your revenge? You come and get it, Rush. I'm gonna put you out of your misery.

TV Show: Stargate Universe

Scott: I hope you were right about Simeon not telling us about the attack on Earth. (He stands up as the stargate dials) I'd hate to think we could have prevented it.

TV Show: Stargate Universe
Scott: You feel any better?

TV Show: Stargate Universe
Caine: (over the communications) Hello? Can anyone hear me? Hello?
Rush: That sounds like Caine!
Volker: Caine's more monotone than that.
Young: Yeah, he's also in another galaxy.

TV Show: Stargate Universe

Young: You can all return to your original quarters. You will be given a list of duties to help carry your weight as members of this crew.
Caine: Is this as close as we're gonna get to "welcome aboard?"
Young: Yeah, it is. Right now I don't have any reason to treat you like prisoners.
Peter: Thank you.
Young: (sternly) Don't give me a reason.

TV Show: Stargate Universe

Caine: This body's nothing but a shadow - not reborn but reanimated, and not by God but by beings who can rebuild a man's body ... but not his soul.

TV Show: Stargate Universe
Rush: You know we grew up taught to believe that everyone's equal. That you are no better than anyone else – Of course that's a lie. Some are better than others. And there are those who recognize what makes them better and are able to exploit that to succeed.

TV Show: Stargate Universe

Young: But you've been gone for almost a month. What, uh, what'd you do for food and water?
Telford: Well, the pods provide basic nutrients to their occupants. Never thought I'd say this, but I missed the food here on Destiny!

TV Show: Stargate Universe

Rush: Yeah? Well, it might interest you to know that you're bleeding energy from one of the weapons platforms.
Eli: Shhhhhhhoot.

TV Show: Stargate Universe

Young: Eli, I want you to broadcast a message.
Eli: In Ancient?
Young: Ancient, English, Bat-Signal, whatever else you got. Tell them we are not a threat.

TV Show: Stargate Universe

Brody: You might wanna consider falling back.
Rush: There's nowhere to fall back to.

TV Show: Stargate Universe
Volker: Still no sign of activity from the drones. Looks like they've all gone dormant.
Rush: (pats Eli on the arm) See what you can do when you apply yourself?

TV Show: Stargate Universe

Greer: All due respect, sir: with everything going on I think I'd like to stay right here.
Telford: Appreciate the thought, Master Sergeant, but we've got this.
Greer: (steps closer to him) I know these people, Colonel. I've dealt with them. Unlike some of us, I never trusted them.
Telford: I'll keep that under advisement. But for now you're dismissed.

TV Show: Stargate Universe
Volker: "Also sprach Zarathustra." It's the theme from 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Brody: So why didn't you just say that?
Volker: Because that's not what it's called. It's called "Also sprach Zarathustra." Thus spoke Zarathustra. It's by Strauss.
Brody: Yeah, but nobody knows it by that name, so why not just say the name that people ...
Volker: Look you asked what my favourite piece of music was and I'm just telling you. That's what it is.
Brody: Yeah, I'm just saying ...
Volker: It's the one piece that reminds me of the very moment I wanted to be an astrophysicist.
Brody: Right, when you saw "2001"?
Volker: Yes.

TV Show: Stargate Universe

Volker: Hey, T.J., there's a whole section here on stem cell-like procedure for post-op anti-rejection. It's only a hundred and seventy-six pages! A little light afternoon reading!

TV Show: Stargate Universe
Brody: Thought a little music might help you relax.
Park: The theme to "2001"?!
Brody: (points to her while looking triumphantly at Volker) Ah!

TV Show: Stargate Universe
Brody: It's not very relaxing, is it?
Volker: No.

TV Show: Stargate Universe
McKay: OK, good to go.

TV Show: Stargate Universe
McKay: Sorry. Now, I'm sure we're all familiar with the old adage "It's all in the Algorithm." So ...
Ovirda: Doctor. I'm gonna stop you there.
McKay: All I said was, "So."

TV Show: Stargate Universe

McKay: He didn't even look at my work.
Woolsey: Because he wouldn't have understood it in the first place.
McKay: You saw my presentation. A cat could understand it!

TV Show: Stargate Universe

Young: We're not gonna be able to keep up this charade forever. How long is this gonna take?
McKay: I gave you my best guess in the briefing.
Young: You also said you'd re-assess once we got here.
McKay: Well, the facility's already drawing power from the naqahdria core, which speeds things up considerably. On the other hand, this is more or less 1940s technology, which can slow things down. (gestures towards the Stargate) Then again, there's the "they don't build things like they used to" factor.
Young: One hour or two, McKay, which is it?
McKay: If we end this conversation right now, I can still manage the former.
Young: (annoyed) Sheppard's right. (walks away)
McKay: About what?

TV Show: Stargate Universe

Telford: Better to beg forgiveness than ask for permission. That's what my dad used to always say.

TV Show: Stargate Universe
Morrison: Ahh, I'm in constant pain. I think my ankle's broken. Every time I move ...
Volker: Well, hang in there. How bout you?
Park: According to the medical scan, a cracked rib.
Morrison: Ha! I should be so lucky!

TV Show: Stargate Universe
Eli: The people on the expedition were all from one country, called Tenara. They followed the teachings of this book, the Testament, which apparently some of us wrote.
Park: Wait. "Tenara." That's Ancient. That means the Land of the Young.
Brody: Or the Land of Young.
Eli: There was also another group of evacuees who ... (rolls his eyes) ... blamed the other me for what happened.

TV Show: Stargate Universe
Eli: They thought Rush was still onboard Destiny and would one day come and rescue them. Eventually he became some kind of a saviour figure. They broke off and formed a country of their own.
Brody: Oh, let me guess: Rusha?

TV Show: Stargate Universe