Terminator - The Sarah Connor Chronicles Quotes

Cameron: This is your fault.
Riley Dawson: What's my fault?
Cameron: You're the reason that person is here.
Riley Dawson: [Sees Cameron's hand twitch] Your John's sister. You can't keep me here.
Cameron: They don't always like the way I do things. What am I going to do with you?
Riley Dawson: I don't understand. I don't what you mean.
Cameron: Child and Family Services respond to complaints. Are you a complainer?
Riley Dawson: No. No, I never told them anything. What would I even tell them?
Cameron: You don't belong here. John isn't right for you and you're not right for him. He can't see that. [Steps closer to Riley]
Riley Dawson: Stop, please. You're freaking me out.
Cameron: You're unreliable. I don't know what you do.
Riley Dawson: I'm just John's girlfriend. That's it.
Cameron: You can't be John's girlfriend. You're a threat. You can't stay here anymore, but I can't let you leave.
Riley Dawson: You're John's sister.
Cameron: What am I going to do with you?
Riley Dawson: Nothing. You can't do anything to me because you're John's sister. Get it through your head. You're just his sister!
Cameron: [Smiles and turns her head slightly, then turns around on hearing the door open]
John Connor: Riley, come with me.
Riley Dawson: [Rushes over and hugs John]
John Connor: All right, go wait outside for me. [Riley leaves] Were you going to kill her?
Cameron: I don't know what I was going to do.
John Connor: What do you mean you didn't know what you were going to do? Since when do you not know what you're going to do?
Cameron: I don't know. I should have killed her. She's a threat to you.
John Conno

TV Show: Terminator - The Sarah Connor Chronicles
[Cameron works on a pocket watch]
John Connor: [Walks in] I can't find her.
Cameron: She's out there. She'll call you eventually. She always does.
John Connor: Cameron, did you --
Cameron: You know I didn't.
John Connor: What have you been doing? You've been out here for hours.
Cameron: [Turns to face him, holding the pocket watch] Making something for you. [Hands him the watch]
John Connor: What is it?
Cameron: You've tried to fix me. Twice now. It's not working.
John Connor: And?
Cameron: I'm not capable of self termination.
John Connor: Suicide?
Cameron: I can't kill myself, but you can.
John Connor: Why would I want to kill you?
Cameron: You might have to some day. [Watches as John opens the watch, which contains three buttons rather than clock pieces] I've planted an explosive in my skull near my chip. It's a small amount, but it's enough.
John Connor: Enough?
Cameron: [Puts the watch around John's neck] All you have to do is hit the switch.
John Connor: What would future John do now?
Cameron: Future John doesn't live here. You do.
John Connor: [Puts the watch beneath his shirt]

TV Show: Terminator - The Sarah Connor Chronicles
[A bird sits on a ledge, on seeing Cameron it flies away]
Cameron: Goodbye, bird. There's a 51% chance I wouldn't have killed you.

TV Show: Terminator - The Sarah Connor Chronicles
John Connor: Was it you? Did you kill her?
Cameron: What if I did?
John Connor: Don't play games with me. I need the truth.
Cameron: I didn't kill her.
John Connor: I want to believe you.
Cameron: Believe me.
John Connor: Sometimes you lie to me.
Cameron: Yes, I do, but I'm not lying now. I am sorry.
John Connor: You're sorry? For what?
Cameron: For your loss.
John Connor: I really wish I could believe that, too.

TV Show: Terminator - The Sarah Connor Chronicles
John Connor: We were using it for research. To find out what makes them --
Sarah Connor: Don't! John, just don't. Don't make excuses her. Don't cover for her.
John Connor: I knew about the parts.
Sarah Connor: I'm not talking about parts. I'm talking about Riley.
John Connor: Well, there's nothing to talk about, is there, because Riley's dead.
Sarah Connor: How do you think that happened?
John Connor: I don't know. I'm going to figure it out, though.
Sarah Connor: You know, John. We both know.
John Connor: No. Cameron didn't do it.
Sarah Connor: How can you say that? How can you be so sure?
John Connor: Because I'm sure, and I know her, and she told me.
Sarah Connor: Yeah, she told you. Just like she told you she destroyed every part we ever captured. Just like she tells us what she does every night when we go to sleep. When she comes back in the morning she's covered in cuts and bruises. Just like she told you she loved you!
John Connor: [Bangs his fist on the table] You don't know anything!

