John Adams Quotes

John Adams: A mob is no less a mob because they are with you.

TV Show: John Adams
Benjamin Franklin: Dr. Rush has been telling me... [Rush agrees]
Benjamin Franklin: ... that he has bled most of Philadelphia. He quite swears by the regenerative powers of desanuinization.

TV Show: John Adams
King George III: There is an opinion among some people, Mr. Adams, that you are not the most attached of all your countrymen to the manners of France?
John Adams: [laughs] Yes, well, I avow to Your Majesty, that I have no attachment to any country but my own.
King George III: An honest man will never have any other.

TV Show: John Adams
King George III: The circumstances of this audience are so extraordinary, the language you have now held is so extremely proper and the feelings you have discovered so justly adapted to the occasion, that I not only receive with pleasure the assurance of the friendly disposition of the United States, but that I am very glad that the choice has fallen on you to be their Minister. [pause]
King George III: I will be very frank with you: I was the *last* to consent to separation. But the separation having been made and having become inevitable, I have always said, as I say now, that I would be the first to meet the friendship of the United States as an independent power.
John Adams: [emotionally touched] Thank you, your Majesty. [a brief exchange of smiles ensues]

TV Show: John Adams