Homicide - Life on the Street Quotes

Gee: Invite Dr. Turner in for a casual conversation and treat her with kid gloves.
Pembleton: And if she declines?
Gee: A woman decline an invitation from you, Frank?

TV Show: Homicide - Life on the Street
Dr. Turner: What would you charge me with, if you could?
Pembleton: How about playing God?
Dr. Turner: God doesn't make house calls; you and I do.
Pembleton: I don't play God.
Dr. Turner: Well, that's what you do everyday. You decide who's innocent and who's guilty. You say - you - I'm gonna get you. But you - I'm gonna let you go.
Pembleton: I avenge the dead.
Dr. Turner: Is that why I'm here? Because you think you need to speak for my patients?
Pembleton: Somebody's got to.
Dr. Turner: Who the hell are you? You didn't hold their hands when they were screaming and hollering all night long. You didn't mop up any mucus or their diarrhea or their vomit. You didn't clean the pus out of anybody's sores, or throw your body across theirs to keep them in the bed when they were thrashing around in their death throes, with bile and blood gushing from every orifice. You didn't comfort their families who will never ever get over their loss. Detective, how dare you presume to speak for my patients?! They didn't need you then, and they sure as hell don't need you now.

TV Show: Homicide - Life on the Street
Billie Lou Hatfield: I come from a place where people think the moon landing was fake and pro wrestling is real.

TV Show: Homicide - Life on the Street
Falsone: You're not going to go for this Gee, are you?
Gee: At this stage in the game, I'd take help from that woman on Profiler. How quickly can we air the story?

TV Show: Homicide - Life on the Street
Ballard: We speak for the dead, remember?
Kellerman: Screw the dead. What have their moldering asses ever done for me?

TV Show: Homicide - Life on the Street
Pembleton: You're not Manuel Rendares, are you?
Weeks: Bernard Weeks. How the hell did y'all get onto me? I was so damn careful. I've been moving this kind of weight for 5 years and not so much as a traffic stop. Y'all DEA, right?
Bayliss: No.
Weeks: FBI, Customs?
Pembleton: Nope.
Weeks: Local narcotics. How long you been onto me? 6 months? Longer? You had to be on me for about a year, year and a half, to roll up on me with this kinda weight.
Pembleton: Nah. We weren't looking for you.
Weeks: Say what?
Pembleton: We're not local narcotics.
Bayliss: We're Baltimore Homicide. We're lookin for someone else. This is just a ...a mistake.
Weeks: A mistake?
Pembleton: Yeah.
Weeks: You roll up on me with 200 kilograms and it's a mistake?!
Pembleton: Well, you haven't by any chance killed anybody in Baltimore lately, have you?
Weeks: No way.
Pembleton: [exasperated] We just wasted another day.
Weeks: [stunned] A mistake?
Bayliss: Yeah. Sorry. Get him outta here.

TV Show: Homicide - Life on the Street
Gee: My heroes.
Bayliss: Well, that's what we are, Gee.
Gee: My drug warriors. (mock surprise) Oh my. Why, it's still red. In all this excitement, I didn't see this red name on the board here. Gaynor. Now how could I have forgotten this red name on the board?

TV Show: Homicide - Life on the Street
Lewis: Falsone, you got to relax, brother. C'mon, man.
Falsone: Meldrick, are you whackin' these guys?
Lewis: I'm a cop, Falsone.
Falsone: I have to ask.
Lewis: No, no. You ain't got-to-ask. You think I'm like them? You think I play by those rules?

TV Show: Homicide - Life on the Street
Lewis: It done folded just like you said it would, Gee.
Gee: Well, my words are my bond.
Lewis: Yeah. Exactly how many favors you hafta call in on this one?
Gee: More than you'd ever want to know.
Gaffney: Detective Lewis.
Lewis: Captain.
Gaffney: You look good in uniform, Lewis.
Lewis: Why, thank you, sir.
Gaffney: If it was up to me, you'd be back in a squad car for that stunt you pulled.
Lewis: Yes sir.
Gaffney: Course, your lieutenant here, he thinks otherwise, but I've always said Al's problem's a lack of discipline. If I was running his shift, I'd be offering you a transfer.
Lewis: Respectfully speaking sir, if you were running his shift, I'd be taking it.

TV Show: Homicide - Life on the Street
Bayliss: What would it take for you to kill yourself?
Ballard: A date with John Munch.

TV Show: Homicide - Life on the Street
Bayliss: If this case is such a legend, how come I don't know anything about it? I mean, I've been in this unit for 6 years now and I've never heard anyone say anything about Clara Sloane.
Pembleton: Look, when you caught the Adena Watson case your first week in Homicide, and the case didn't go down, nobody had the heart to tell you about her, ok?

TV Show: Homicide - Life on the Street
Pembleton: You wish you'd stayed with the Sloane case?
Bayliss: Yeah.
Pembleton: Maybe it's good that you passed on it. You know, you started in, another dead little girl, nightmares....
Bayliss: That wound is healed Frank.
Pembleton: Why pull off the scab?

TV Show: Homicide - Life on the Street
Pembleton: Don't say a single word, Munch.
Munch: What's to say?
Finnegan: The guy give it up? You're coming from a box session, right? That ugly mope? He won't go?
Munch: Suspect demanded to see an attorney.
Finnegan: Oh, he does, does he? Did you give him a taste of the phonebook?
Munch: Uh, we haven't hit anybody with a phonebook around here since '96.

TV Show: Homicide - Life on the Street
Falsone: What are you drinking? I've got you covered all night.
Finnegan: That's very nice of you, bitch. Jameson's straight up. You know, when I was working murders, we used to drink across the street.
Munch: The Waterfront?
Finnegan: In my day, we wouldn't be caught dead in the Waterfront. I'll take you to a place where true police held court.
Munch: Ouch.

TV Show: Homicide - Life on the Street
Pembleton: You think if somebody wanted to write a book about us?
Bayliss: What, about you and me?
Pembleton: The unit. Homicide detectives.
Bayliss: Right. Fat chance.

TV Show: Homicide - Life on the Street
Junior Bunk: [to Lewis and Kellerman] Who do you think you all dealin' with, huh? Huh, I'm a man! I ain't no boy! A man! I'll do the twenty. I'll do the life. I don't care. So you all go ahead, send me straight to death row. Put the poison in my veins. But I'm done talkin'. You hear me? I'm telling your, your skinny white ass, and your sorry black ass, go ahead, ring me up, please. Do whatever it is you think you can do to me.

TV Show: Homicide - Life on the Street
Kellerman: [to Lewis, referring to Junior] Don't get too close; she bites. You might lose a finger.

TV Show: Homicide - Life on the Street
Munch: What the hell happened? I go across the street for a cocktail; I come back to the squadroom it's the Alamo.
Lewis: Junior Bunk snatched a weapon out of Tambelli's desk. Gharty, Ballard, three uniforms got hit.

TV Show: Homicide - Life on the Street
Gee: No recriminations, not yet. Not until we finish this. No one in the Mahoney organization sleeps tonight. We take everyone. We take every house, we kick in every door. Georgia Rae wanted a war, well guess what, she's got one. Now let's go.

TV Show: Homicide - Life on the Street
Bayliss: I'm glad we got out of the office. Smell was getting to me.
Pembleton: I hadn't noticed.
Bayliss: You didn't notice the smell? You didn't notice the blood and the powder residue? We're workin' right in the middle of a crime scene.
Pembleton: I noticed, okay?
Bayliss: I knew Keckham pretty well, from the mayor's detail. Decent guy.
Pembleton: I worked with Charlie Moore in the Western. Same sector. He's a good man.
Bayliss: You know something, I didn't see it. Didn't see it coming, didn't see him. And he's comin' in there and he's playin' all hard, but we get a lot of guys that come in there doin' that same thing, you know?
Pembleton: You think we were supposed to know he was the one? That this punk, out of all the other punks who come through the squadroom, this one's goin' over the top? Please.
Bayliss: Well, I'm runnin' around in my gun locker and I'm tryin' to get my backup gun cause my gun is in my desk. It's in the bottom left drawer. He's blowin' up the place, and my gun is sittin' down there; it's sittin' with the pencils, with the paper clips.
Pembleton: Nobody was ready.
Bayliss: Well, I'm ready now.
Pembleton: Ready for what?
Bayliss: Anything, Frank. Anyone.

TV Show: Homicide - Life on the Street
Kellerman: He had a gun! That is the truth! He had a gun. [lowers arm]
Pembleton: The gun is down?
Kellerman: He had a gun; he had it!
Falsone: The gun is down. Mahoney lowered his gun. You fired. You were no longer in fear of iminent threat. You shot him down.
Pembleton: Give me your badge, Mike.

TV Show: Homicide - Life on the Street
Pembleton: I have this one son of a bitch sighted. I have my gun up, and, I don't know. I don't. I blanked. I froze. I didn't even hear the shot. Next thing I know, Tim's layin' on the ground, lookin' up at me. Bleedin'. Because of me.
Mary: Frank, don't do this. You didn't know this was gonna happen.
Pembleton: Dear God, make Bayliss fight. God, please. I swear, I will do anything. Let him live. I'm askin'. I'm beggin'. Help my friend. I want him to live.

TV Show: Homicide - Life on the Street
Gee: Frank.
Pembleton: [throws badge on table] I'm done.
Gee: What?
Pembleton: Bayliss is in there because of what? A partner who can't get him through safely to the end of the shift.
Gee: Look, this is not your fault.
Pembleton: Yeah, it's mine. And I'll carry it. I gotta carry it. Bayliss is in there because of me. And you. And Lewis, Kellerman, and Stivers. All of it. But what is it? What is it really?
Gee: Frank.
Pembleton: It's a lie. A damn lie. Now, maybe you can live with this lie, but, me, I just walked into the box with a man I served with. A fellow detective, Kellerman. I watched him turn to dirt. You told me to do it. I did it. Now you want me to look away. Live this lie. If I had listened to you...if I had just listened, I never woulda come back to the job. Then Tim, Tim is not layin' in that bed, with all those damn tubes stickin' out of him. I know that smell. Smells like death. I couldn't listen, could I? There's no truth for me anymore, not anymore. I can't be out on the street. I'm never goin' back in that box ever again. It's done. I'm finished.

TV Show: Homicide - Life on the Street
Bayliss: Life's an illusion. Reality is an illusion. You take this squadroom for instance, you know, after the big shootout. Last May, the bosses wanted to renovate. They reconfigured the whole place so that those of us who watched three uniforms die could put aside the horror of that moment and go about our jobs. That was actually quite enlightened of the bosses, really, but, it was quite futile, because this squadroom is the same squadroom, and our memories of that moment are as vivid as they ever were. All of this is just... it's an illusion.
Lewis: Bayliss, this is your first day back on the job.
Bayliss: Right.
Lewis: Do me a favor? Shut up.

TV Show: Homicide - Life on the Street
Bayliss: Look, look, look, it's not a permanent thing; I'm not asking for a long term commitment.
Munch: I understand. You stayed with Pembleton for six years, he broke your heart, and now you're just looking for a one-nighter, huh?
Bayliss: Yeah, something like that.

TV Show: Homicide - Life on the Street
Munch: You know, this whole Zen detective thing is really starting to rub my rectum the wrong way.
Bayliss: Well, I don't expect you to understand, unless you understand.
Munch: That's exactly what I mean. It's like being partnered with a fortune cookie.

TV Show: Homicide - Life on the Street
Falsone: When it comes to silence, we Sicilians have a patent.

TV Show: Homicide - Life on the Street
Lewis: You see this, this is what I'm talkin' about. You see this memo from the bosses?
Sheppard: Which one? We get three a day.
Lewis: In an effort to maintain the pristine condition of the newly renovated squadroom, all Homicide personnel are asked not to hang personal items on the wall. This includes family photos, sports paraphernalia, and bumper stickers. Staff members are also asked not to use thumbtacks or Scotch tape to affix- and I love that word affix- any papers, schedules, or menus on said walls.
Sheppard: Let me see that. [takes memo]
Lewis: How long do you think we're gonna be able to maintain this pristine condition?
Sheppard: [tacks memo to wall] Not long.
Lewis: This place's gonna be a dump by Christmas.

TV Show: Homicide - Life on the Street
Munch: I knew about you all along, Timmy.
Bayliss: What's that, John?
Munch: Beneath all that dogma- you're still a dog.

TV Show: Homicide - Life on the Street
Munch: You haven't experienced the Giardello summons yet, the full force laser beam Gee-Ray; strips varnish off furniture, enamel off teeth?
Sheppard: Not yet.
Munch: You're in for a treat.

TV Show: Homicide - Life on the Street