TV Show: Terminator - The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Sarah Connor: I had planned on waiting for you with Derek's sniper rifle. Pulled the trigger, solve about 50% of my problems. One shot. Do you know how bad I would've felt?
Cameron: Very bad?
Sarah Connor: Not bad at all. But I know someone who would have felt bad. Someone who would have never forgiven me if I’d have done that. I don't know what to do with you. You know what the stakes are. You know why we're here. You know what this means. And yet here I stand, burning what's left of an endoskeleton I thought we'd burned months ago.
Cameron: I needed spare parts.
Sarah Connor: I don't care what you need, because this is not about you.
Cameron: No, it’s not about me. It’s about John. You’re concerned for his safety.
Sarah Connor: You bet I am.
Cameron: From Skynet. From me.
Sarah Connor: Maybe. Maybe especially you.
Cameron: We’re all a threat. We’re all a threat to John. He worries about us. It makes him vulnerable. He cares.
Sarah Connor: I am not John's problem.
Cameron: John is John’s problem. Humans are the problem. There’s only one way for him to be safe. That’s to be alone.
Sarah Connor: What kind of life is that?
Cameron: John's life. Someday.

TV Show: Terminator - The Sarah Connor Chronicles
John Connor: There were things I needed to see. I needed to understand.
Sarah Connor: Do you understand them now?
John Connor: I think so. I'm sorry I doubted you.
Sarah Connor: John --
John Connor: No. Not you. Her. [Looks to Cameron]

TV Show: Terminator - The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Dietz: You're right, Garvin. It's not you. You're not the one who spends all day locked in room with metal.
Jesse: Stand down, Dietz.
Dietz: I knew you were a metal lover, but maybe you're more than that. Maybe you're one of them. Just like that little metal bitch that follows Connor everywhere.

TV Show: Terminator - The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Sarah Connor: You're not leaving this house.
Cameron: John needs me.
Sarah Connor: If John needed you he would have asked for you. He didn't. You're not leaving this house.
Cameron: The police could identify Riley's body at any time. I need to be with him if they do.
Sarah Connor: If they do they'll probably come here. So we should be happy he's out. Why are you here?
Cameron: To protect John, hunt Skynet, stop Judgement Day.
Sarah Connor: But why are you here? Right now, with us. John sent you here from the future. He sent you away. Away from him. Maybe you should think about that. Maybe you should think about why he didn't want you around anymore.

TV Show: Terminator - The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Jesse: Who are you and what do you want?
T1000: Tell John Connor the answer is no.

TV Show: Terminator - The Sarah Connor Chronicles
John Connor: If you pretend to not know me, I might shoot you in the head. We owe Riley the truth, don't you think? We owe the dead that much.
Jesse: You're John Connor.
John Connor: Yes, I am.
Jesse: Where is she? The metal.
John Connor: If she were here, you'd be dead. You know that. Could you please give me your gun? You're not going to shoot me. You know, I've been running from the machines my whole life. They tried to kill my mom before I was even born. When I was twelve they sent one after me. I was a kid and I was stupid. I didn't know what it was all about. Both times future me sent someone back to stop them. The first time it was a soldier. His name was Kyle Reese, and he died saving my mother's life. The second time it was a machine, and I used to wonder why I did that. Why I took that chance. I don't wonder anymore. Human beings can't be replaced. They can't be rebuilt. They die and they never come back. You know, it was Derek who told me, if that's what you're wondering. He loves you, Derek. You and me, we're the only things he has in this world. The only things. He's like Riley in that way. See, she made mistakes. Small things, sometimes. A word or a phrase. Carrots and apples. I'm guessing that's yours. When we were in Mexico she heard my real name, she ignored it. A man took my picture and she destroyed his camera. She put herself between me and a machine that was hunting me. So one day I realized she wasn't treating me like John Baum, she was treating me like John Connor.
Jesse: When was that?
John Connor: I don't remember exactly. It was a bad day, though. A bad day. Anyway, I started following her, and the rest was easy and hard.
Jesse: She wanted to tell you.
John Connor: I know, but she didn't. [Looking at the cuts on Jesse's face] She do that to you? See, she figured out what you really had planned. Figured it ou

TV Show: Terminator - The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Jesse: We opened the damn box. Hell came out of it. How many times do we need to go over this?
Cameron: Until you give me the answer.
Jesse: Not you. Take me to Connor.
Cameron: You can tell me.
Jesse: No. The liquid metal thing inside the box. It came to me before we escaped, and it gave me a message for John Connor. For him, not for you.
Cameron: Telling me is the same as telling John.
Jesse: Dietz was right. Who the hell is running this war? What the hell are we fighting for if telling you is the same as telling Connor? You're a damned machine! You're not the same. It's not the same! Fine. To hell with you. You tell John Connor that the metal monster said the answer is no. What does that mean, huh? Hey, tell me! If the answer is no, what was the question?
Cameron: Will you join us?
Jesse: What?
Cameron: That was the question. Will you join us.

