The Strip Quotes

Mr. Bastardos: [singing] Everybody happy? Oh la la la la la!

Movie: The Strip
Herb Sheldon: Live from Studio City on the Sunset Strip, it's Friday Night in Hollywood.
Mary Tate: Did he just say Studio City?
Matt Albie: Yep.

Movie: The Strip
Matt Albie: All right, here it is. It's easy, but pay attention. "Spit-Take Theatre" same five actors, same set. It's going on the cards right now and we'll mark it during the next c-break. You speak in a Stentorian voice. On the first round of cards the actor third to the left of the person speaking does a spit-take. On the second round, the actor third to the left and to the immediate left does a spit-take, and on the final round anyone who isn't speaking does a spit-take. Good?
Harriet Hayes: Wait, I made it through the week without getting sick and now we're ending the night with everybody spitting at me?
Matt Albie: That's better. Everyone should just spit at Harriet.

Movie: The Strip
Policeman: Are you drunk, sir?
Dreamytime Escort: Of course I am, I'm out of my bloody mind, I've just spent three thousand quid in there.

Movie: The Strip
Vim Fuego: Yeah, "Warrior of Genghis Khan" is a political song.
Sally: Burning looting raping shooting, repeat.
Vim Fuego: Well I guess it's more poetical political
Sally: Isn't it just macho-male egotistical dominance along with orgiastic blood letting and violence against women?
Den Dennis: Yeah, that's the bits I like.

Movie: The Strip