Andromeda Quotes

Andromeda: [hologram] Dylan, I'm not reading any pulses or brainwaves from the corpses of the plague victims, and their bodies register at room temperature.
Tyr: Well, that would make sense – they're corpses.
Andromeda: [on-screen] Yes. The trouble is, they're walking around the ship trying to kill you!
Tyr: [to Dylan] You're surprised? That's what you get for incessantly trying to help!
Dylan: The ungrateful dead!

TV Show: Andromeda
Tyr: It's not so easy to kill dead people!

TV Show: Andromeda
Dylan: Trance, are you dead or alive?
Trance: Yes.
Dylan: Crystal clear, as usual.

TV Show: Andromeda
Trance: She can't tell you.
Beka: Why? Why can't I tell him?
Trance: Because if you tell him, Tyr will die.
Tyr: Then, by all means, leave me in suspense.

TV Show: Andromeda
Dylan: The Engine of Creation is a myth. It's like the Holy Grail of ancient Earth, or the Wyvern's Hoards of Gehenna Mortis.
Beka: Or a restored Commonwealth.
Dylan: [laughs, insincerely] That's not funny.

TV Show: Andromeda
Beka: He never came back.
Dylan: But you have a different plan?
Beka: My plan is to come back.
Dylan: That's a good plan.

TV Show: Andromeda
Dylan: They're not butchers, just very strange lovers.
Beka: Yeah, he's totally controlling, and she's this sexy, shoot-from-the-hip kinda gal. What could they possibly have in common?
Dylan: Well, Harper always says that opposites attract.
Beka: That's just his excuse to meet women. Everyone's the opposite of Harper.

TV Show: Andromeda
Dylan: How long has the Vedran been here?
Maia: Since the fall.
Trance: The Fall of the Commonwealth?
Maia: Since the autumn, nine months ago.

TV Show: Andromeda
Harper: Look, betting my life savings on a game of Yesheedono is a chance I'm willing to take – except against Trance. However, accidentally setting off a nova bomb … isn't.

TV Show: Andromeda
Dylan: How do we get people to stop believing in a myth they've believed in for centuries?
Trance: By getting them to believe in that other myth.
Dylan: What's that?
Trance: The one about the High Guard captain flying around the universe, making allies, restoring the Commonwealth.
Dylan: Oh, I don't think they'll ever believe in that one.

TV Show: Andromeda
Dylan: Anyone can have their cake, and then eat it. The real trick is eating your cake, and still having it. It's a common mistake.
Trance: We did. You could even say we had our cake outside of the box and ate it too.

TV Show: Andromeda
Tyr: I have faith in nothing but this: when the Universe collapses and dies, there will be three survivors. Tyr Anasazi, the cockroaches, and Dylan Hunt - trying to save the cockroaches.

TV Show: Andromeda
Tyr: I once told Dylan that his mission to restore the Commonwealth is nothing more than an excuse to shape the Universe according to his will. It is. But, in the past two years, for reasons I cannot begin to understand, perhaps I have come to... prefer that shape?

TV Show: Andromeda
Tyr: We know – Your willingness to defy the universal odds is a disease that, apparently, we have all contracted.

TV Show: Andromeda
Trance: Are we still outside the box?
Dylan: Trance, we're so far outside the box, we can't even see the box.

TV Show: Andromeda
Tyr: The AIs are machines – they should do as they're told, or be discarded as defective.
Rommie: They're not machines, Tyr, they're sentient beings, soldiers.
Tyr: Then perhaps Milla has a point. Perhaps the Commonwealth did treat their AIs as slaves. But you would know better than I.

TV Show: Andromeda
Dylan: I can't take the risk that you'll fall apart under pressure.
Tyr: That would be a mistake. This fellow has already taken it upon himself to perform a dangerous task – not because he was commanded, but because it needed to be done. And, in the end, that's the only test that matters – the test of will… You're a machine. I can't believe I just said that.

TV Show: Andromeda
Dylan: So, if the Genite attacks are fake, then Tyr is working with the Drago-Kazovs? Nah, I don't buy it.
Beka: But you buy the "warm and fuzzy" Tyr, concerned for his fellow Nietzscheans?
Dylan: No, I didn't say that.

TV Show: Andromeda
Harper: In a fair fight with them, we'd be fried.
Dylan: Well, then, we'll have to make sure we don't fight fair.

TV Show: Andromeda
Dylan: There's only one way to fight a superior opponent.
Zhukov: Well, that I wouldn't know – I've never fought a superior opponent.

TV Show: Andromeda
Tyr: Remember my admonition about becoming complacent? About forgetting what it means to test our will against the universe? Well, now we have to!

TV Show: Andromeda
Trance: It's an invitation. Whatever it is it wants to play, to fight, or make love with us.
Dylan: RSVP.

TV Show: Andromeda
Harper: Nice move, boss, the old slingshot maneuver. Plus a little luck.
Dylan: Well, sometimes I think luck is just another word for "fate."
Harper: Yeah, well, I'm feeling particularly fatalistic right now.

TV Show: Andromeda
Dylan: Why is it we look for luck every time we're in danger?
Harper: Because that's when we need it most.
Dylan: Well, the thing about luck is... the balance changes.
Trance: What about fate?
Dylan: Fate is a hunter.

TV Show: Andromeda
Harper: Wait a minute, how come I get to go for a change?
Dylan: Because I want you with me.
Harper: This is something shady, isn't it?

TV Show: Andromeda
Rommie: The Commonwealth is still hailing us, and they're mad. They say this is the last warning.
Tyr: That's what they said five "last warnings" ago.
Beka: They're waiting for authorization. God bless bureaucracy!

TV Show: Andromeda
Harper: [speaking of a mythical vase] I mean, when I was little, my mom told me that it was so powerful that nobody could be trusted with it, not even Vedrans. Weren't you at least a little tempted to put it together and see what it did?
Dylan: [wording from Shakespeare'sThe Merchant of Venice] Well, there's something else that my mom taught me. "All that glitters is not gold."

TV Show: Andromeda
Harper: So, uh, the vase. It doesn't do a thing, does it? It's worthless.
Dylan: It's a symbol. Zeus and Abelard believed that it would bring them power. But to me, it represents the highest confidence in faith that we all put in the Commonwealth.
Harper: Well that's good. Cuz, three people murdered, one in jail collecting dust, and another one on the run with his gun in the sun for all eternity. A lot of time and energy wasted and all for a worthless hunk 'a glass... It is worthless... right?
Dylan: Did I say it was worthless? No. It's priceless. And isn't that the value of all dreams?

TV Show: Andromeda
Angelika: Once you've lived an extended period of doing without, you never take having for granted. Once you've crawled on your stomach for what seemed like days silting for water, once you've lived with so much pain... You get to close to death, you get focused on what you want. Come on, Dylan. When's the last time you lived without?
Dylan: Well, I uh... I had 303 years once, frozen in a black hole, doing without life or food.

TV Show: Andromeda
Oderic: You know, if you weren't so intensely self-absorbed, you'd realize that all of life is a balance between the emptiness of eternity and the need to make art to remind ourselves we were here.
Tyr: I had an epiphany like that once. Then I mercilessly beat someone until it went away.

TV Show: Andromeda