My Hero Quotes

George: What's happened?

TV Show: My Hero
Arnie: Uh. Oh, I think I underestimated the amount of pure evil in Mrs Raven's brain

TV Show: My Hero
(Arnie believe the device is damaged beyond repair, is thankful that the others are filtered)

TV Show: My Hero
George: Is everyone alright? okay, come on Janet, let's get you home.

TV Show: My Hero
Janet (In Piers body): Okay.

TV Show: My Hero
George: What are you doing?

TV Show: My Hero
Janet (In Piers body): Oh I'm tired George, let's have an early night.

TV Show: My Hero
George: What?!

TV Show: My Hero
Janet (In Piers body): Actually, I'm not that tired, but we can have an early night anyway.

TV Show: My Hero
(looking at Janet's body)

TV Show: My Hero
George: Are you alright?

TV Show: My Hero
(Janet's body has a scouce accent)

TV Show: My Hero
Tyler (in Janet's body): Fine, in fact I feel great, master.

TV Show: My Hero
George: Great, who?

TV Show: My Hero
Tyler (in Janet's body): Master.

TV Show: My Hero
[The doorbell rings. George goes to answer it.]

TV Show: My Hero
Cassie: Oh oh! It's Tyler! Everybody hide!

TV Show: My Hero
Tyler: Master, I bring terrible news! You know the Northholt Women's Institute? They've brought out one of those calendars! (He shows it to George)

TV Show: My Hero
George: That's a bit silly! Someone should have told those women they've got no clothes on! And so close to that blender as well!

TV Show: My Hero
Janet: Isn't my mother in the WI?

TV Show: My Hero
Tyler: Yeah. Don't look at October! But look at tomorrow's date! It's Friday the 13th! The unluckiest date of all! If you walk under a ladder or past a black cat, terrible things will happen!

TV Show: My Hero
George: Oh, come on Tyler! Ladders and black cats! What else do we avoid on this Friday the 13th?

TV Show: My Hero
Tyler: If you spill salt, you have to throw some over your shoulder!

TV Show: My Hero
Janet: Don't step on the cracks on the pavement, that sort of thing.

TV Show: My Hero
Tyler: Don't make woodland animals out of marzipan.

TV Show: My Hero
Janet: What?

TV Show: My Hero
Tyler: Don't dance on linoleum, don't throw hedge clippings at sparrows, don't sing within six feet of a carpet warehouse,but most of all, whatever else happens, don't play the trombone on a bus!

TV Show: My Hero
Cassie: I told you to hide!

TV Show: My Hero
[Piers has lauched a diet book and distributes it to his patients.]

TV Show: My Hero
Janet: (To Mrs. Raven) I suppose you're in on this scam, are you?

TV Show: My Hero