Beauty and the Beast Quotes

Beauty and the Beast

A selfish prince is cursed to become a monster for the rest of his life, unless he learns to fall in love with a beautiful young woman he keeps prisoner.


PG | 2h 9min | Family, Fantasy, Musical | 17 March 2017 (USA)

Angel: Nothing is ever lost. We are all on a journey. We create that journey for each other.
Vincent: I do not know what to believe
Angel: Yes, you do. Remember love.

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Vincent: : I'm here...Catherine...Tell me.
Catherine: : Tonight I went to a piano recital. I was actually feeling okay. And then I sat down, and he started playing the Grieg Piano Concerto, the one that we heard in the park that night.
Vincent: : Was it beautiful?
Catherine: : Yes, it was beautiful.And I kept remembering how much you loved it. And I wanted you there with me, so badly. It became unbearable to me. Almost physically painful! I just had to run. I actually ran from it. What are we going to do? We have to do something, before there's nothing left for either of us!
Vincent: : This was the risk we faced.
Catherine: : And now, what?
Vincent: : Now...Perhaps we awaken from our dream, return to our lives.

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Catherine: : Vincent...I don't think I have the strength to continue.
Vincent: : Then you mustn't continue.

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Vincent: : Catherine, it must end!
Catherine: : No!
Vincent: : It must!
Catherine: : I don't want that! How can you say that?
Vincent: : To see you in such pain, because you dare to love...knowing that I'm the reason, the cause of that pain, is more than I can bear to live with! It mocks our dream. So it must end...Catherine, you have a life, waiting to be lived. Let the memory of what we are, of what we shared, remind you that love, in its deepest and purest form, exists...Use that memory to give you the the courage to love someone else.
Catherine: : I can't.
Vincent: : You must.

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Vincent: : (voice over) What we shared will never die. I'll always be with you. Goodbye, Catherine. Be happy.

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Catherine: : I guess the anniversary of my mom's death reminded me of all those choices. Forced me to look at myself and wonder what she would think of me, would she be proud? Does my life honor her memory? All these things, I don't know.
Nancy: : Cathy, of all of us, you're the one that's come the greatest distance and gone the farthest. I mean, when you were in law school we used to joke about you majoring in "Fashion Law!" You've overcome a terrible accident, you've changed your life. Now giving to others. You have this extraordinary relationship. You should be so proud of yourself. We're all so proud.

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Nancy: : When all is said and done, you've got to follow your heart. It's the only thing you can ever really count on.
Catherine: : That's what Vincent always says.

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Catherine: : Oh, forgive me! Forgive me for doubting! What we have is all that matters! It's worth everything!
Vincent: : Everything?!

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Joe: You're really attracted to these culture types, aren't you?
Catherine: I don't think you could call what I'm attracted to a "type."
Joe: No, but you know what I mean. These smooth guys who go to concerts, and know all about wine, take you to all the right places.
Catherine: Not exactly

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Joe: Well, all I'm saying is that there must be a reason you haven't hooked up with one of these guys yet.
Catherine: Any theories?

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Joe: Well, you're obviously not getting what you need. Maybe you need something else.
Catherine: Joe, I hesitate to ask, but I'm dying to know. What do you think I need? Tell me.
Joe: Radcliffe, you need someone who's more, ah..
Catherine: More...?
Joe: More solid. You know?...More a ...down-to-earth kind of guy. You know what I mean?
Catherine: I think I do.

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Catherine: Ah, I love this part.
Vincent: Yes, it's beautiful...What makes you smile?
Catherine: Everything! This is a wonderful spot.
Vincent: I've spent many an evening here. I've heard all the great
Catherine: The sound is remarkable. It's like we're in the first row.
Vincent: We're just under it.

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Catherine: I have been to coming to concerts in the park all my life. It's strange to think there might have been nights we were listening to the same music...that you were so close!
Vincent: I come here and the music engulfs me and...I can feel the presence of everyone sitting just above us. You'll see- when the music ends, you'll hear the fragments of conversations echo throughout the chamber and -and footsteps...And then, all will be very still again.
Catherine: The stillness...didn't it make you feel...
Vincent: Alone? Sometimes and sometimes I found a wonderful peace in that stillness.

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Catherine: Lightening!
Vincent: I think it was.
Catherine: Vincent, it's raining! (Vincent offers his cloak) No, Vincent it's wonderful!

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Catherine: I don't think I'll ever be able to hear Schubert's "Unfinished Symphony" in quite the same way.

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Eli: This boy has a precious gift we've got to protect it.
Father: Eli, part of our dream down here has always been to offer a place of encouragement to those whose gifts have been overlooked and unappreciated.

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Eli: A couple of years ago he was in here asking for money. Took one look at him and I knew he was on the drugs. The boy, the gift...everything was gone. He looked like a ghost.
Vincent: The ghost of someone we knew and loved. I want Rolly to know there are still people that hold him in their hearts.

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Father: Extraordinary!
Miss Kendrick: And sad.
Vincent: Why sad?
Miss Kendrick: He does not know what he is playing. He is just copying what he has heard, like a little robot or parrot. He has no understanding.
Father: But you cannot deny that there is a gift.
Miss Kendrick: It's a gift, but right now it is an empty gift.

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Vincent: Rolley's gift was immense. It was fragile. He became lost to us. I don' think there's ever been a young person in the world with more promise and more desire.
Catherine: Are you sure he wants to see you, Vincent, to be reminded of that terrible loss?

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Father: Mouse, what in the world have you got there?
Mouse: Found it! Up top! For Rolley!
Father: Some kind of keyboard?
Miss Kendrick: It's from a concert grand piano.

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Father: Mouse, what did you do? I hope you didn't wreck this piano.
Mouse: Found it.

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Miss Kendrick: But where's the rest of it?
Mouse: Up Above, down Below, in between...Mouse took it apart.
Father: I was afraid of that.

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Father: I'm sorry Mouse, but one simply does not find a concert grand piano!
Mouse: Mouse did!
Father: Where?
Mouse: IN the park.
Father: The park?
Mouse: Underground...under platform.
Father: The concert platform, in the park. You dissembled a grand piano under the concert platform in the park.
Mouse: Two more there just as big!

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Vincent: There is a piano in a chamber beneath this city waiting for you to play. It's yours. Come back. Play it for us.

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Vincent: He won't come back.
Catherine: You did everything you could.
Vincent: Catherine, I feel as if we'll never see him again.
Catherine: But he knows now, that you'll wait for him, that you love him and Vincent, as long as you do, there's hope.

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Vincent: Sometimes I can see it all so clearly. I use to come here when I was a child. Wonder about how it would feel to lay in a meadow under the warm summer or see the night sky full of stars.
Catherine: When I was a girl, we spent our summers at a lake in Connecticut. I had a secret place too, a glen. I would lay there in the tall grass and feel like I was the only person on earth. Safe.
Vincent: Yes
Catherine: And if I sat very still, the deer would walk by and not ever see me. I could almost reach out and touch them. It seemed enchanted. It seems so far from the city, like a different world, but it is only two hours away. I wish you could see it.
Vincent: So do I

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Catherine: If only we could be there.
Vincent: We are there. You are taking me there with your words, showing me.

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Catherine: Maybe there is a way.
Vincent: Please...Don't even
Catherine: All we need is a way to get out of the city and up there safely. A van. We could drive up at night. No one is even there at the lake this time of year. Maybe we could really do it. Vincent, let me try to arrange it. If I can, will you come with me?
Vincent: It is something that I never dared wish for.
Catherine: To go there, to share with you, would mean so much
Vincent: Then we must try.

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Father: I cannot believe you could seriously envision something so foolhardy and dangerous.
Vincent: You over-state the risk.
Father: Any risk is too great, surely that is apparent. For Catherine to suggest such a thing...
Vincent: An innocent dream, Father, borne of love

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Father: An irresponsible dream borne of selfishness!
Vincent: No!
Father: Yes! Yes, I know because I have had the same dream for you myself, over and over again for so many years. Ever since you were young, I wanted nothing more than to be able to show you the sun, the mountains, things for which you only have words for.

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast