Jericho Quotes

Reverend: You can't do this Gray, I have given these people sanctuary.
Gray: This is a police matter now.
Reverend: You have no right to assault these people, they have committed no crime. They will be my responsibility.
Gray: What, are you going to feed them? Have you got a little hospital down there Reverend? No, I didn't think so!

TV Show: Jericho
Hawkins: So...I just wanted to know how you were doing. Settling in okay at Jimmy's place.
Allison: Yeah, he just never stops talking.
Hawkins: No [chuckles] he doesn't. How's Sam?
Allison: You know, he gets scared.
Hawkins: And you?
Allison: I'm fine.
Hawkins: Look, that thing you had to do to Sarah...I know how that can change people.
Allison: Dad, don't worry about me. I'm not Sam, and I'm not Mom. So... you're not going to live with us anymore, are you?
Hawkins: I don't think it's a good idea right now.
Allison: Then don't worry. I'll take care of them.
Hawkins: Hey, hey, hey. Come here. [He grabs and hugs her] You are not me.

TV Show: Jericho
Man on radio: In New York, the terrorists who were apprehended were all carrying nearly-perfect fake FBI badges. Their identities have not been released. Authorities have increased security at all critical sites. Counter-terrorist forces are working to capture those responsible. In the meantime, all citizens are encouraged to be vigilant. As we receive more information, we'll bring it to you. Until then, all news is local. Take care of each other, Kansas.

TV Show: Jericho
Mimi: [to the chicken she is about to slaughter] So it’s come to this. I want you to know that this is nothing to do with you personally. I’m sure you’re wonderful. But, let’s be honest here. You’re the one that lays the fewest eggs and I distinctly told all of you that this was going to happen. I believe I made myself perfectly clear in that regard...Here's my concern. I've heard stories about how you're going to react to this and if I see half of you running around, well I just know that I'm going to freak out. So if you could do your best to minimize that part of it, well I'd just really appreciate it.

TV Show: Jericho
Emily: [to class] Five months ago this was a map of our country. Now it’s an antique. It’s a picture of the way things used to be.

TV Show: Jericho
Jake: At the FBI what were you working on?
Hawkins: I was sent here to monitor phone calls made in the area to a suspected terrorist cell.
Jake: And what'd you find out?
Hawkins: Nothing. Trail went dead. We about done here?
Jake: Not even close.
Jake: Tell me about her: Sarah Mason.
[while Jake's distracted,Hawkins reaches behind his back and pulls a gun from a drawer]
Hawkins: She's gone. [realizing gun's empty, chuckles] You're pretty thorough.
Jake: I also took care of the one in the cabinet and the one behind the water heater. There's only one loaded gun in this house, and it's mine. Sit down.

TV Show: Jericho
Hawkins: Those are Defense Department projections. They've been doing them since the 50's. They're fallout scenarios in the event of a nuclear attack on 20 US cities. Do you see Jericho? It's outside the fallout zones, Jake, it's got a salt mine, plenty of farmland, and access to an untainted water table.
Jake: So you weren't here to monitor phone calls?
Hawkins: Jericho was a rally point in case we failed in our mission.
Jake: Failed or succeeded?

TV Show: Jericho
Jake: Did you wipe out 23 American cities?
Robert: Get out of my house!
Jake: Answer the question!
Robert: Why would you even think that?
Jake: You've got a working generator and a food supply. It's like you knew the attacks were coming!

TV Show: Jericho
Jake: Was that doing it your way?
Hawkins: You asked me to come along.
Jake: What were you gonna do?
Hawkins: To get the truth? Less than you would have. You see, I've done—I've done enough, Jake, to know better. It's the fear of torture that gets results. Actual torture...only works in the movies.

TV Show: Jericho
Bonnie: [signing] Thank you.
Stanley: For what?
Bonnie: Letting Sean stay.
Stanley: You're welcome.
Bonnie: And for not calling him an idiot, even when he is one.
Stanley: Okay, if you know that...
Mimi: [clears throat] Sorry, just a little frog in my throat. Don't let me interrupt your nice sibling bonding moment. That's what it is, right?
Bonnie: [continues signing] Sean can be an idiot, but he can also be really great. All guys are like that, you have to put up with the "idiot" get to the "great" stuff.
Stanley: [chuckles] Yeah? And where did you come by that little pearl of wisdom?
[Bonnie points at Mimi]
Mimi: What'd she say about me?

TV Show: Jericho
Darcy: It’s the least I can do to make myself useful. I feel like such a freeloader sitting around your house all day.
Jimmy: Are you kidding me? You’re like the best house guest ever. You cook, you do the dishes, you never get bored playing Boggle. We’re dreading the day you and your husband work things out. [laughs awkwardly] That sounded a lot less insensitive in my head.

TV Show: Jericho
Johnston: So anyhow, it’s like 3 am, I’ve got this flashlight in my face. Gail’s over on her side of the bed trying to find the phone to call the cops and finally I located the light switch. It’s Eric, who’s standing there and he says, “I can’t go to sleep until I confess – I’m drunk.” I said, “You’re what?” He said, “I’m drunk. It won’t ever happen again, I don’t know what I was thinking.” Meantime he looks perfectly normal, his speech isn’t slurred or anything. Gail starts grilling him, turns out he has had a beer and a half. I said to him, “Son, do you have any idea how much beer it takes to get drunk?” He said, “No, I don’t.” I said, “Well get out of here and don’t wake me up again until you do!”

TV Show: Jericho
Mimi: You know, you listen to me, Stanley. Your sister's not a child any more. You can't just throw this fit and kick Sean's ass and think that's going to be the end of it.
Stanley: Well, I hope you're going to explain to me why I can't.
Mimi: Because if you do, she's just going to latch on that much tighter; unless they get really angry, in which case the age-old teenage remedy is to run away, which used to mean that you'd hear from them in a few days when they ran out of bus money. Nowadays, chances are much better that you'll find their bodies on the side of a road. Look, right now it is under our roof and it's a pain in the ass, I know. But it's a safe and manageable pain in the ass and I suggest you let him stay here before it turns into more than that.

TV Show: Jericho
Constantino: Jericho’s continuous acts of aggression against this town are unjustified.
Johnston: What ‘continuous acts of aggression’? We’re neighbors, for God’s sake.
Constantino: I didn’t hear much talk of neighbors when you sent Ravenwood to our front door.
Johnston: We blew everything to hell and gone trying to defend ourselves against those mercenaries. We had no idea where they were heading next.
Constantino: You didn’t try and warn us? You couldn’t help us while they were raiding what little we had left? Shooting whoever got in their way? My deputies, my friends?

TV Show: Jericho
Eric: [about his torture] It’s not about Hawkins. They wanna know about Jericho. What our defenses are like, do we have any troops, where are they posted, do we have a stock pile of weapons, that sort of thing.
Jake We have to get back, we have to warn them.
Eric: We will. We’re not gonna die in here.

TV Show: Jericho
Emily: For what it's worth, you and Mary have a lot in common.
Gail: What -- we both love Eric?
Emily: No, I was actually going to say you're both pretty tough broads. You're both a little hard-headed. In a bar fight -- even money.

TV Show: Jericho
Maggie: So, what's the plan?
Hawkins: Plan? There's gonna be an explosion in town. Hopefully it'll cause enough chaos that we can somehow get Jake and Eric out of there.
Maggie: I think I can help you with that. I have an in with Constantino.

TV Show: Jericho
Constantino: I want you to tell me who your friend is and where I can find him. Things are gonna get very bad for you and your brother if you don't help us, Jake.
Jake: Why would I want to help you?
Constantino: This is what I know is that you, your friend, and your brother were caught attempting to sabotage this town's sole means of manufacturing.
Jake: You were manufacturing weapons. You were-
Constantino: So I'm gonna repeat the question -- Where is your friend?
Jake: Why don't you tell me what happened to Heather Lisinski?
Constantino: Take him back.
Guard: Let's go, boy.
Jake: Word's going to get back. It's going to get back to Jericho about what you're doing and there is nothing you can do to stop it!

