Playhouse (V) Quotes

Reggie Mulliner: You're the only man I know who ought to have a dog with a sign on him saying "Beware of the gate."

Movie: Playhouse (V)
Host: Say, kids, what time is it?
Peanut Gallery: It's Howdy Doody time!

Movie: Playhouse (V)
Joe Peters: What I mean is, I'm not the Santa Claus type.
Mr. Grimes: With whiskers, one Santa Claus is pretty much like another.
Joe Peters: Oh oh oh, sure, but-but wouldn't someone older be better for you, someone like, well, Uncle Billy? Yeah - that's your man for you!
Mr. Grimes: It is the view of the front office that you are more expendible than Uncle Willy.
Joe Peters: Expendible?
Mr. Grimes: A janitor's work is never finished, Mr. Peters, whereas the hardware department is scarcely the mecca of Christmas shoppers.

Movie: Playhouse (V)
Pee-wee: Let me see, what should I wish for? Hmm? Let me see. I don't know. Hmm, I wish I knew what to wish for.
Jambi: [granting wish] It is done.
Pee-wee: [excited] I know what to wish for!
Jambi: [smiles] It's too late.
Pee-wee: What do you mean?
Jambi: You already had your wish.
Pee-wee: No, I haven't.
Jambi: Yes, you did.
Pee-wee: No, I didn't.
Jambi: Yes, you did.
Pee-wee: No, I didn't.
Jambi: Yes, you did. I'll prove it to you. Here's an instant replay on the Magic Screen. [Magic Screen replays the whole scene for Pee-wee]
Pee-wee: What a gyp. You tricked me! I want another wish.
Jambi: You know the rules, Pee-wee: Only one wish per show.
Pee-wee: No! No! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no... [continues]

Movie: Playhouse (V)
Rocco: Bartolomeo, why is it after all these years you now come home? Not because you lonesome for your Uncle Rocco? You musta have a speciala reason, eh?
Bart: Yes.
Rocco: You gonna tell your Uncle Rocco, hanh?
Bart: I don't know if I can put it in so many words. I don't know if you'd understand.
Rocco: Hmmm. You try me.
Bart: All right, I've come to try to find something... to find myself... to find me, Bartolomeo Tomaselli.
Rocco: [perplexed] You was right - I no understand!

Movie: Playhouse (V)