Quintuplets Quotes

Bob Chase: Pearce, we need to talk. Why do you wear your pajamas to school?
Pearce Chase: Oh! Well I realized that I get in my best ideas when I'm in bed falling asleep... in my pajamas! And it works. Like today, when I was in Math, I realized that if we blended letters and numbers, then Math and English could be one subject! You pickin' up what I'm layin' down, 4-1-4?
Bob Chase: What's 4-1-4?
Pearce Chase: Oh, that's "Dad" in Mathlish.

TV Show: Quintuplets
Carol Chase: Okay, honey, remember how I told you that girls are your equal, and there's no shame in losing to one, and most important of all you should treat them with respect?
Patton Chase: Uh-huh.
Carol Chase: Yeah, we're going away from that now. Okay, I need you to get back into that ring and toss that little ***** on her ass!
Patton Chase: What do you think I'm trying to do? She's like an octopus with boobs!
Carol Chase: You do this, and you can date girls again. As many as you want, as often as you want. You can even use my credit card.
Patton Chase: Really?
Carol Chase: Mmmhmmm.

TV Show: Quintuplets
Patton Chase: Baby Jesus reporting for duty. [looking at Julia, who plays Mary]
Patton Chase: Hey, mommy.

TV Show: Quintuplets
Patton Chase: [after getting off the phone with a girl in a rocky relationship] Oooo I am SO up her shirt!
Penny Chase: O so are you gonna use a step ladder or get a running start?

TV Show: Quintuplets
Pearce Chase: Knock knock
Bob Chase: Whos there?
Pearce Chase: Orange
Bob Chase: Orange who?
Pearce Chase: Orange juice!

TV Show: Quintuplets
Patton Chase: [During wrestling match to Wendy when she has him in a side-headlock] Can't breath!
Patton Chase: [she hold him close to her breast] Nice.

TV Show: Quintuplets