Alias Quotes

Tom: You okay?
Rachel: If by "okay" you mean "freaked and embarrassed," then yeah, I'm great.

TV Show: Alias
Peyton: You should've given me the disk!
Rachel: You were gonna kill me anyway.
Peyton: Yeah... but I woulda felt bad about it. Now it's gonna be fun.

TV Show: Alias
Sydney: He suspects it's an access key for a secure network.
Rachel: So, we just have to find out which network. Well, luckily there are only ten billion secure networks in the world.

TV Show: Alias
[Rachel has just knocked down Gordon Dean]
Sydney[on comms]: What's he doing?
Rachel: Eating dirt. I just hit him with a shovel.
Sydney: A shovel? Is he conscious?
Rachel: Yeah, I think so.
Sydney: Then hit him again.

TV Show: Alias
Ehrmann: There are a few more things we need you to do for us.
Sloane: We have a deal.
Ehrmann: No. We have an arrangement, which you don't seem to understand very well.
Sloane: You son of a bitch.
Ehrmann: I'll be in touch. Til then, I want you to remember one thing: you have something now that you didn't have this morning.
Sloane: What's that?
Ehrmann: Hope.

TV Show: Alias
Elizabeth: What you're asking me to do - to investigate my own agency - that's treason.
Jack: What's a little treason among old friends?

TV Show: Alias
Marshall: Sounds awesome!
[Jack and the others look at him.]
Marshall: Well, Brazil. Isn't that, you know, the place where they have the, um, string... what are they called, not bikinis but, um--
Jack: Thongs.
Marshall: Yes.

TV Show: Alias
[Rachel stops as she's about to cut another wire.]
Rachel: [to Sark] Just so we're clear: you approached me. You were the one that was stupid enough to let me into your room, and afterwards, you were the one that wanted to cuddle.

TV Show: Alias
Jack: You should know, when it comes to Vaughn ... I take it quite personally.
Sydney: I know, Dad.
Jack: We're going to fix this.

TV Show: Alias
Dr. Desantis: So this is how you do it. Bring in a man in a suit to scare me into talking.
Jack: You're right. The suit shouldn't scare you. What should scare you ... is that I'm a very concerned father.

TV Show: Alias
Dr. Desantis: You can't do anything to me now. I'm quite prepared to die.
[Jack gives Renee the gun.]
Jack: See if he means it.

TV Show: Alias
[while Sydney is under hypnosis]
Sydney: Wait a minute; don't tell me you cook.
Vaughn: There are a lot of things about me you don't know.
Sydney: Do you clean, too?
Vaughn: I've been known to. Why? Are you thinking of hiring me?
Sydney: Why would I hire you when I got you for free?

TV Show: Alias
Peyton: You tracked me with the radio.
Sydney: Not really. You're just predictable.

TV Show: Alias
Devlin: How's life underground treating you?
Jack: Good. Always ... full of surprises.

TV Show: Alias
Sydney: I can fend for myself.
Dixon: But you're not just fending for yourself, you're fending for two. [Glances at Syd] Let's be honest Syd, right now you waddle.
Sydney: I don't waddle.
Dixon: Oh ho ho, yes you do.
Sydney: I'll admit I may be a little less graceful, but I don't waddle.
Dixon: You're right, [Syd scoffs] actually it's more of a teeter.

TV Show: Alias
Irina: You should know something, Sydney. I never wanted to have a child. The KGB demanded it. They knew it would insure your father's allegiance to me. You were simply a means to an end. And then, when the doctor put you in my arms and I looked at you, so fragile, all I could think was: how could I have made such a terrible mistake. And at that moment I was sure of one thing: I couldn't be an agent and a mother. I'd either fail at one or both. And I chose to fail at being a mother.

TV Show: Alias
Irina: If Peyton's here, then she's here to kill me too.
Jack: Then she'll be very disappointed because I'm about to beat her to it.

TV Show: Alias
Irina: We're going to be grandparents.
Jack: I'm trying to ignore that fact.

TV Show: Alias
Jack: You do not leave edged weapons within the reach of children.
Sydney: She's four weeks old, Dad.
Jack: Particularly young Bristow women.
Sydney: She can't even hold her head up. I think we're safe.

TV Show: Alias
Rance: [to Sydney] With your permission, Ma'am, we'd like to go through the house, baby-proof it from top to bottom. Socket protectors, safety latches, gates on stairs. Spread-spectrum RF protectors, perimeter sensors, explosive sniffers. All the usual stuff.

TV Show: Alias
Sydney: Hopefully she won't even know I've been gone.
Rance: Oh, no. The mother-child bond is impossible to replicate, even by Agent Dalton and myself.

TV Show: Alias
Sydney: We were talking about what happened. We have to assume you were grabbed because someone was trying to hurt me.
Will: Well, yeah. I didn't think they wanted me for all the Lakers statistics I have in my head.

TV Show: Alias
Marshall: It's a subdermal device, placed just below the skull at the brain stem. I've never seen one this small before. Looks like they patched a radio receiver to a powerful microcharge.
[Sydney, Jack and Sloane exchange worried looks.]
Will: So what – what does that mean?
Marshall: It means that they – they put a bomb in your head.
Will: What?!
Marshall: I know, I know. But there's ... good news. Looks like the charge is small enough that the blast will be localized.
Will: Wait – wait. So it might not kill me?
Marshall: No, it'll definitely kill you. There just won't be any collateral damage.

TV Show: Alias
Nadia: [referring to Rambaldi's Page 47] You have to make a choice, either me or this.
Sloane: Please, don't make me choose between the two most important things in my life.
Nadia: I suppose then you'll lose us both. [Throws the page into the fireplace.]

TV Show: Alias
Sloane: A few days ago I was absolutely horrified that you would suggest I would turn against APO. That I would kill my own daughter. I realize now that both were inevitable. That death is a necessary sacrifice. Necessary to complete the final leg of this journey. I have been preparing for this my whole life. I knew it was coming. I have betrayed everyone I ever loved. But I was chosen.

TV Show: Alias
Jack: What I am about to say is not to leave this room. Agent Vaughn is alive.
Marshall: I knew it! I knew he couldn't be dead...!

TV Show: Alias
Marshall: You know, I cried at your funeral.
Vaughn: Um, yeah, uh ... sorry about that.
Marshall: No, no. Thank you. I need a good cry every now and again.

TV Show: Alias
Sydney: Where are you?
Jack: Right now? In your kitchen, playing with Isabelle.
Sydney: You are? How is she?
Jack: Happy.
[Isabel coos.]
Sydney: Dad, did she just –
Jack: – giggle? Yeah. Apparently I'm funny.

TV Show: Alias
Vaughn: [to Isabelle] Gonna be just like your mom, aren't you?
Sydney: Oh, I hope not. I hope she's a ... doctor, or a teacher, or just anything that does not involve wearing a wig.
Vaughn: I don't know... I think she'd look pretty cute in a little pink wig. [Isabelle rolls over] Maybe not.
Vaughn: [Isabelle starts to snore. Vaughn laughs.] Oh my god. All right, the snoring, it kills me.

TV Show: Alias
Marshall: What's that, a garrote? You carry a garrote?
Rachel: It's an underwire. Sometimes it pays to be a girl.
Marshall: [after seeing the guard coming to execute them] Um, um, Rachel! [to the guard] Hey! Listen, I have a family, okay, and a child. And I want to have another one, maybe even a girl?
[Rachel beats the guard up.]
Marshall: That was the coolest thing I've ever seen! Seriously, that was, like, Empire Strikes Back cool!

TV Show: Alias