Smallville Quotes

[at an anger management class]
Lex: What are you here for?
Helen Bryce: I drop kicked an orderly. I have a violent reaction to incompetence.
Lex: The drop kick must have caught him off guard.
Helen Bryce: So, what did you do? Verbally demean your butler?
Lex: Cute. I took a 9 iron to a meter maid's car.
Helen Bryce: Wow, now I'm really jealous. I've always wanted to do that. How'd it feel?
Lex: Great.
Helen Bryce: Word of advice, keep that to yourself in here.

TV Show: Smallville
Lex: Guess I owe you a belated thank you.
Helen Bryce: Actually, I should be thanking you. It's cases like yours that convinced me to leave Metropolis.
Lex: I'm flattered I turned you from a life of nose jobs and liposuctions to small town medicine.

TV Show: Smallville
Helen: For the record, I refused to join my father's practice and we stopped speaking.
Lex: They hate when you do that.
Helen: Sounds like you speak from experience.
Lex: You witnessed my self-destructive phase. Then I almost let my father die... now I'm just trying to beat him at his own game.
Helen: How's that going?
Lex: I terrorize meter maids.
Helen: Yeah. I drop kick orderlies. It's funny, I was never an angry child.

TV Show: Smallville
Chloe: What really gets me is I should have known better. Only Chloe Sullivan could fall for a guy who splits himself in two. What is it about me? Do I have a sign around my neck that says "Mutant Magnet"?

TV Show: Smallville
Lionel: I want you as my partner. Blame it on a brief bout of sentimentality.
Lex: Sentimentality is synonymous with vulnerability. You taught me that. You're on your own.

TV Show: Smallville
Clark: I need to raise bail money for Joseph Willowbrook. He's being set up, I think by LuthorCorp.
Lex: That's a pretty serious accusation, Clark. Don't get me wrong, I'm impressed by your conviction, but going head to head with my father? You're a little like David trying to slay Goliath.
Clark: Where do you stand?
Lex: Any culture that's left a legacy that would endure for centuries has earned my respect. I'm afraid it's a losing battle.
Clark: Didn't David beat Goliath?

TV Show: Smallville
Lana: Whitney's shared more with me since we broke up than when we were together. What is it with guys and their emotions? The closer you get to them, the more they keep everything in.
Chloe: Must be some sort of protective instincts. You know, maybe we should just stop falling for guys who are trying to save the world.

TV Show: Smallville
Clark: I have these feelings for Kyla, and I don't want to doubt her, but I'm not sure she's being honest with me.
Jonathan: Well, Clark, not everybody's exactly what they seem. I mean, we should know that better than anybody.

TV Show: Smallville
Lionel: Lex, have I done something in the recent past to offend you?
Lex: There are so many ways I could answer that question, Dad.

TV Show: Smallville
Clark: Lex, you've been dating Helen for a while. But nothing you ever told me about her would lead me to believe she's the espionage type.
Lex: I'm afraid one day you'll learn the frustrating truth, Clark. People are seldom whom they appear to be.
Clark: Did she give you any kind of explanation?
Lex: Didn't get that far. When she learned that I had her investigated, she turned hostile and stormed out.
Clark: If I knew someone was investigating me, I'd be a little ticked off too.

TV Show: Smallville
Lex: You're telling me my father offered you $100,000 against your will? Why would he do that?
Helen: I can't even begin to fathom the depths of the Luthor family pathology.
Lex: You could have been honest. You could have told me.
Helen: I was about to. But before I could say a word, I realized I was in the middle of an interrogation.
Lex: Helen, if I had known...
Helen: No, I'm glad that this happened. It showed me who I was really dealing with. You know, I've done some pretty stupid things in my life, but this could possibly win the Nobel Prize for stupidity. I fell for someone who never really existed.

TV Show: Smallville
Martha: Sweetheart, are you all right?
Clark: I just can't help thinking that... Whitney's skin wasn't bulletproof. His bones weren't unbreakable, but he still put himself in harm's way so the world could be safer. I wonder if I didn't have my abilities if I'd have that same kind of courage.
Jonathan: Son, there is no doubt in our minds that you would.

TV Show: Smallville
Lex: From the time I was born, I was raised in an environment of suspicion and distrust. My father taught me to regard everyone as an adversary no matter who they are.
Helen: I'm really sorry you had to grow up like that, Lex, I am.
Lex: When my mother died, I began to build a wall around my heart. Every year that wall grew taller and more fortified until eventually it became impenetrable. I want to tear the wall down, Helen, I do. I just-- I don't have the slightest clue how to do it.
Helen: Lex...
Lex: I never once asked anyone for help, but I'm asking you now. Help me, Helen. I don't want to become my father.

TV Show: Smallville
Lana: It seems like every person that I've ever gotten close to just leaves.
Clark: That's not true.
Lana: Yeah, it is. My parents, Nell, now Whitney. I know I haven't been a good friend.
Clark: You've been a great friend.
Lana: No, I have doubted you, accused you of things, and still you're here protecting me. I don't care if you have secrets, Clark. You are the one good, constant thing in my life and I don't want to lose you too.
Clark: I'm not going anywhere.

TV Show: Smallville
Clark: Lex, what's going on?
Lex: Big Brother is listening, or should I say "Big Daddy"?
Clark: What are you saying, your dad's spying on you?
Lex: I had the inside track on a multi-million dollar contract. At the last minute, LuthorCorp manages to underbid me. You do the math.
Clark: Lex, you've got to calm down...
Lex: Don't tell me to calm down, Clark! How would you feel if someone were listening to every private word you uttered, learning all your secrets?

TV Show: Smallville
Jonathan: [to Lex] Look, I don't know how things work in your house, but around here, we think it's important to respect other people's privacy.
Clark: Dad...
Lex: It's all right, Clark... Mr. Kent, ever since the day I moved to Smallville, I've done nothing but try to be a friend to you. And in return, you do nothing but lecture me with sanctimonious platitudes. I'm done listening to them.

TV Show: Smallville
Martha: Why don't you just let us go? You can avoid adding kidnapping to the breaking and entering charges!
Lionel: You should listen to this woman. I find her advice invariably sound.

TV Show: Smallville
Lex: Clark, how did you get inside?
Lionel: The boy's resourceful, Lex. What difference does it make how he did it? He saved us. That's what's important.
Lex: Dad. I want you to know I was doing everything I could to secure your release.
Lionel: [sarcastically] Oh, I'm sure you did a great deal.

TV Show: Smallville
Jonathan: Wait. Are you sure that this is the best thing to do? Quit, I mean.
Martha: What do you mean? I thought you'd be happy about it.
Jonathan: If you hadn't been working for Lionel, then we'd have no way of knowing that he was keeping tabs on Clark.
Martha: So, instead of staying away from him...
Jonathan: Maybe we should take a page out of the Luthor playbook.

TV Show: Smallville
Dominic: You can save the concerned son routine, Lex. I have everything under control.
Lex: The loyal lapdog sitting watch at his master's door, secretly hoping he doesn't make it?
Dominic: As I recall, you almost let him die once. Who's to say you didn't try to finish the job? God knows after yesterday, you'd have enough reason to want him dead.
Lex: You know what I find so amusing about you, Dominic, is that you actually believe my father is grooming you.
Dominic: It's unfortunate that they already have a suspect in custody. I can't think of a person with a better motive for killing your father than you.

TV Show: Smallville
Lionel: If you were really ready to run LexCorp, there's no way I could have taken it from you. Look at this as an opportunity for us to work together again, father and son.
Lex: When I broke away from you, I swore I'd never be under your thumb again.
Lionel: It's my hope that you'll stay and rise to the challenge.
Lex: Your ego wouldn't allow it. I'll fight you on this and I'll win.
Lionel: You better have something stronger than words to back up those threats, son, because as of this moment you are just another employee.

TV Show: Smallville
Lex: So now you're implying I pulled the trigger?
Clark: It's not like I haven't seen you shoot someone before.
Lex: Get out of here before you say something you really regret.
Clark: I'm not going anywhere. Not until I get some answers. Are you trying to frame my dad?
Lex: After all this time, I thought you knew me better than the average tabloid reader.
Clark: If you don't start trusting me with the truth, what else am I supposed to think?
Lex: Stay out of it, Clark.
Clark: My dad's life is at stake here!
Lex: So is my father's!

TV Show: Smallville
Clark: You grow up with someone, you think you know them, but... I mean, darkness like that just doesn't come out of nowhere... I'm sorry about your company. What's gonna happen next?
Lex: My father thinks I'll go back to work for him.
Clark: Will you?
Lex: It's hard to imagine working for a man who can enrage four people to the point where any one of them had motive to kill him.
Clark: Even you.
Lex: You know that darkness you were talking about? I'm not sure we're born with it. I think people like my father find a way to bring it out.

TV Show: Smallville
Lex: So you took an honest man and destroyed him. And by proxy, almost ruined Jonathan Kent. How does it feel, Dad, knowing you brought this on yourself?
Lionel: But I didn't, Lex. You did... engineering your ill-advised employee coup.
Lex: And you actually believe that?
Lionel: It's all right, son. I forgive you.

TV Show: Smallville
Chloe: My feelings for Clark are so ancient, they're... they're fossilized!

TV Show: Smallville
Chloe: What are you?
Clark: Let's just say I'm not from around here.
Chloe: [to Pete] You knew about this?
Pete: He's my brother... from another planet.

TV Show: Smallville
Chloe: Can you fly?
Clark: Whoa, wait a minute. I may be an alien, but I'm not a cartoon.

TV Show: Smallville
Chloe: [to Lex] You know, I always wondered. For a boy who has all the money in the world, you'd think he could afford a good toupee.

TV Show: Smallville
[Pete knocks Clark unconscious with Kryptonite]
Chloe: Whoa! How'd you do that?
Pete: Clark's Achilles' heel. He may be a boy scout, but I'm always prepared.

TV Show: Smallville
Pete: Working at the Talon... could you be any more obvious?
Clark: What happened to the Pete Ross rule of proximity? "If you wanna get in the game, you've gotta get on the court."
Pete: Clark, Lana would be your boss. She's going to take out all of her pent up frustrations of all the times you've ever let her down. You're not going to be in the game. You're going to be in the locker room cleaning the toilets.

TV Show: Smallville