Heroes Quotes

Claire: You want me to play dead? I'm sorry, I'm not Mr. Muggles.

TV Show: Heroes
Mr. Bennet: Claire is not one of you.
Claude: Not yet, but one day maybe, and don't tell me you haven't thought about it.
Mr. Bennet: She isn't, I'll take her, it's done.
Claude: Oh just like that, father of the year you are.

TV Show: Heroes
Ted: [to Mr. Bennet] If you're not back in an hour, just look for the mushroom cloud.

TV Show: Heroes
Claire: I don't know what I am. I don't know if God made me this way or someone else.
Ted: God didn't make us this way.
Sandra: God makes us all the way we are.

TV Show: Heroes
Matt: This son of a bitch is thinking in Japanese!

TV Show: Heroes
Noah: My daughter is missing, so right now I don't care if you believe me or what you do to me. I just want her home, safe. You can kill me if you want, I'm gonna find her!

TV Show: Heroes
Claire: When can I go back to my family?
Haitian: Shall I lie to you and say it will be soon? You know who we run from.

TV Show: Heroes
Sylar: So this is the list?
Mohinder: Yes, what's left of it. Most of these people are missing or dead. I'm going to run your DNA sample against my father's formula. It will take you someplace safe.
Sylar: This is your father's formula? This is how he made this, this is how he found me.
Mohinder: Yes, although I haven't figured out what it is looking for. A specific gene? Codons? It's the proverbial needle.
Sylar: Did my DNA help?
Mohinder: No.
Sylar: Okay, well, Mohinder, you've been driving all night, why don't you just take a break?
Mohinder: I can't! These people are in danger. We have to warn them. If Sylar gets to them first-
Sylar: Exactly! So let me help. I mean, here. This one is in New York - Isaac Mendez. I'll call him, and you just relax. Just take a minute.
Mohinder: You're very kind. Thank you.
Sylar: ...You have no idea how alone I used to feel. How insignificant. You've given me hope.
Mohinder: Hope is great, we need caffeine.
Sylar: So this formula, if you figure it out, how many of us will you find?
Mohinder: Who knows? Hundreds, thousands, maybe more.
Sylar: (dials Isaac's number, receives busy signal.) It's busy. I'll get him later. (Mohinder hands Sylar a cup of tea, Sylar raises his glass.) To new friends. (They clink teacups in toast; only Sylar sips the drink.) This is good, what is it?
Mohinder: Chai. It's a special blend my father brought from India.
Sylar: Who're we going to call next?
Mohinder: No one. (Stands, faces Sylar) I already have you, Mr. Sylar.

TV Show: Heroes
The Haitian: [to Claire] I do not need you happy, only safe.

TV Show: Heroes
Sylar: I can't feel my fingers.
Mohinder: It's the curare. It induces paralysis of the brain. Which means you can't control your abilities.
Sylar: Whoever you think I am, I'm not.
Mohinder: You are the man who murdered my father. Do you still expect me to believe you're Zane Taylor? Zane was killed three days ago. The same day I met you. And you thought you were so clever giving me his DNA. You're a parasite. You killed my father and fed off his work. (taps a tuning fork against the chair and holds it up to Sylar's ear.) Let me hear you say it, tell me your name. Say it. I want to hear you say it!
Sylar: (in pain) Sylar!
Mohinder: There's only one thing to do with a parasite. Kill it before it kills again.
Sylar: You're just like your father, murderers, the both of you.
Mohinder: I'm a scientist.
Sylar: (laughs.) Your father said that but he kept leading me to them.
Mohinder: He had no idea what you were.
Sylar: He knew. He might not have admitted it, but after all, we were making so much progress together. Why would he stop?
Mohinder: (Mohinder brings out a gun and points it at Sylar.) You know nothing about my father!
Sylar: I know everything. He confided in me. He told me things he felt he could never tell you. Things about your sister, Shanti. He thought you were too... what's the word - fragile - to know the truth. That's why he liked me. (Mohinder presses the gun against Sylar's forehead.) You were always seeking his approval while I provided stimulation. He gave up on you, but he adored me. Now who's the real parasite here?! (Mohinder's hand falls to his side.)
Mohinder: You're right. My father did want answers. He called you 'Patient Zero'. You're the template he used to create this formula. You're the key to unlockin

TV Show: Heroes
Linderman: There comes a time when a man has to ask himself whether he wants a life of happiness or a life of meaning.
Nathan: I'd like to have both.
Linderman: Can't be done. Two very different paths. To be truly happy, a man must live absolutely in the present, no thought of what's gone before and no thought of what lies ahead. But a life with meaning, a man is condemned to wallow in the past and obsess about the future.

TV Show: Heroes
Mohinder: I finally found it. That's it, these four simple genes, they answer everything. I can make a new list. I can find them, save them.
Sylar: And what about me? Don't I deserve to be saved? Aren't I just a victim, too? I didn't ask for this.
Mohinder: And what would you have me do?
Sylar: Help find a way. Give me salvation. Give me that damn list so I can sink my teeth in! (Mohinder walks over to him.) I'm a natural progression of the species. Evolution is a part of nature, and nature kills. Simple, right?
Mohinder: What you've done is not evolution, it's murder. (holds gun up and points it at Sylar.) What I am doing is revenge. Now I can fulfill my duty as a son. (Sylar closes his eyes, and a gunshot is heard. The bullet is stopped before Sylar's face, then drops to the floor.)
Sylar: I wasn't begging for my life. I was offering you yours. (Sylar's constraints rip off, and he stands.) You are your father's son. So determined you didn't even notice I stopped the IV. But don't worry, you might actually do some good before you die. Starting with that list.

TV Show: Heroes
Peter: Suresh? (pause as he opens door, walks inside.) Suresh? It's Peter Petrelli. Mohinder? (Peter looks around as something drops on his head.)
Mohinder: (pinned against ceiling) Sylar.
Sylar: I remember you. (pins Peter against wall and holds him by the throat.) You're like me, aren't you? I'd like to see how that works.

TV Show: Heroes
[Linderman provides the opening monologue, interspersed with dialouge from previous episodes.]
Linderman: People think I collect art. What I really collect are lives fixed in paint. A perfect moment capturing an entire existence, made immortal. A monster's fight to survive, and live to kill again. A mother willing to fracture her own soul to protect her child. Youth's struggle for innocence, despite life's cruelty. The double-edged lies needed to sustain a double-edged life. A wandering hero's pure joy at success, and his darkest hour, when all the world seems lost. All perfect moments, frozen in time. Alone, each tells a single story. Together, they can tell the future.

TV Show: Heroes
Claire: Daddy, I'm so sorry.
Noah: Claire!
Claire: It's all my fault. I tried to do what you said... but they caught me. I'm so scared. (Noah pushes her away.) What is it?
Noah: You. You're not...
Claire: Not what?
Noah: Not you! (Claire's body morphs into Candice's form.)

TV Show: Heroes
Linderman: It was beautiful. And then some of my friends, they lost their way. They used their powers for personal gain and all the good that we'd done had amounted to nothing.

TV Show: Heroes
Linderman: People need hope, Nathan.

TV Show: Heroes
Linderman: This tragedy will be a catalyst for good.

TV Show: Heroes
Sylar: I remember you. You're like me, aren't you? I'd like to see how that works. (Sylar begins to open Peter's head.)
Peter: (begins screaming in pain, and then heals. Peter flings Sylar across the room against the wall, and Mohinder drops from the ceiling.)
Sylar: Oh no. I'm not done with him yet. (Peter turns invisible.) Interesting, I can't wait to try that one.

TV Show: Heroes
Messenger: So, what happens to Hiro in this one?
Isaac: Promise you won't post any spoilers?
Messenger: The future? How do you come up with this stuff?!
Isaac: It's a gift. Speaking of which... (hands messenger his sketchbook.)
Messenger: Your sketchbook? You serious!?
Isaac: Hold on to it. It might be worth something some day.
Messenger: Thank you!

TV Show: Heroes
Mohinder: Mrs. Petrelli?
Angela: Yes?
Mohinder: I'm so sorry. It's Peter.
Angela: What about him?
Mohinder: I found this address in his wallet and I didn't know where else to go. I couldn't leave him. He's dead. He was killed. Murdered. He tried to save my life... I was in over my head.
Angela: Get out of here.
Mohinder: I'm sorry.
Angela: Please leave. Now.

TV Show: Heroes
Noah: That went better than I expected.

TV Show: Heroes
Nathan: Ma?
Angela: Nathan.
Nathan: Where is he? (Nathan approaches Peter's dead body.)
Angela: He's gone, Nathan.
Nathan: (crying) No! Peter! He wasn't supposed to die this way. He wasn't supposed to die this way... What do we do?
Angela: We hide it.
Nathan: What?
Angela: 'Till after the election. The last thing he would've wanted was to bring you down with him.

TV Show: Heroes
[Peter examines the glass shard taken from his head.]
Peter: What do you do with something that killed you?
Nathan: You could put it underneath your pillow.

TV Show: Heroes
Peter: You saved my life.
Claire: Guess we're even now.

TV Show: Heroes
Matt: You're middle management!

TV Show: Heroes
Sylar: This is usually the part when people start screaming.

TV Show: Heroes
Isaac: I've seen enough of the future. I don't need to watch it happen.

TV Show: Heroes
[In studio, Isaac lays dying from Sylar's attack.]
Isaac Mendez: I finally get to be a hero...

TV Show: Heroes
Ando: What happened to Hiro? Who was that?
Future Hiro: Homeland Security.
Ando: The government?
Future Hiro: They're taking him to a special holding facility in midtown.
Ando: How do you know that?
Future Hiro: Because that's where they take all the terrorists.
Ando: Why would anyone think Hiro's a— You? A terrorist?
Future Hiro: After Sylar exploded, the world became a very dark place.

TV Show: Heroes