TV Show: Jericho
Refugee: You want us to risk our lives for a promise? [refugees begin to leave]
Dale: Listen – listen! Since you’ve been here you’ve been asking for a place to live, food. You came here as refugees and you’re still being treated as second-class citizens. That’s no way to live. If you fight for my farm and we win, then everybody gets an equal split. It’ll be your farm. You’ll have a stake in this town that nobody can take away from you. You’ll never have to ask anyone for anything ever again. So, who wants a future?

TV Show: Jericho
Emily: Help us fight. We'll give you half. Half of all the weapons, food, and fuel that we take. And if New Bern's army is as big as you say it is, you'll do a lot better than hittin' one truck at a time out here.
Jonah: You've got more of me in you than you're ever going to admit.

TV Show: Jericho
Johnston: Stanley, what happened out there?
Stanley: I don't know. We were moving towards the mortar truck. And they were waiting, they were waiting on both sides of it for us. They wouldn't, they wouldn't stop firing.
Gray: Stanley, where's everybody else?
Johnston: Where are they, son?
Jake: Stanley?
Stanley: They're, they're all dead. They're all dead.

TV Show: Jericho
Johnston: Most of you have no idea what to do or what's coming, some of you do. This isn't a fight about land or about this town. Its a fight for our very existence. Pray for each other; and while you're at it, pray for the men and women of New Bern and pray that God forgives us.

TV Show: Jericho
Constantino: We're still cleanin' the blood of eight deputies off the sidewalks of New Bern. So you need to understand our position. We need seven farms, including the Jackson farm, the Herbert farm, and the Richmond farm. And we need half the salt mine. You have four hours to respond.
Gray: I don't understand. What are you askin' us to do?
Constantino: Jericho is about to be invaded. For the sake of your people, I'm asking you to surrender.

TV Show: Jericho
Mimi: [to Stanley's parents' graves] I really love your son. And, of course, Bonnie is just wonderful and I've really enjoyed living with them…
Stanlay: [under his breath] Great.
Mimi: What?
Stanley: I didn't say we were living together. We're not married!
Mimi: Oh, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I… [Bonnie starts laughing]

TV Show: Jericho
Darcy: So there were dozens of these things used in the attacks, right? And now you have the last one.
Hawkins: Yeah.
Darcy: I don't, I don't think these people are looking at this thing as a weapon. It's more than that. It's...
Hawkins: Evidence.
Darcy: It's the smoking gun behind the greatest crime in the history of the world.

TV Show: Jericho
Hawkins: This satellite must remain a secret.
Johnston: [pauses briefly] Sounds good.
Jake: What, that's it?
Johnston: What do you want me to say? I get it, man has a satellite, doesn't want anyone to know.
Jake: Yeah, but...
Johnston: I am about to go to war with New Bern, Kansas, the home of the nearest Costco - today is already just about as weird as I can handle. I'm not asking any more questions.

TV Show: Jericho
Jake: [about his father] He's been shot.
Hawkins: I'm sorry. OK.You know what to do, right? Keep pressure on the wound. And there should be some morphine curettes in the supplies I gave you.
Jake: Yeah, we've got it.
Hawkins: Listen, Jake, people are gonna be looking to you now. You know what I mean?
Jake: Yeah.

TV Show: Jericho
Hawkins: [to Stanley] Hey, I need to borrow your tank.

TV Show: Jericho
Johnston: [to Jake] One day, I know you're gonna become the man I know you can be. The man you were born to be. By God, that day's gonna be something to see.

TV Show: Jericho
Constantino: Jake, you're outmanned and you're outgunned. There's too many of us and we are too desperate to give up. You cannot win this. I'm giving you one last chance to walk away, to put your guns down and return to town, and no one else will be harmed. Jake, I need an answer. What's it gonna be?
Jake: NUTS!
Constantino: Sorry, what was that?
Jake: You can go straight to hell.

TV Show: Jericho