Alias Quotes

Vaughn: [to Sydney] This watch belonged to my father. It's broken now, but it used to keep perfect time. And when he gave it to me, he said, "You could set your heart by this watch." It stopped October 1st -- the day we met.

TV Show: Alias
Jack: [About Sloane's reaction upon losing Marshall] It was as if someone had overcooked his steak.

TV Show: Alias
Marshall: [to Sark] Hi. Welcome. Don't kill me.
Sark: Look, I understand that none of you are inclined to believe a word I say but I assure you, it's not in my best interest to betray you. You've given me an opportunity of a lifetime, and I don't intend to squander it.

TV Show: Alias
Sark: I must admit, this is one of the most impressive operations I've seen. Though it is a touch pathetic how so many of them believe they actually work for the CIA.
Sloane: Look at me. You've offered me a substantial prize to make our partnership worthwhile, but do not think for a second that gives you the right to insult my people.

TV Show: Alias
Sydney: [to Jack] You said you didn't tell us the truth because you were trying to protect me, because you didn't want to risk Sark finding out that I was a double agent. The thing is, someone now has the ability to detonate six nuclear weapons and I am responsible. So I am going to be part of the team that finds and disarms those warheds no matter what you do. But if you were telling the truth when you said you wanted to protect me, then, Mom, I need your help.

TV Show: Alias
Sloane: What do you want?
Mysterious Caller: One hundred million in bearer bonds.
Sloane: This is about money?
Mysterious Caller: Everything is about money. Instructions for the drop have been electronically mailed to you. You have twenty-four hours. Fail to deliver the bonds, and the next delivery will go to the Alliance.

TV Show: Alias
Irina: So, Sydney, how's school?
Sydney: I'm writing my dissertation... supposedly.

TV Show: Alias
Sydney: You know, some people go miniature golfing with their parents. We go to India and look for nukes.

TV Show: Alias
Cuvee: Not to brag, but I'm kind of responsible for matchmaking you and Irina. Didn't she tell you? I was a supervisor at the KGB. I was the one who gave her the assignment to go to the US and marry a CIA officer. Now, you weren't the only prospect, of course. But you had the most potential. Ha! I actually thought it would dawn on you that a woman like this would never go for someone like you. Luckily for me, your ego was too big for that.

TV Show: Alias
Irina: You must have a lot of questions.
Sydney: Yeah.
Irina: One thing that should not wait any longer is why I shot you in Taipei. The rebel leader, Gerard Cuvee... When you were in Taipei, he was in the next room watching to see if I would betray him or you. Shooting you in the shoulder, giving you time to escape, it was the only way I could think to maintain his trust and keep him from killing both of us.

TV Show: Alias
Marshall: You know what I always say - if it ain't Baroque, don't fix it!

TV Show: Alias
Sydney: [to Will] But after Danny and what happened to you, I've accepted the fact that it's a gesture of love to deceive the people I care about.

TV Show: Alias
Ariana Kane: More secrets have been revealed through pillow talk than through torture. If there's a prostitute or a stewardess out there you think may have heard you talking in your sleep, I need to know about it.
Jack: There is one way for you to verify if my nocturnal activities are a security risk, Ms. Kane, but somehow I think we'd both prefer the torture.

TV Show: Alias
Ariana Kane: Men always call women crazy when they're caught with their pants down.

TV Show: Alias
Irina: I don't imagine that means you've decided to trust me?
Jack: Our previous... dealings would indicate that your strategy here may be long-term. So for now, I trust that your behavior is predictable.
Irina: By "previous dealings" you mean our marriage? You know, technically, we may still be husband and wife.

TV Show: Alias
Sydney: I have a crush on a guy from work.
Francie: Really? Who is he?
Sydney: Someone in my department. We've worked together for about a year now.

TV Show: Alias
Kendall: I just got off the phone with the director again and he asked me again if I knew we were in the intelligence business.

TV Show: Alias
Dixon: I speak nine languages. Techno is not one of them!

TV Show: Alias
Vaughn: I got your psych report back. You did well.
Will: I'm not a sociopath?
Vaughn: Well, I didn't say that. [laughs]

TV Show: Alias
Sydney: How long have you known about this?
Jack: I didn't tell you because it didn't concern you!
Sydney: If the Alliance thinks you're lying to them, they'll kill you. That concerns me!
Jack: What concerns me is having them suspect that you're my accomplice. That's why I kept you out of it.

TV Show: Alias
Jack: So we can assume a secondary objective, which is to make Arvin suffer. Someone harboring an acute hatred - meaning it could be anyone.

TV Show: Alias
Weiss: I share my fights with you!
Vaughn: No you don't.
Weiss: Yeah, you remember when, er, remember when Alan pissed in the living room?
Vaughn: That was your dog.
Weiss: Yeah, but I was angry about it and I let you know how upset I was.

TV Show: Alias
Marshall: Actually, um, Mr. Sloane, I noticed you're not wearing the tie I gave you.
[Sloane ignores his comment]
Marshall: [faded smile] It's okay.

TV Show: Alias
Vaughn: Involving you had no upside.
Sydney: There's no upside to keeping me informed? You didn't tell me about Monolo or that you had discussions with my mother! You didn't even tell me that you were seeing Alice again!
Vaughn: Wait. What is this about?
Sydney: This is about me being too old to be coddled!

TV Show: Alias
Geiger: Jack, I know you are disloyal. I know your daughter is too. Both your files, there were so many red flags, I thought I was in a Russian airport.

TV Show: Alias
Weiss: There's no way that guy smells as good as you.
Vaughn: It's aftershave. I got a new aftershave.
Weiss: Yeah, well, I'd lighten up on it.
Vaughn: Yeah?
Weiss: Oh, yeah. To the point of, er, non-use.

TV Show: Alias
Sark: The new boss has a dreadful personality, don't you think?
Sydney: I've seen worse.
Sark: Am I supposed to take that personally?

TV Show: Alias
Vaughn: And the thing that makes me crazy every day is people that would kill us if we're seen together - the Alliance, SD-6, Sloane - are the very forces that brought you into my life to begin with. What kind of a sick joke is that?

TV Show: Alias
Sydney: I need you to tell me.
Vaughn: You need me to tell you what? That when you're on operations, I can't sleep at night? That when we're in debrief I have to force myself to remember what the hell we're supposed to be reviewing when all I wanna do is kiss you?

TV Show: Alias
Sydney: About last night ...
Vaughn: Is this going to be about Alice?
Sydney: I know it's complicated ...
Vaughn: We're not together anymore.
Sydney: Since when?
Vaughn: Since this morning. The truth is, we've been over for a long time.

TV Show: Alias