X-Men Quotes

Professor X: Magnus, your violence will solve nothing. We must use our special gifts to bring peace to mankind.
Magneto: You're a fool, Charles! Look at them, they can't even make peace with each other!

TV Show: X-Men

Professor X: Phoenix, why do you inhabit Jean's body?

TV Show: X-Men

Professor X: They haven't learned how to live at ease with their mutant powers, so their frustrated. Some lash out, while some have turned inward, letting their bitterness consume them. But, they all feel dissatisfied with themselves, and alone.

TV Show: X-Men

Professor X: Wolverine, personal vendettas have no place here.
Cyclops: You know we must help a mutant if he's in trouble.
Wolverine: It's not personal - he's a threat.
Professor X: He was near death.
Wolverine: Not near enough.

TV Show: X-Men

Cyclops: C'mon Gambit, can't you make this program a little tougher.
Gambit: Why? you don't like Gambit to be gentle.

TV Show: X-Men

Cyclops: Energy blasts, huh? Here's one from a pro!

TV Show: X-Men

Cyclops: His name's Sabertooth. Wolverine knows him, and hates him.
Professor X: Did he give a reason?
Cyclops: Does he ever?

TV Show: X-Men

Cyclops: Jean, fight it! Use the powers of your mind!
Jean Grey: I can't fight it! Not every second of every day, never slipping, not even for an instant, Scott, please!

TV Show: X-Men

Cyclops: Morph, you're alive!
Morph: And you're married, or are you? [morphs into minister]
Morph: I now pronounce you... betrayer and betrayess!
Cyclops: Is this some kind of sick joke?
Morph: It wasn't a sick joke when you left me to die! How do you like your last seconds on Earth ticking away?

TV Show: X-Men

Cyclops: Remember, careful with the civilians!
Wolverine: Sure, Cyke. I'll try not to bruise them while I save their lives!
Pestilence: Even mutants may feel the touch of Pestilence!

TV Show: X-Men

Cyclops: Rogue, what do you see?
Rogue: A fat boy and a pair of juvenile delinquents. Old buddies of mine from Muire Island.

TV Show: X-Men

Cyclops: Tell me "DAD", AM I MAKING THIS UP!

TV Show: X-Men

Forge: I thought a friendly little skirmish with the X-Men might teach us a few pointers.
Wolverine: [extends claws] I got your pointers right here!

TV Show: X-Men

Gorgeous George: Come to Gorgeous, pretty boy!
Gambit: Gambit likes to play hard to get!
Gorgeous George: You've gotta play harder than that!
Rogue: Keep your sticky fingers to yourself, you walking tar pit!

TV Show: X-Men

Rogue: [takes gloves off] Ooh, it's a tad chilly in here, don't you think?
Guard: Like they say, cold hands? [guard takes her by the hand then passes out]
Rogue: ?out cold.

TV Show: X-Men

Rogue: [to Cable] Remember me, Bright Eyes?

TV Show: X-Men

Rogue: Lilandra's out colder than leftover hush puppies!

TV Show: X-Men

Rogue: Looks like your behind the ol' 8-ball Gambit and I'm about to sink it.
Gambit: You not win the game yet Chère. Could be you need *incentive*. How about the winner get a kiss from the loser?
Rogue: [Rogue misses the shot] That's not funny or do you wanna end up in a coma.
Gambit: You can drain my energy any time, Chère. Gambit has plenty. Observe, first we charge the cue.
Jean Grey: Don't let Gambit get to you Rogue.
Rogue: I'd like to wipe that smirk off his face. Serve him right if I did give that lowlife a kiss.
Jean Grey: Maybe Monsieur Gambit is not as good as he thinks he is [Jean telekinetically forces Gambit to miss the shot]
Rogue: Looks like you knicked the table Gambit.
Storm: Gambit,the term rec-room does not mean you must wreck it.
Gambit: Stormmakes jokes now, What next?

TV Show: X-Men

Rogue: My daddy always said two's company and three's an eavesdropper.

TV Show: X-Men

Rogue: Our job is to find Lilandra and get out fast.
Jubilee: Anybody know what she looks like?
Wolverine: She's from another galaxy. You see a woman you don't know, rescue her.

TV Show: X-Men

Rogue: What is this, catch the X-Man day?

TV Show: X-Men

Rogue: Ya'll get away from him, or you'll need a doctor sure enough!
Pyro: I never could say no to a woman!

TV Show: X-Men

Rogue: You know, I remember when I was 13. Had me a boyfriend, so I kissed him. Poor boy was in a coma for three days. That was when I first realized that if I touched anybody, I'd absorb their strength right into me. [sighs]
Rogue: Some "power," huh? That's when the boys stopped calling.
Beast: [Chuckles] Consider yourself fortunate. I had dandruff.

TV Show: X-Men

Rogue: You look nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.
Cyclops: I just wish I knew what was happening in there.
Gambit: If that were me in there, you wouldn't have to worry.

TV Show: X-Men

Rogue: You never loved me. You only used me for my powers. You made me worse than a killer.
Mystique: How could you do this to me? I raised you as if you were my own!
Rogue: I ain't your daughter Mystique. Not anymore.

TV Show: X-Men

Rogue: You're supposed to know everything, Beast. What makes us like we are anyway?
Beast: Gamma rays, pollution, ozone depletion... television.
Morph: Progress.
Wolverine: Lousy luck!

TV Show: X-Men

Arcade Manager: [after Jubliee destroys a video game] Hey, you! Do you know how much that game costs?
Jubilee: Yeah, a quarter.

TV Show: X-Men

Bobby Lebeau: Destroy her! Destroy them all!
Gambit: Bobby Shut up. Take away her powers but not her life.

TV Show: X-Men

Female Cashier: You must like playing with cards.
Gambit: I like Solitaire ok... that is, unless I got someone to play with.

TV Show: X-Men

The Blob: I'm gonna flatten these X-clowns by sitting on 'em!
Jubilation Lee: Ugh! That's gross!

TV Show: X-Men