Grey's Anatomy Quotes

Meredith: They say lightning never strikes twice, but that's a myth. It doesn't happen often. Lightning usually gets it right the first time. When you're hit with 30 amps of electricity you feel it. It can make you forget who you are, can burn you, blind you, stop your heart and cause massive internal injuries. It can change your life forever.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Meredith: [angry] Go hug yourself!

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Meredith: Cristina. Cristina!
Cristina: I can't be in here. I can't.
Meredith: Okay so let's go, let's get out of here.
Cristina: I can't... I can't feel anything.
Meredith: I know, I know. Come with me.
Cristina: No, no, I can't move. I can't move my legs. I can't, I can't feel anything.
Meredith: Uh, feel me hand, take my hand. Do you feel that?
Cristina: Uhuh.
Meredith: Okay. You're okay. We're gonna go when you're ready. Okay? So you tell me when you're ready. Okay?

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Derek: Hey I've heard about Cristina. Is she alright?
Meredith: No, she's not alright. No one is alright. That idiot is clearing everyone for surgery like they're fine and they're not fine.
Derek: Stop, stop it, I need to talk to you.
Meredith: Just leave it alone Derek, it was one night in jail, you drive too fast, just forget about it!
Derek: I don't wanna talk about that, don't worry about that.
Meredith: (teary eyed) Don't worry about it? All I do is worry. All the time, I spend every minute of every day worrying that I'm gonna get a phone-call that you've wrapped your car around a pole. That's why I left you in jail. So that just for a little while I would know that you weren't dying like you were dying on that table. That's what I think about every time you pull out of the driveway.
Derek: I'm right here. I'm okay. We're okay.
Meredith: I was pregnant. That day, I was pregnant, and I lost it.
Derek: I... (pause) You didn't say anything. I could've helped you.
Meredith: If you wanna help me, your driving is something you can control. Just do that. Just do that. (They kiss and hug)

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Meredith: [voiceover] Lightning doesn’t often strike twice. It’s a once in a lifetime thing. Even if it feels like the shock is coming over and over again. Eventually the pain will go away, the shock will wear off. And you start to heal yourself. To recover from something you never saw coming. But, sometimes the odds are in your favor. If you’re in just the right place at just the right time you can take a helluva hit. And still have a shot at surviving

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Meredith: [voiceover] Most surgeons grew up being freaks. While other kids played outside, we hold up in our rooms, memorizing the periodic table, hovering for hour over our genuine microscopes, dissecting our first frogs. Imagine how surprised and relieved we were when we grew up and found out that others out there are just as freaky as we were. Same microscopes, same dead frogs, same inexplicable urge to take human beings apart.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Meredith: I think they're talking about you. It's going to be okay. They can't kick you out of the program for being traumatized.
Cristina: I don't care what they do.
Derek: Dr. Yang you're with me.
Meredith: What, no, I'm with you?
Derek: You have someone else. We're walking Dr. Yang.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Derek: We were in the back of the store. Dad has just given you two pennies. And you always hid them behind the counter in this big crack in the floorboards. You said you're saving them so you could buy a town. And then the two guys came in, we could hear them talking but we weren't paying attention until dad yelled. And you looked up. They had already pulled the gun, and they had already taken the money… And now they wanted the watch that mom gave him. He wouldn't give it up. It was a gunshot, you lunched forward…
Amelia: I remember, I was trying to get to him but… I couldn't move.
Derek: Because I was holding you so tight that you couldn't budge. Put one hand over your mouth so you wouldn't scream and wrapped the other one around you and just held on for your life. Prayed to God that you would be quiet and wouldn't say anything. You were so little. I think that's what I've always wanted all this year, you just to stay… little and quiet and safe. But you're not any of those things. You're loud and fearless and that scared the crap out of me. How am I supposed to call you and tell you that I've been shot? I can't tell you about my pain. I don't want you to know that the pain exists. (he hugs her)

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
April: I'm a virgin. That doesn't make it drinks conversation. We all have stuff we don't talk about.
Meredith: Oh April. I'm liking you more and more.
April: Thank you.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Meredith: [voiceover] Nobody chooses to be a freak. Most people don't even realize they're freak until it's too late to change it. But no matter how much of a freak you end up being, chances are there's still someone out there for you. Unless of course they've already moved on. Because when it comes to love, even freaks can't wait forever.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Meredith: Biology determines much of the way we live. From the moment we're born we know how to breathe and eat. As we grow older, new instincts kick in. We become territorial, we seek shelter… And most important of all, we reproduce. Sometimes biology can turn on us though. Yeah, biology sucks sometimes.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Meredith: I need you to take my blood.
Cristina: For what?
Meredith: So I can get tested for the Alzheimer's gene. I mean it's time I know one way or the other. What's a little Alzheimer's too?
Cristina: Alright. This is a lot bigger than a baby step.
Meredith: Just do it before I change my mind.
Cristina: Okay.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Arizona: Mark stares at my boobs when we talk. He starts at my face, but then somewhere along the way, he gets distracted and ends up on my boobs. I love guys - I love them. But I've tried my whole life to avoid the boob-staring guy. Biology even helped me by making me gay. But now, my girlfriend's best friend is that guy. And I don't think that I need to apologize for the fact that the only person I want staring at my boobs is you.
Callie: Boobs... really, you're making this about boobs?
Arizona: He stares at them.
Callie: 'Cos they're good boobs!