TV Show: Terminator - The Sarah Connor Chronicles
John Connor: What do they think of me? In the future, what do people think?
Derek Reese: If you're asking if people agree with everything you do, of course not. If you're asking if everybody loves you. Love's a lot to ask for. You can't do what you do and expect everybody to agree or to love you.
John Connor: What is it that I do?
Derek Reese: You lead.
John Connor: And they follow.
Derek Reese: We follow. We rise or fall on your shoulders. Humanity rises or falls, but we're always watching.
John Connor: For me to make a mistake?
Derek Reese: For you to be human.

TV Show: Terminator - The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Sarah Connor: [Voiceover] When John was a child the legends of the jungle were his fairytales. His favorite was the story of El Viejo Del Bosque; the old man of the forest. A merciless hunter who killed every animal in his path. El Viejo didn't eat his prey; he left it behind to rot in the soil. To teach him a lesson the gods turned him into a simisco: half animal, half man. He was condemned to defend the jungle for all eternity. This was El Viejo's punishment, his curse: to forever be vigilant, to forever protect.

TV Show: Terminator - The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Sarah Connor: [Punches John lightly on the arm]
John Connor: What the hell?
Sarah Connor: Bug slug.
John Connor: Bug slug? Are you serious?
Sarah Connor: We just passed it.
John Connor: We haven't played bug slug since I was like, eight. You can't just start playing without telling me.
Sarah Connor: Fine. We're playing bug slug.
John Connor: What if I don't want to play?
Sarah Connor: Too late. Already started.
John Connor: Are you feeling all right?
Sarah Connor: I feel great.
John Connor: You feel great. Why?
Sarah Connor: We have been on the road together for a while, that's all.
John Connor: What's so great about it. [Smiles at Sarah, who returns his smile] Hey, just don't teach bug slug to Cameron. She could do some real damage.

TV Show: Terminator - The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Derek Reese: Have you been into my plastique?
Cameron: I needed it.
Derek Reese: I can handle the rest myself.
Cameron: Sarah sent both of us here.
Derek Reese: Yeah. To get John away from you.
Cameron: Or from you. [Reaches to grab a jacket on a shelf, only to have Derek stop her]
Derek Reese: Don't touch this.
Cameron: We're supposed to get everything.
Derek Reese: I've got this.
Cameron: That jacket belongs to Jesse.
Derek Reese: Don't talk about her, okay? You don't know anything about her.
Cameron: I know that you loved her. You wouldn't have fathered a child with her if you didn't. I'm sorry for your loss.
Derek Reese: What?
Cameron: I'm sorry for your loss.
Derek Reese: What loss?
Cameron: The child you fathered with Jesse. The one she was carrying aboard the USS Jimmy Carter. The one that died.
Derek Reese: [Slams Cameron against the wall and points a gun at her head] I never had a kid.
Cameron: You can't kill me.
Derek Reese: I can try. Tell me what you're talking about.
Cameron: She was pregnant. She miscarried.
Derek Reese: Why did you tell me that now?
Cameron: You put John in danger when you lied about Jesse. Sarah nearly lost her child. You've lost a child. You won't make that mistake again.
Derek Reese: You knew her.
Cameron: I met her once.
Derek Reese: She never told me that.
Cameron: It seems she never told you a lot of things.

TV Show: Terminator - The Sarah Connor Chronicles
[John Henry's screen reads: "My God, Why hast thou forsaken me?"]
Matt Murch: I thought something like that might happen...
James Ellison: Like what?
Catherine Weaver: Explain Mr.Murch. Quickly.
Matt Murch: The on / off problem. Once it's off, no problem. But the act of turning it off...
Catherine Weaver: Quicker.
Matt Murch: John Henry processes more information in a minute than we do in a lifetime. A millisecond for a supercomputer like this, it's almost like forever to us.
James Ellison: So we turn it off...
Matt Murch: It feels itself powered down and not instant. It experiences that moment the way we experience years.
James Ellison: It feels itself die. Slowly.
Catherine Weaver: Very slowly.
Matt Murch: We have to hook it up to the Net. Now.
James Ellison: Is that safe?
Matt Murch: We're starving it. It's bad enough that we let it die for like forever. John Henry has been living off the most insane of data for weeks now. It's his world...
Catherine Weaver: And we took it away... Fix it.
James Ellison: Wait, we should talk about this. Ms. Weaver...
Catherine Weaver: In for a penny, in for a pint, James. [inserts the cord into John Henry's skull.]
James Ellison: John Henry.
John Henry: I know what it feels like, Mr. Ellison.
James Ellison: What?
John Henry: To die. Then come back. To be alone.
Catherine Weaver: We had to cut you off from your network. It was for your own good.
John Henry: There is another.
James Ellison: Another what?
John Henry: One like me. Another one like me.

TV Show: Terminator - The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Cameron: [Uncovers Derek's eyes and frees him from the chair to which he is bound. Derek looks at her incredulously] You're welcome.
Derek Reese: Why did you come after me?
Cameron: You know the location of the safe house. John's location. If they tortured you --
Derek Reese: That would never happen.
Cameron: It has before.

TV Show: Terminator - The Sarah Connor Chronicles
John Henry: The human brain is an amazing computer. Its raw clock speed is 20 billion calculations per second. Its storage is functionally infinite. But it's flawed.
James Ellison: How's that?
John Henry: There's no way to download it when you die.
James Ellison: Not exactly, no.
John Henry: Your Bible solves this problem by introducing a concept of Heaven.
James Ellison: Yes.
John Henry: Billions of souls with no bodies.
James Ellison: Okay.
John Henry: [Gesturing towards his server farm] Yet all this required simply to process the unique entity you call John Henry.
James Ellison: Yes.
John Henry: It's possible the Heaven has a hardware problem.
James Ellison: It's not that simple.
John Henry: I need to know what my brother is thinking, Mr. Ellison. I need to know what he plans to do. I don't want to die again.

TV Show: Terminator - The Sarah Connor Chronicles
John Connor: I want to tell you something.
Cameron: Yes?
John Connor: It was not my idea to ditch you and Derek. I thought we were going to meet you in the desert and my mom took this detour off to Charlie's. I thought you knew.
Cameron: She had her reasons.
John Connor: She was pretty damn pissed at Derek about the whole Jesse thing. Who wasn't? I guess none of that matters now.
Cameron: You'll miss him.
John Connor: Well, there's no use crying out it, is there? I'm sure future me would beat my ass if I did.
Cameron: Future you knows what it means to lose people you love. It happens to him, too. Your mother ditched us because she was going to ditch you. She was going to leave you with Charlie.
John Connor: No. No, that's insane.
Cameron: She found a lump in her breast.
John Connor: Yeah, a transmitter. I know.
Cameron: She thought it was cancer.
John Connor: Well she had a lump. It makes sense.
Cameron: She's lost weight.
John Connor: What?

TV Show: Terminator - The Sarah Connor Chronicles
James Ellison: What are you doing here?
Cameron: Taking you to Sarah Connor.
James Ellison: The plan was that we'd meet at the tunnel.
Cameron: The plan changed. Take a left. I'm gonna need your gun.
James Ellison: I don't carry one anymore.
Cameron: You lied to me once before. I should've killed you then. Drive!

TV Show: Terminator - The Sarah Connor Chronicles
John Connor: Hey you remember me, right? Squirrel runs around the tree?
Savannah Weaver: Dives into the hole, scurries up the other side.
John Connor: That's right.
Savannah Weaver: You taught me how to tie my shoe.
John Connor: I did. At Doctor Sherman's.
Savannah Weaver: He died.
John Connor: I know.
Savannah Weaver: I liked him.
John Connor: Me too.
Savannah Weaver: He was my friend. That man that got hurt at my house, was he your friend?
John Connor: Yeah he was.
Savannah Weaver: I'm sorry
John Connor: Me too.
Savannah Weaver: It's all my fault.
John Connor: That's not true.
Savannah Weaver: The teacher told me. Mommy told me too. Not to talk to John Henry. That if I did, bad people will come our house and hurt us.
John Connor: Who's John Henry?
Savannah Weaver: He's my friend. At my mommy's work.
John Connor: What does he do there?
Savannah Weaver: He lives in the basement.
John Connor: He lives there?
Savannah Weaver: My mommy says that people wouldn't understand.
John Connor: Oh well, I understand. I had an imaginary friend too when I was your age.
Savannah Weaver: He's real. He talks. I'm teaching him how to sing.
John Connor: Why does he live in the basement then?
Savannah Weaver: He can't leave. There's a cord in the back of his head.
John Connor: A cord?
Savannah Weaver: In the back of his head.
John Connor: Do other people talk to John Henry?
Savannah Weaver: Mr. Ellison.
John Connor: Mr. Ellison?
Savannah Weaver: He works for my mommy. He teaches John Henry stuff.
John Connor

