The Dresden Files Quotes

Harry Dresden: She won't move on. She wanted me to see that Boone was on a mission. Oh, something's not right.
Bob: Oh, I see another quixotic crusade looming on the horizon.
Harry Dresden: So do I.

TV Show: The Dresden Files
Harry Dresden: [narrating] All right, so just because I'm a wizard doesn't mean I don't make mistakes. Which leads me to the downside of my profession. If you're a janitor and you fail, someone winds up with gum on their shoe. If you're a wizard and you fail, someone can end up dead.

TV Show: The Dresden Files
Harry Dresden: Okay, you gotta listen to me, kid. These guys, whatever you've seen, you gotta promise me you won't tell anyone about it. It's like Superman. It's like a second identity thing.
Scott Sharpe: If I tell anyone about this, people will think I'm nuts.
Harry Dresden: But you're not.

TV Show: The Dresden Files
Harry Dresden: [narrating] Dying hadn't changed Gus Boone a bit. He was still a thug and an armed robber - and now he'd stolen Murphy's body and I had to get him out before he traded her in for a new model.

TV Show: The Dresden Files
[first lines]
Harry Dresden: [narrating] When I was a kid, my father told me there was no such thing as monsters; my nightmares were just figments of my imagination. As I got older, I had to wonder, was he lying to me... or just wrong?

TV Show: The Dresden Files
[indicating a Catholic church]
Harry Dresden: No self-respecting hellspawn would be caught dead in there.

TV Show: The Dresden Files