Digimon Quotes

Henry: Maybe it doesn't matter what card we use, Rika.
Rika: Okay, did that pig monster eat your brain?

TV Show: Digimon
IceDevimon: I hear one becomes quite warm before freezing.
Henry Wong: You're so twisted, it's scary.

TV Show: Digimon
Rika Nonaka: It's not funny, you know. I don't want to walk all the way to the next town just to find your little friend.
Henry Wong: Well, if it makes your feel any better, Rika. The tunnel might flood and we can all swim there.
Rika Nonaka: It's just my luck to be stuck down here with a couple of comedians.

TV Show: Digimon
Terriermon: What are you, Henry, the center of the universe? What, you think the sun won't rise if you're not there to greet it or something?
Henry Wong: What are you talking about?
Terriermon: Just look behind you, Henry.
Henry Wong: Huh?
Terriermon: You don't have to do everything yourself. They're all here to help you. Let 'em.

TV Show: Digimon
Takato Matsuki: Try this card.
Henry Wong: The last one almost killed him.
Takato Matsuki: Hey, I'm just trying to help.

TV Show: Digimon
Ryo: I feel so powerless.
Ebonwumon: Better to feel powerless than to feel dead.

TV Show: Digimon
Renamon: Or what, you'll use that little flame of yours to boil water and make me some bad tea?

TV Show: Digimon
Guilmon: I need a bigger tummy Takato, can you draw me one?
Takato Matsuki: Okay.
Guilmon: You're a pal.
Terriermon: Draw him some self control.
Henry Wong: And just how many buns have you had?
Terriermon: Two, three, twelve, lost count.
Mrs. Wong: You know Terriermon, Henry could learn from you. He's handsome, but skinny as a mosquito.

TV Show: Digimon
Renamon: Anything that can concern a sovereign is not to be taken lightly.
Terriermon: How can we take it lightly? It's huge.
Renamon: What I'm saying is we need a plan.
Terriermon: Going in and beating him up isn't plan enough?
Guilmon: Terriermon, I think Renamon is right. I mean she's always been right before what's different about now?
Renamon: Why thank you.
Terriermon: Renamon and Guilmon sitting in a tree...

TV Show: Digimon
Rika: Nobody interferes, I want to sing.
Takato: You Wha?!!!
Rika: Nobody interferes, I want to sing.
Takato: Okay, just drop that wrench and I'll sing with you!
Guilmon: Do you even know how to sing?

TV Show: Digimon
Mr. Wong: Give me your portable digi thing.
Henry: You mean my digivice?
Mr. Wong: Yeah, come on, I'll arm wrestle you for it.
Henry: Since you put it that way...
Mr. Wong: When we designed the prototype we wanted to give kids a way to communicate with and control digimon on the network.
Henry: Maybe mine's broken because I can't control Terriermon at all.
Terriermon: It would take more than a piece of plastic to control me.

TV Show: Digimon
Guardromon: Are you sure that's safe?
Suzy: No.
Guardromon: Oh. OK!

TV Show: Digimon
[Renamon materializes next to Rika]
Takato: Where do you come from all the time!? Do you just wait around to scare us?

TV Show: Digimon
Kanbara Takuya: You're toast, lady!
Ranamon: Thanks, but I've already had my breakfast.

TV Show: Digimon
Takuya: My destiny sure seems to involve a lot of running!

TV Show: Digimon
Mercurymon: If only thy mouth were thy weapon, then truly thou couldst never be defeated.

TV Show: Digimon
Koji: Kouichi, what's wrong bro?
Kouichi: Nothing, it's nothing.
Koji: You're acting weird.
Kouichi: Well then, maybe I'm just weird.
Koji: [smiling]

TV Show: Digimon
Takuya: [wakes up] Where are we?
Zoe: Why, we're in the middle of our date!
Takuya: Our what?

TV Show: Digimon
Takuya: You want power?!?! I'll show you power.. WILD FIRE TSUNAMI!!!

TV Show: Digimon
Tommy: Wait for me!

TV Show: Digimon
Kazemon: [defeated] Oh

TV Show: Digimon
Calmaramon: I'm so sorry, sugar pie

TV Show: Digimon
Tommy: (looking through his legs) Hey, everything's all funny! (image turns rightside-up) Or maybe it's just me!

TV Show: Digimon
All: Even if I spend time with my family, or other friends, or our family, or maybe just hanging around not crying, I’ll be best friends with you guys, forever!

TV Show: Digimon
[Agumon jumps to avoid on coming car]
Passenger: Did you see that?
Driver: [tired sounding] No, I was sleeping.
Passenger: But you're driving!

TV Show: Digimon
[Agumon detroys vending machines, Kari is on his back in a Koloa-like outfit.]
Kari: Hey! Mom says not to do that to society!
[Kari takes two of the beverages that came from the destroyed machines]
Kari: Just one each!

TV Show: Digimon
Mrs. Kamiya: Kids, I'm making your favourite, liver sticks!
Tai: Great...
[closes the door]
Tai: Oh, good. It looks like she burned them.

TV Show: Digimon
Sora: [over the phone] Tai, I know you're there! Mimi told me you were the one who threw up in my hat!

TV Show: Digimon
[After Meeting up with the Digidestined on the internet]
Patamon: I was surfing the web, but I wiped out.

TV Show: Digimon
[Tentomon and Agumon enter the Internet and spot Keramon]
Tentomon: He doesn't know we're here yet!
Agumon: Let's sneak up on him quietly!
Tentomon: [shouts] Super Shocker!
Agumon: That's quietly?

TV Show: Digimon