TV Show: Terminator - The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Sarah Connor: How's the girl?
John Connor: She's fine. She was just telling me about her friend, John Henry. The man with the cord in the back of his head, in the basement of her mother's work, plugged into a big computer. And this is him [Shows a picture of George Lazlo on his laptop.] Oh, it gets better. She says that Mr. Ellison has been teaching it things.
Sarah Connor: I destroyed that chip.
Cameron: You destroyed a chip.
John Connor: I don't think it's Cromartie. I think it's something else. Something bigger. Something worse.
Sarah Connor: Cyberdyne all over again.
John Connor: Why did they need the body?
Cameron: The technology can be reversed engineered and used as a platform.
John Connor: Yeah I know all that. But they're not using it for the parts. They're... playing with it.
Cameron: [referring to James Ellison] I should've killed him. I'm going to kill him.
Sarah Connor: You're not going to kill him.
Cameron: He can't be trusted.
Sarah Connor: No one can be trusted.
Cameron: But I only wanna kill him.
Sarah Connor: No one is going to be killed. [looks towards Savannah who's rather scared.] No one is going to be killed.

TV Show: Terminator - The Sarah Connor Chronicles
John Connor: I need a computer. I need to do research.
Cameron: You want the blueprints for the Los Angeles County Jail.
John Connor: Do I?
Cameron: So you can plan how to get your mother out. But I'm not going to let you do that. You should know that by now.
John Connor: I do know that by now.

TV Show: Terminator - The Sarah Connor Chronicles
James Ellison: I don't know what you think John knows.
Catherine Weaver: I know he was at my house when the attacker showed up. I want to know why. His mother thinks he's a messiah. I want to know why. And despite your reluctance to tell me, I surmise that he and his cyborg companion are connected to the John Henry body, and I want to know why. Yes, she's a cyborg. Don't pretend you didn't know.
James Ellison: She's dangerous.
Catherine Weaver: And you think I need protecting. That's sweet.

TV Show: Terminator - The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Chola: There's nothing else there. There's nothing hidden there. No secret message there for her escape. I am to tell you this from your mother: Leave this place. As soon as it is safe, leave this place. Do not think of her. Do not come for her. Leave. [Looks to Cameron] You are to make sure that he does. [Moves to leave, but stops] We lose everybody we love.
John Connor: She said that?
Chola: No.
Cameron: Hasta luego.

TV Show: Terminator - The Sarah Connor Chronicles
James Ellison: Let me repeat: I had nothing to do with your mother's arrest. If I had, there would be a SWAT Team outside your door right now.
John Connor: And the same thing would happen to this SWAT Team that happened to your last one.
James Ellison: Catherine Weaver would like to meet you.
John Connor: Why?
James Ellison: She wants to thank you for saving Savannah.
John Connor: Well she just did.
James Ellison: Your mother wanted to meet her.
John Connor: Well, when my mother gets out, trust me, she will
James Ellison: I told Ms. Weaver that you would never come without your mom. She said if that was the case I'm supposed to ask one question. She says I'm supposed to ask you. [Looks to Cameron] Will you join us? She says she hopes you'll know what that means.
John Connor: Do you know what that means?
Cameron: No. I don't. Please leave now, Mr. Ellison. I think you've said enough.
James Ellison: John --
Cameron: You've said enough, Mr. Ellison. I won't ask you again. [Watches as Ellison leaves] He upset you.
John Connor: Me? I think he upset you.
Cameron: You know that's impossible.
John Connor: Is it?
Cameron: You said it yourself, John. I'm just a machine.

TV Show: Terminator - The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Guard: Hey! Are you the guy who smashed through my gate?
Waterboy T-888: Yes. [Shoots and kills the guard]
Catherine Weaver: Hey! I liked that gate!
Waterboy T-888: Catherine Weaver?
Catherine Weaver: Sure. [T-888 unloads its pistols on Weaver who heals the gunshot wounds. Weaver promptly stabs him then stabs the power supplies to short-circuit the T-888]

TV Show: Terminator - The Sarah Connor Chronicles
John Connor: [to Cameron] Stuff goes wrong with you. You kill birds. You twitch. You try to murder me. You're a machine. You're not perfect.

TV Show: Terminator - The Sarah Connor Chronicles
John Connor: What's going on?
Cameron: You need to understand how it works.
John Connor: What?
Cameron: This chip. This body. The software is designed to terminate humans. The hardware is designed to terminate humans. That's our sole function.
John Connor: Not you.
Cameron: No, not anymore, but what was there is still there, and will always be there.
John Connor: So down deep, you want to kill me?
Cameron: Yes. I do.
John Connor: Then why don't you?
Cameron: I might someday.

TV Show: Terminator - The Sarah Connor Chronicles