Quiz Show Quotes

Charles Van Doren: [to Enright after his first fixed show] So pure it floats, hmm?

Movie: Quiz Show
Dick Goodwin: You know, money isn't everything.
Sandra Goodwin: I'm not the one who came home with a Chrysler catalogue.

Movie: Quiz Show
Herbie Stemple: You wanna be worshipped? Go to India and moo.

Movie: Quiz Show
Mark Van Doren: If you look around the table and you can't tell who the sucker is, it's you.

Movie: Quiz Show
Toby Stempel: My mother wants to know why you only went for eight on the movies.
Herbie Stemple: Because my real expertise is pain-in-the-ass in-laws, all right?

Movie: Quiz Show
[At a poker game]
Dick Goodwin: I know you're lying.
Charles Van Doren: Bluffing. The word is bluffing.

Movie: Quiz Show