Dexter Quotes

Dexter: My sister's right, I don't share my problems with her. Or with anybody. Harry taught me that. Secrecy, self-reliance … and a well-stocked cupboard of Hefty bags.

TV Show: Dexter
Rudy: I mean, Deb's hot and all, but sprinkle in a little conversation once in a while, you know?
Dexter: Well, she's my sister. I don't know.

TV Show: Dexter
[After stuffing Paul into the trunk of his car]
Rita: Where were you?
Dexter: Taking out the trash.

TV Show: Dexter
Dexter: So this is doom. I've been the architect of so much of it, it's only fair that I should know what the fuss is all about. He left me this room for a reason. Five women gave their blood, their lives for this moment. There's only one way to find out why.

TV Show: Dexter
Dexter: I've never had much use for the concept of Hell, but if Hell exists, I'm in it. The same images running through my head over and over. I was there. I saw my mother's death. A buried memory forgotten all these years. It climbed inside me that day, and it's been with me every since. My Dark Passenger.

TV Show: Dexter
Doakes: You just found out that somebody who's supposed to be your friend is going to live. Does that make you feel anything? Anything at all? [grabbing Dexter's shoulder]
Dexter: Take your fucking hand off me.
[Cold silence]
Doakes: Just what I always thought.

TV Show: Dexter
Rudy/Brian: [while gift-wrapping dismembered parts] Deck the halls with parts of bodies, fa la la la la, la la la la.

TV Show: Dexter
[Finding the article of the massacre]
Dexter: No wonder I felt so disconnected my entire life. If I did have emotions, I'd have to feel this.

TV Show: Dexter
Dexter: [voiceover] Thinking Rudy attacked Batista doesn't make any sense. He's a loving boyfriend, he spends his life helping people in need. He brought me steaks. [lock-picking attempt thwarted] Now, that's just rude. Why would loving and helpful Rudy need an industrial-grade lock? And a security camera?

TV Show: Dexter
[Digging through Rudy's trash]
Dexter: [voiceover] At times like this, I wish the truth was more easily accessible and less … ripe.

TV Show: Dexter
Rudy/Brian: Debra Morgan, will you marry me?
Debra: I knew it, I fucking knew it!
Rudy/Brian: Is that your version of a yes?

TV Show: Dexter
Rudy/Brian: You know the one thing I've been dying to ask you? How did you not know who I was? You're a cop.
Debra: This isn't funny.
Rudy/Brian: I think a real cop would at least have a sense she was in the presence of the person she was hunting.

TV Show: Dexter
Dexter: I've lived in darkness a long time. Over the years my eyes adjusted until the dark became my world and I could see.

TV Show: Dexter
Debra: [sobbing] This isn't you.
Rudy/Brian: Pretty sure it is.
Debra: No, no there's more. I've seen it.
Rudy/Brian: I never wanted to hurt you.
Debra: I know. I know.
Rudy/Brian: [pause] Does this make it easier for you? Because I can keep going.

TV Show: Dexter
Dexter: [breaking into shipping yard, voiceover] No cameras, no patrols, no dogs. With billions spent on homeland security, it can't be easy as a couple of snips. [cuts padlocked chain and walks in] So much for the War on Terror.

TV Show: Dexter
Dexter: [voiceover] Finding a needle in a haystack isn't hard when every straw is computerized.

TV Show: Dexter
Dexter: [at the shipping yard, voiceover] I don't like this place. Something nameless was born here, something that lives in the deepest darkest hole of the thing called Dexter.

TV Show: Dexter
Rudy/Brian: I just wanted to have a beer with you before we got started. Made that kind of difficult.
Dexter: Sorry.
Rudy/Brian: You don't ever have to apologize to me, Dexter. Not for who you are, or anything you do.

TV Show: Dexter
Rudy/Brian: Looks just like it used to, doesn't it?
Dexter: Who does it belong to?
Rudy/Brian: Me. I got it for you, actually.
Dexter: I'm really more an apartment person.

TV Show: Dexter
Rudy/Brian: Your victims. Are they all killers?
Dexter: Yes.
Rudy/Brian: Harry teach you that?
Dexter: He taught me a code. To survive.
Rudy/Brian: Like an … absurd avenger?
Dexter: That's not why I kill.
Rudy/Brian: You can be yourself around me. Who. Am. I?
Dexter: A killer. Without reason or regret. Free.
Rudy/Brian: You can be that way too.
Dexter: But the code …
Rudy/Brian: [laughs] Dex! You don't have a code. Harry did. Now he's been dead ten years. You can't keep – keep him sitting on your shoulder like Jiminy Fucking Cricket! You need to embrace who you are now.
Dexter: I don't know who I am.
Rudy/Brian: 'Course you don't. You've been away from your family since you were three. But I'm here now. I can help you. We can take this journey together.
Dexter: I can't. Not Deb …
Rudy/Brian: No – no, don't say that.
Dexter: I'm very … fond of her.
Rudy/Brian: You can't be a killer and a hero. It doesn't work that way!

TV Show: Dexter
Rita: Deb must be a mess. I mean, falling for a serial killer?
Dexter: What are the odds?

TV Show: Dexter
Rita: You might even find I can handle the truth.
Dexter: [voiceover] I wish that was the case.

TV Show: Dexter
Dexter: [voiceover] Sometimes I wonder what it would be like for everything inside me that's denied and unknown to be revealed. But I'll never know. I live my life in hiding. My survival depends on it.

TV Show: Dexter
Dexter: Tonight's the night. And it's going to happen again, and again. Has to happen. It's not what I want. But what I want doesn't matter. This is the only way I know how to survive. I'm coiled and ready to strike.
[Dexter bowls]
Dexter: Although a spare will do.

TV Show: Dexter
Masuka: Keep your mind limber.
Dexter: I'm doing mental jumping jacks.

TV Show: Dexter
Lundy: There's been speculation that this human harvest is connected to a case we recently solved. But there are several inconsistencies between the two sets of body parts. Gender. Exhanguination. Specific methods of dissection.
Dexter: [thoughts] Not to mention my guys deserved it.

TV Show: Dexter
Dexter: I'm on edge. Thirty-eight days, sixteen hours, and twelve minutes have passed since I killed my brother. In that entire time, I haven't had a single night to myself. Sergeant Doakes makes sure of that. He follows me everywhere now. A human bloodhound incited by the scent of darkness. My best hope of losing him is to act relentlessly normal. Dull. So I bowl. What's really disturbing is that I'm good at it.

TV Show: Dexter
Dexter: [thoughts] With Doakes following me, my life has been all Jekyll and no Hyde. No moonlit playdates. No late night social calls. Not one. My brother would be so disappointed.
Angel: Don't forget! Tell the universe what you really need!
Dexter: [thoughts] I really need … to kill somebody.

TV Show: Dexter
Dexter: I come here to dump bodies, not beer bottles. Now I'm just a litter bug.

TV Show: Dexter
Dexter: Maybe I took pity on him. Yeah, he's a killer, but he also bumps into walls.

TV Show: Dexter