The Resurrected Quotes

Claire Ward: Maybe it's time we went to the police.
John March: And tell them what? That Charles is making monsters in the farmhouse?

Movie: The Resurrected
Erik Kernan Jr.: [about Champ] He's not a bum. He's homeless.
Ralph Metz: [after a pause] No, he's a bum.

Movie: The Resurrected
Holly Tender: So, Curwen is the real great-great... whatever grandfather of Charles, and not Ezra.
John March: Looks that way, doesn't it?
Lonnie Peck: And he was a monster maker?

Movie: The Resurrected
Young Man: I can't face it. I can't!
Peter: Come, come.
Young Man: If I were brave like you, it would be different. You don't know how it feels!
Peter: Inside you there's a pounding like your heart might burst... in the pit of your stomach, there's a knot... you want to run away but you can't... so if all the others weren't here, you'd cry like a child. Oh, yes - I know what it feels like to be afraid.

Movie: The Resurrected