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Derek: I love you and you love me. And whatever happens, I don't care. I don't want to know. I mean it. I don't want to know.
Meredith: The lab already has my blood, so..
Derek: Here's what we're gonna do. No more doctors, no more labs. You and I, we have a lot of sex. Maybe we'll make a baby, maybe not. Maybe you get Alzheimer's, maybe not. Just screw the odds, screw science. Let's just live. Whatever happens. Happens. Me and you. Okay?
Meredith: Okay.
Derek: Okay.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Meredith: [voiceover] Biology says that we are who we are from birth. That our DNA is set in stone. Unchangeable. Our DNA doesn't account for all of us though. Life changes us. We develop new trades. Become less territorial. We stop competing. We learn from our mistakes. We face our greatest fears. For better or worse. We find ways to change our biology. The risk, of course is that we can change to much, to the point we don't recognize ourselves. Finding a way back can be difficult. There is no compass, no map. We just have to close our eyes, take a step and hope to God we'll get there.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Meredith: [voiceover] They train doctors slowly. They watch us practice on frogs, and pigs, and dead people, and then live people. They drill us relentlessly. They raise us like children. And eventually, they take a cold, hard boot, and they kick us out of the nest.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Owen: I like the dark new scrubs on you. You look good. Are you okay?
Cristina: My patient deserves a doctor.
Owen: You don't have to cut, no one's asked you to...
Cristina: I know what's being asked of me and I'm doing it.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Lexie: Did you just stop that bleeder?
Meredith: Uh-huh.
Lexie: How did you even know to do that?
Derek: Okay. Sorry I'm late.
Meredith: That's okay. Lexie made a good call. I've got it under control.
Derek: What do we got?
Meredith: Let me finish, Derek. I got this.
Derek: Yes, you do.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Derek: I'm gonna find a cure for Alzheimer's.
Chief: The cure for Alzheimer's... With $1 million?
Derek: With $1 million. It's a start.
Chief: You're talking about a clinical trial, A clinical-surgical trial?
Derek: Yes.
Chief: Start-up costs alone, never mind the f.D.A., Derek, it's...
Derek: Today I watched Meredith perform an emergency craniotomy by herself. She was perfect. She's got her mother's talent. She's got her mother's looks, Richard. What if she has her mother's disease? Ellis was young when it started. Every time Meredith forgets her keys or asks what day of the week it is, I... When that $1 million runs out, investors are gonna throw money my way for the same reason I am gonna throw everything I got at this trial - because their dad has it or their wife. Breakthroughs don't happen because of the medicine. Real breakthroughs happen because someone is scared to death to stop trying.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Meredith: [voiceover] We all want to grow up. We're desperate to get there, to grab all the opportunities we can... to live. We're so busy trying to get out of that nest... We don't think about the fact that it's going to be cold out there... really freakin' cold. Because growing up sometimes means leaving people behind. And by the time we stand on our own two feet... we're standing there alone.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Derek: Doctor Yang and my wife sometimes have sleepovers, in my bed, with me in it.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Cristina: Being a hero has its price.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Meredith: Question- when was the last time a complete stranger took off her clothes in front of you, pointed to a big purple splotch on her back, and asked,"what the hell is this thing?" If you're a normal person,the answer is hopefully never. If you're a doctor the answer is probably about five minutes ago. People expect doctors to have all of the answers. The truth is, we love to think that we have all of the answers, too. Basically doctors are know-it-alls until something comes along that reminds us we're not.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Meredith: We're all looking for answers in medicine, in life, in everything. Sometimes the answers we're looking for have been hiding just below the surface. Other times we find answers when we didn't even realize we were asking the question. Sometimes the answers can catch us completely by surprise. And sometimes, even when we find the answer we've been looking for we're still left with a whole hell of a lot of questions.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Callie OK. Fine, I don't want to go to Africa. But I do wanna be with you. OK? So I'm really trying it. We'll miss our plane, let's go....Oh my god! OK, you wanna fight? The flight is eighteen hours, we can fight on the plane.
Arizona You're...ruining this for me. And I don't wanna do this.
Callie: What...what does that mean? What, you suddenly don't wanna go?
Arizona: I...I don't wanna go to Africa with you.
Callie: Arizona...No, ok? No.
Arizona: I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Callie: You're sorry, you're sorry? It's three years.
Arizona: I'm gonna miss my plane. You take care of yourself.
Callie: ...No...NO!! Please...please I can...we can do this, we can figure this out.
Arizona: You stay here, and be happy. And I'll go there and be happy.
Callie: If you get on that plane, if you go without me we are done, do you hear me? We are over.
Arizona: We're standing in the middle of an airport, screaming at each other...We are already over.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Meredith: [voiceover] The human body is a highly pressurized system the blood pressure measures the force of blood pulsating through the arteries. It's important to keep this pressure regulated low or inadequate pressure can cause weakness or failure. It's when the pressure gets too high that problems really occur. If the pressure continues to increase, a closer examination is called for because it's the best indicator that something is going terribly wrong.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Meredith: [voiceover] Every pressurized system needs a relief valve, there has to be a way to reduce the stress, the tension before it becomes too much to bear. There has to be a way to find relief because if the pressure doesn't find a way out it'll make one. It will explode. It's the pressure we put on ourselves that's the hardest to bear. The pressure to be better than we are. The pressure to be better than we think we can be. It never ever lets up. It just builds and builds and builds. We never know.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Meredith: [voiceover] We doctors, take pride in the fact that we can basically sleep standing up. Anytime, anywhere. But it's a false pride because the truth is, after about 20 hours without sleep, you might as well just come to work drunk, doctor, or not. So, it's no wonder that fatal medical errors increase at night. When we doctors are, proudly, sleeping on our feet. Recently, our communal pride has been shattered, and our egos have been wounded by new laws that require that we sleep all day before we work all night. We're not happy about it. But as someone who might one day need medical care, you really should be.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Meredith: Remember when the chief said only two of us would make it?
Alex and Meredith I thought it would be me and Cristina.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Avery: Nice face.
Alex: At least I can do surgery. How's that hand?
Avery: It'd be better if you hadn't run your face into it.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy