The Return of Jafar (V) Quotes

Abis Mal, the Chief of the Thieves: [hesitating on freeing Jafar] Wait... how do I know that these things won't disappear once I set you free?
Jafar: [losing it] The more pressing question is, how will you stay alive if you don't?

Movie: The Return of Jafar (V)
Abis Mal, the Chief of the Thieves: [to himself] That stinkin' Aladdin! First chance I get, I'll slice him in half!
Thief: [to other thieves] That stinking Abis Mal! First chance we get, let's slice him in half!

Movie: The Return of Jafar (V)
Blue Genie: [Thinking he destroyed Jafar] HAHAHAHA! Who's laughing now?
Jafar: Hahahahaa! [Reappears]
Jafar: Why, I believe it's me.
Abu the Monkey: Argh!

Movie: The Return of Jafar (V)
Iago: I've got sand in places I didn't even know I had!

Movie: The Return of Jafar (V)
Jafar: [singing] Men cower at the power in my pinky / My thumb is number one every list! But if you're not convinced that I'm invincible / put me to the test / I'd love to lay this rivalry to rest!

Movie: The Return of Jafar (V)
Jafar: [to Aladdin] You shall never have my lamp, and there is no one to save you this time!
Iago: [swooping down, shouting] Hey, Jafar! Shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup!

Movie: The Return of Jafar (V)