Digimon Quotes

[After repeated e-mails are sent to slow down Diaboromon]
Izzy: YOU'VE... GOT... MAIL!!! [presses enter]

TV Show: Digimon
[Wargreymon and Metalgarurumon are becoming Omnimon]
Izzy: They're digivolving together!

TV Show: Digimon
Izzy: I'm... about... to barf.
Tai: Wait 'till you try the cake.

TV Show: Digimon
[Tai is typing an email]
Tai: "Dear Sora, I'm sorry I made fun of your hair. I know you haven't been this mad at me since I forgot to tell you I threw up in your hat. You say you love thunderstorms, so what's a few raindrops between friends? Love, Tai." Love? I meant from! [changes "love" to "from"]
Kari: Whatcha writing?
Tai: Nothing! It's just a joke! [Covers the monitor. "from" changes back to "love"]
Kari: If you want to send an email, you'll have to do this. [grabs the mouse] Click!
Tai: I wasn't going to send that!
Kari: Then why were you writing it?
Tai: (groans) Go to your party!
Kari: (sarcasm) OK!

TV Show: Digimon
Infermon: I'm looking for the programmer. Don't interfere!

TV Show: Digimon
[Diaboromon has been killed by Omnimon]
Omnimon: Connection... Terminated.
Diaboromon: Willis...

TV Show: Digimon
[After Terriermon Digivolves for the first time]
Willis: He wears pants now?

TV Show: Digimon
[Before Lunch]
Terriermon: If Davis eats it all... [Inflates Stomach]
DemiVeemon: [Laughing]

TV Show: Digimon
[Terriermon Inflates ears to shade Willis]
Willis: I don't suppose you could turn into a glass of lemonade too?
Terriermon: Don't push it.

TV Show: Digimon
Davis: There's not an ounce of fat below my neck!
Willis: You're gonna deliver that pizza to my house, aren't you! Could you do me a favour and pick us up on the way?
Davis: Tell them to forget the whole thing, because I'm in the mood for Chinese.
Willis: Shut up!

TV Show: Digimon
[After Willis share his back story]
Davis: (crying) That is the saddest story I have every heard.
Willis: Hey, it's not your problem.
Davis: (Stops crying) OK.
Willis: Wow that was fast.

TV Show: Digimon