Beauty and the Beast Quotes

Beauty and the Beast

A selfish prince is cursed to become a monster for the rest of his life, unless he learns to fall in love with a beautiful young woman he keeps prisoner.


PG | 2h 9min | Family, Fantasy, Musical | 17 March 2017 (USA)

Vincent: : The ways change, Catherine. For every safe road, there are hundreds of paths that lead only to darkness.

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Cleaning Lady: : His face. His hands. He did not have hands, just claws. And his face. I will never forget that face. He was not a man. He wasn't a human man at all. He was like an angel.... a terrible angel come to save me.

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Catherine: : Issac, if you thought... if you even suspected, that this vigilante was someone you knew, a friend. What would you do?

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Issac: : Talk to him. Ask him. Go where the man lives and look him dead in the eye. But first you better be really sure about one thing... be real sure I wanted to know.

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Jason: : (to Catherine) We have ourselves, our courage, our strength, our compassion. We have each other. And... now we have him... Whoever the hell he is.

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Elliot: : I do love this city. The thing is, you can't walk a block without seeing somebody - something that absolutely knocks you out, stuns you.
Catherine: : The good, the bad and the utterly absurd.
Elliot: : Yeah. Yeah, and it's constantly changing, constantly transforming itself, reinventing itself. It's unbelievable- it's always expanding.

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Father: : Vincent, what weighs so heavy? Please? Tell me.
Vincent: : She met a man. She's falling in love.
Father: : Let her... Let her fall in love, Vincent.
Vincent: : My mind tells me to rejoice for her, that she deserves the happiness. But my heart... is dying. I'm poisoned by feelings I've never felt before...Father, it hurts.
Father: : I've always dreaded this moment for you and I suppose I've always known it would come. The day when your heart would lead you to long for a life that can never be, Vincent.
Vincent: : Yes, a life that can never be...

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Vincent: : You have a generous heart, Catherine.
Catherine: : Something I learned from you.
Vincent: : No. It can't be taught. It's from the soul. And you have so much to give.
Catherine: : It's all still very new... Sometimes, I wonder, how all those little pieces will ever fit together again.
Vincent: : Follow your heart, Catherine. Follow your heart. You must.

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Elliot: : I'm Elliot Birch.
Catherine: : Of course, you are.

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Elliot: : (to reporter) Can you put a price tag on magic? The true value of great art lies in its ability to influence and enhance the quality of humanity. And contrary to popular opinion, I believe New Yorkers still qualify.

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Vincent: : I knew you were close by...
Catherine: : I was never giving up.

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Catherine: : (to Isaac) He's not dead... I would feel it if he were.

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Lucy: : (to Vincent) You've got to trust somebody... sometimes...

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Father: : Your relationship with my son... is a tragic mistake... for both of you.

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Vincent: : (to Catherine) Sometimes your fear can keep you alive. You should listen to it more often.

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Vincent: : Every year they ask for the same stories. By now they must know them better than you do.
Father: : Well, you know, old stories are rather like old friends. Every once in a while, you have to drop in on them, just to see how they're doing.

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Bridget: : The night has a special magic to it, don't you think? This night, especially.
Vincent: : Halloween.
Bridget: : In the Old Religion they call it Samhain. It's a night when the walls between the worlds grow thin, and spirits of the Underworld walk the earth. A night of masks and balefires, when anything is possible and nothing is quite as it seems. Your city has its own magic as well.

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Vincent: : I've lived here all my life, and yet it's as though I've never seen the city... until tonight.
Catherine: : You've seen so much of the violence and the hatred of my world. I wanted you to know that there's beauty as well.
Vincent: : Oh... I know that. Ever since the night I found you, Catherine.
Catherine: : Don't leave! She told me that this was a special night, Samhain. When the walls...
Vincent: : When the walls between the worlds grow thin, and spirits of the Underworld walk the earth.
Catherine: : Vincent, we can't waste it.

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Brigit: : We must take what we're given. Three hundred days, a few months...
Catherine: : Or a single night.

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Brigit: : Will you be tellin' me of her, then?
Vincent: : Who?
Brigit: : Your lady, the one who's breaking your heart...Ah, you didn't come to me just to say you like me books. Somethin' about Ian and me struck close to home.
Vincent: : She brings me... such joy... and such pain. As I have never known. I have no place in her world, she has none in mine. Our bond endangers... everything. People I love, secrets I am sworn to keep, beliefs that I have lived by.

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Brigit: : I'm sick to death of safety! Oh, I look at the city and...I want to touch it, to walk its streets, meet its people, and listen to its music. I want to see all of the things my father told me of, and I can't. Can you imagine how that feels?
Vincent: : Yes.
Brigit: : Sometimes, Vincent, we must leave our safe places and walk empty-handed among our enemies.

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Brigit: : Oh it hurts... it hurts... but... it is such a sweet pain.

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Vincent: : Father, surely, on this of all nights I walk among them in safety.
Father: : Safety! Vincent, there is no safety up there...for you or anyone else.
Vincent: : Sometimes we must leave our safe places, Father, and walk empty handed among our enemies.
Father: : Those are Brigit O'Donald's words.
Vincent: : Those are true words, words that have opened doors for me. Let some light in on the dark places. You know what she means to me.
Father: : I do. I also know the danger of confusing the magic with the magician. Sometimes the person is smaller than the work, weaker, more frightened... more human. And I don't want to see you hurt, disappointed.
Vincent: : She will not disappoint me. Our lives are very different, but I am sure we will understand each other... I will not miss this opportunity. I must see her, talk to her.

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Mitch Denton: : I can't forget. And only God forgives.

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Vincent: : (to Mitch) What I remember is our friendship as children... Those times I remember.

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Frank: : (talking about the docks) They say this place breaks the backs of its workers and harbors the scum of the world. And that's all true. But I love it, stink and all.

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Catherine: : Vincent?
Vincent: : Shh...
Catherine: : You're here?
Vincent: : I'm here.
Catherine: : I dreamed about you.
Vincent: : About me?
Catherine: : Yes...We were walking down Fifth Avenue... the sky was blue...
Vincent: : And then?
Catherine: : You bought me ice cream...and no one looked twice.

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Vincent: : (to Mitch) There is nothing left of you... nothing.

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Mitch: : You idiot! You don't know what we unleashed... When he comes you will know who he is!

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Vincent: : Don't die, Catherine. If you die... so do I.

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast