Ralph Breaks the Internet Quotes

[from trailer; Cinderella breaks a glass slipper and wields it like a shiv at Vanellope] Vanellope: Whoa, whoa, ladies! I'm a princess, too!
Pocahontas: What kind of a princess are you?
Vanellope: Uh...
Rapunzel: Do you have magic hair?
Vanellope: No.
Elsa: Magic hands?
Vanellope: No.
Cinderella: Do animals talk to you?
Vanellope: No.
Snow White: Were you poisoned?
Vanellope: No.
Tiana: Cursed?
Vanellope: No!
Belle: Kidnapped or enslaved?
Vanellope: No! Are you guys okay? Should I call the police?
Rapunzel: Do people assume all your problems got solved because a big strong man showed up?
Vanellope: Yes! What is up with that?
Moana: She is a princess! [Snow White sings a few notes in delight]

Movie: Ralph Breaks the Internet
[from trailer; Ralph bursts into the little girl's iPad game, pushing past Vanellope] Ralph: Outta my way, kid! [He starts feeding the bunny and the kitty pancakes and milkshakes]
Ralph: Pancake... milkshake... milkshake... I'm starting to understand why people like this game! Very zen. Milkshake! [Vanellope bursts through the double-sided doors with more pancakes]
Vanellope: Hey, look what I found! More pancakes!
Ralph: Let's speed it up! [He starts feeding the bunny more pancakes]
Ralph: Pancake, pancake, pancake, pancake, pancake, pancake! Pancake, pancake! Eat, little bunny! Eat, eat! [Vanellope starts to look worried]
Vanellope: Uh, Ralph, you might wanna try feeding the kitty for a little while. [the bunny is now horrifically obese and is stuffing another plate of pancakes into its mouth]
Ralph: No, the kitty gets the milkshake! The bunny gets the pancake! [the bunny forces another plate of pancakes in its mouth. We only see the little girl's reaction as it explodes. She screams]

Movie: Ralph Breaks the Internet
[from trailer] Merida: [in a thick Scottish accent]A' gi'd mah mammy a cake, she turned innta a big bear, n' mah auld yin tries tae dae her in! If that's not pure mess, a' don't know whit is! [Translation: I gave my mom a cake, she turned into a big bear. My old man tries to do her in. If that's not a pure mess, I don't know what is]
Vanellope: Uh...
Moana: [to Vanellope]We can't understand her.
Anna: She's from the other studio.
Vanellope: Ah.

Movie: Ralph Breaks the Internet
[from trailer] KnowsMore: Welcome to the Search Bar. What can I help you find today?
Ralph: Umm...
KnowsMore: Umbrella? Umbridge? Umami?
Ralph: No.
KnowsMore: Noah's Ark? No Doubt? Nordstrom Rack?
Ralph: Rrrrrr!
KnowsMore: Ergonomics? Urban Outfitters? Urkel?
Vanellope: [to Ralph]I'm pretty sure he's just trying to guess what you're gonna say.
KnowsMore: My AutoFill is a touch aggressive today.
Vanellope: Let me try. Take me to a website that's super intense and really nuts.
KnowsMore: Oh, I only found one result.

Movie: Ralph Breaks the Internet
Vanellope: [from trailer]We are going to the internet!
Ralph: Super exciting! Just one minor thing: what is an internet?

Movie: Ralph Breaks the Internet
[from trailer] Vanellope: Aw, come on! Princesses and cartoon characters? Barf!
Eeyore: [offended]Hey.

Movie: Ralph Breaks the Internet
[from trailer] Ralph: Shouldn't it be, Ralph *Wrecks* the Internet?
Vanellope: Yes, since he is Wreck-It Ralph?
Yesss: Uh, yeah, but break the internet, it's like a thing.
Ralph: Right, it's just Wreck the Internet kinda sounds better, doesn't it?
Yesss: You're not wrong.

Movie: Ralph Breaks the Internet
[from trailer] Auctioneer: [at an eBay auction]Ladies and gentlemen, the next item up: a black velvet painting of a sorrowful kitten.
Ralph: It's like it's looking into my soul.
Vanellope: Yeah, that one's really gonna haunt me for a while.

Movie: Ralph Breaks the Internet
[from trailer] Ralph: Hey, kid, wake up!
Vanellope: [screams]Ralph, what is wrong with you?
Ralph: Start churnin' butter and put on your church shoes, little sister, cuz we're about to blast off!
Vanellope: Ralph, what is it you're trying to say?
Ralph: We're going to the internet.

Movie: Ralph Breaks the Internet
[from trailer] Ralph: [seeing the new Wi-Fi sign]Wiffy? Or is that Wyfee?

Movie: Ralph Breaks the Internet
KnowsMore: I got 130 results for Where does my high school girlfriend live now?

Movie: Ralph Breaks the Internet
[from trailer] First Order Stormtrooper: [having spotted Vanellope]You're coming with us, kid. [Vanellope flees from them and accidentally glitches into the Disney Princesses chamber. They gasp when they notice her]
Vanellope: Hi.

Movie: Ralph Breaks the Internet
[from trailer] Shank: This girl can drive!

Movie: Ralph Breaks the Internet
[from trailer] Shank: Well, well, well, who are you?

Movie: Ralph Breaks the Internet
[From trailer; Ralph has gone to the DarkNet] Ralph: The reason why I came to your neck of the face... I mean, there's a face in your neck- I mean, woods! Neck of the woods!

Movie: Ralph Breaks the Internet
Ralph: [from trailer; Ralph is frustrated because of KnowsMore's AutoFill]Looks like no-one put Humpty Dumpty together again. This guy's a little soft-boiled.
Vanellope: I'm pretty sure he's just trying to guess what you're gonna say.
KnowsMore: Yes. I'm sorry, but my AutoFill's a touch aggressive, today.
Vanellope: Let me try. [She clears her throat]
Vanellope: Ebay Sugar Rush steering wheel! [She slams the search button. KnowsMore convulses wildly and colours flash. He returns to normal]
KnowsMore: Oh. I only found one result for your query! [He shows the webpage for the steering wheel they need being sold on Ebay]
KnowsMore: Hmm. Isn't that interesting!
Ralph: What? How did you-?
Vanellope: Ah, the Internet's very intuitive. [to KnowsMore]
Vanellope: Thank you, Mr. KnowsMore!
KnowsMore: Well, you're welcome.

Movie: Ralph Breaks the Internet