Babylon 5 Quotes

[An ISN reporter complains to Sheridan about Ivanova's rough treatment.]
John Sheridan: Commander! Did you threaten to grab this man by the collar and threaten to throw him out an airlock?
Susan Ivanova: [chagrined] Yes, I did.
Sheridan: I'm shocked! Shocked and dismayed.
[The reporter nods, mollified.]
Sheridan: May I remind you that we are short on supplies here? We can't afford to take perfectly good clothing and throw it out into space! Always take the jacket off first—I've told you that before!
[Ivanova nods meekly.]
Sheridan: Sorry. She meant to say, "stripped naked and thrown out of an airlock". I apologize for any confusion this may have caused.

TV Show: Babylon 5
Londo Mollari: When I said my quarters were cold, I did not mean, 'Oh, I think it's a little chilly in here, perhaps I'll throw a blanket on the bed.' No, I said it was cold, as in 'Oh, my left arm has snapped off like an icicle and shattered on the floor!' This is highly inappropriate, Captain!
Sheridan: [smirking] You're right. There are several other parts of your body I'd much rather see snapped off.

TV Show: Babylon 5
[Zack is being fitted for his new Uniform as Chief of Security.]
Zack Allan: Oh yeah, I should listen to a Minbari about fashion. I mean, robes? Hoods? No offense, but I've seen Vorlons with more fashion sense.
[The Minbari tailor stabs Zack with the needle.]
Zack: She did that on purpose.
Lennier: Yes, I believe she did. I will deal with this.
Lennier: [in Minbari] Good work. Give me a moment with the Human, and next time…use a bigger needle.
Zack: Yeah, and don't you forget it!

TV Show: Babylon 5
[A hungover and limping Ivanova stumbles out of a transport tube after a Drazi religious celebration, much to Sheridan's surprise.]
John Sheridan: What the…?
Susan Ivanova: Don't. Even. Ask.

TV Show: Babylon 5
[After Dukhat compels Delenn to speak before the Grey council]
Dukhat: You look as if you've been terrified into another and better incarnation.
[During the Dreaming, Delenn recalls a conversation with her mentor Dukhat.]
Dukhat: Authority should never be used as a club, Delenn.
Dukhat: When others do a foolish thing, you should tell them it is a foolish thing. They can still continue to do it, but at least the truth is where it needs to be.

TV Show: Babylon 5
[Lennier brings to Delenn some ancient records after retrieving them from their guardians.]
Lennier: I managed to…explain matters to them. They will recover, in time.

TV Show: Babylon 5
[Franklin gets testy with Marcus on their cargo shuttle trip to Mars.]
Stephen Franklin: Is this really the best ship you could find?
Marcus Cole: Yes. [he flicks his pike open, then closes it just as quickly]
Franklin: Smells like the inside of a Martian pleasure dome on Sunday morning.
Marcus: Wouldn't know about that.
Franklin: Don't make me come over there and [flick] take that thing from you.
Marcus: Helps me relax.
Franklin: Marcus, this is the kind of conversation that can only end with a gunshot!
Marcus: Would you like me to sing instead?
Franklin: No.
Marcus: You haven't heard me!
Franklin: Marcus, please!
[the episode ends with Marcus singing the Major-General's Song by Gilbert and Sullivan]

TV Show: Babylon 5
[Marcus and Franklin are killing time in a cargo hold filled with crates.]
Marcus Cole: I spy with my little eye…something beginning with "B."
Stephen Franklin: [annoyed] Boxes.
Marcus: Fine! I spy with my little eye something beginning with "M."
Franklin: More boxes.
Marcus: Two in a row.
Franklin: [deadpan] "And that's when I shot him, Your Honor."
Marcus: I spy with my little eye something beginning with "E."
Franklin: I-I give up.
Marcus: Oh come on.
Franklin: This better not be what I–
Marcus and Franklin: [in unison] Even MORE boxes!

TV Show: Babylon 5
[Ivanova tries to sell smugglers on running EarthGov's blockade.]
Susan Ivanova: We'll upgrade your data systems, and supercharge your engines! And, if you have an accident, we'll repair your ships. And sooner or later, your ships will have accidents.
Smuggler #1: My pilots don't have accidents.
Ivanova: They will. I'll see to it.
Smuggler #1: You wouldn't!
Ivanova: Really? I've got a 200-megawatt pulse cannon in the forward cargo bay that says otherwise.

TV Show: Babylon 5
[Sheridan praises Ivanova for her telecasts during the Shadow war.]
John Sheridan: You have a face people trust.
Susan Ivanova: I'd rather have a face people fear.
Sheridan: That too.

TV Show: Babylon 5
Sheridan: Why not come up with a way to turn the war room into…I don't know…The Voice of the Resistance! Susan, during World War II, the French Resistance used to go on the air for one hour a night, always from a different location, broadcasting the real news about the war. Providing intelligence for the resistance fighters, encouraging Germans to defect. Well, why can't we do the same thing here?
Ivanova: Why do I get the ugly suspicion that you're volunteering me for this job?
Sheridan: I accept your offer!

TV Show: Babylon 5
Marcus Cole: Touch passion when it comes your way, Stephen. It's rare enough as it is. Don't walk away when it calls you by name.

TV Show: Babylon 5
Delenn: Before the war, Dukhat wanted to know more about your people, so I began studying your history. I came to the conclusion that of all the races we had encountered, humans were the most dangerous. Because humans form communities. And from that diversity comes a strength that no single race can withstand. That is your strength. And it is that which makes you dangerous.

TV Show: Babylon 5
Sheridan: I'm tired, Delenn. Sometimes I feel as if I've been carrying this station on my back and crawling through broken glass for three years.

TV Show: Babylon 5
[After Garibaldi reunites a client with his missing daughter, the man is surprised by the invoice Garibaldi hands him.]
Client: It's one-third your fee!
Michael Garibaldi: It is? [looking] Yeah, it is. Well, I am going to have to take this up with Bookkeeping. I mean, this hardly even covers my expenses. I—well, now that I think about it, I am the Bookkeeping Department. I'll tell you what. I don't wanna get me into trouble over this, so…why don't we just let it go at 30%?

TV Show: Babylon 5
John Sheridan: If you're going to wait for the universe to start making sense, you'll have a long wait ahead of you.

TV Show: Babylon 5
[Ivanova is trying to get help from the Great Machine in setting up the Voice of the Resistance.]
Susan Ivanova: I'm trying to put together a facility to broadcast messages back home and to the other colonies. We've got all of the pieces we need, but–
Zathras: But not having enough power to reach far places! Yes, Zathras understand. Everyone always coming to Zathras with problems. Big responsibility but Zathras does not mind. Zathras trained in crisis management.
Ivanova: That's great, but–
Zathras: But only Zathras have no one to talk to. No one manages poor Zathras, you see. So Zathras talks to dirt. Or to walls, or talks to ceilings. But dirt is closer. Dirt is used to everyone walking on it. Just like Zathras. But we have come to like it. It is our role. It is our destiny in the universe. So, you see, sometimes dirt has insects in it. And Zathras likes insects. Not so good for conversation, but much protein for diet. Hmmm, huh, huh, very good! - Zathras fix now. Come, this way.

TV Show: Babylon 5
[Delenn meets with Neroon to discuss their castes' open war.]
Delenn: Yes, we've disagreed, even fought, but I would rather have someone who opposed me out of an honest belief in the rightness of his cause than someone who is always on my side because it was expected and required.

TV Show: Babylon 5
[Upon arrival, Bester finds his literary quip completely lost on a B5 security guard.]
Alfred Bester: Well, it's good to see they're continuing the fine tradition of hiring from the shallow end of the gene pool.

TV Show: Babylon 5
[Vir is surprised at Garibaldi's disapproval of Sheridan's crusade against EarthGov.]
Vir Cotto: I don't always like the way Londo does things, and…well, me and most civilized worlds, but…you know, sometimes he's right. So I force myself to give him the benefit of the doubt.

TV Show: Babylon 5
[Ivanova issues careful orders to B5 fighters for avoiding order-spoofing from EarthGov.]
David Corwin: So from now on, I guess the operational phrase is "trust no one".
Susan Ivanova: No. Trust Ivanova, trust yourself. Anybody else, shoot 'em!

TV Show: Babylon 5
[At Proxima 3, Marcus notes the approach of half the blockading destroyers.]
John Sheridan: The hostiles might be splitting up so they can be with both groups, to keep them in line.
Marcus Cole: Unless they're all hostile, and some are just more hostile than others.
Sheridan: Thank you for the ray of sunshine, Marcus. Next time I feel the need to be depressed, I'll remember to give you a call.

TV Show: Babylon 5
[Monitored by a telepath, Garibaldi tells Edgars of his suspicions about his employment.]
Michael Garibaldi: Everybody lies.
William Edgars: That's a very sad view of the universe, Mr. Garibaldi.
Garibaldi: Yeah, well, it's the only one I got. And it works for me.

TV Show: Babylon 5
Edgars: Do you know how the ancient Greeks defined happiness?
Garibaldi: Not off-hand, but I'd be willing to bet it involved three goats and a jug of wine.
Edgars: "Happiness", they said, was "the exercise of vital powers along lines of excellence, in a life affording them scope".

TV Show: Babylon 5
William Edgars: The truth will be revealed in a couple of days. How many people can say that?
Michael Garibaldi: I don't know. But I think the last guy got thirty pieces of silver for the same job.

TV Show: Babylon 5
Lyta Alexander: Somewhere on Beta Colony there is an institution. In one room of the institution there is a man who spends his days and nights screaming at things that only he can see. Things we planted in his mind. They have to keep him in a straitjacket 24 hours a day or he'll claw his own eyes out just to make it stop. When it was over I transferred over to commercial work. I wanted out. The Corps took me in when I was just a few years old. They taught me what a telepath was, what we could do. Until that time I'd never been afraid of who we were. Until that day. When we did what we had to do…because no one else would.

TV Show: Babylon 5
Susan Ivanova: What's going on? You all look like a Pak'ma'ra just ate your cat.

TV Show: Babylon 5
[Sheridan tries to encourage an imprisoned Drazi.]
John Sheridan: You just have to say "no, I won't" one more time than they can say "yes, you will".

TV Show: Babylon 5
[The interrogator leaves Sheridan in the room, with a recorded voice repeating over and over.]
Recording: You will cooperate with the state, for the good of the state and your own survival. You will confess to the crimes of which you have been accused. You will be released and returned to society a productive citizen if you cooperate. Resistance will be punished. Cooperation will be rewarded.

TV Show: Babylon 5
John Sheridan: You know, it's funny, I was thinking about what you said, that the preeminent truth of our age is that you cannot fight the system. But if, as you say, the truth is fluid, that the truth is subjective, then maybe you can fight the system. As long as just one person refuses to be broken, refuses to bow down.
Interrogator: But can you win?
John Sheridan: Every time I say "no."

TV Show: Babylon 5