My Dog Skip Quotes

Big Boy Wilkinson: Deserters, puppy dogs and now girls. Guess we were wrong about you, Willma.
Willie Morris: Skip's lost. We gotta find him.
Rivers Applewhite: Won't you help us find him?
Big Boy Wilkinson: 'Won't you help us find him?' [Spit giggles]
Willie Morris: Listen, Skip's missing. We're gonna find him. You wanna help? Fine. You don't, you can stick it up your big fat butt.
Big Boy Wilkinson: Who said I didn't want to help? Let's go.
Willie Morris: Okay. Spread out. Look everywhere and ask everyone.

Movie: My Dog Skip
Dink: You bawling like a big baby 'cause you lost that ball game?
Willie Morris: What do you know about it? You didn't come you big liar. Leave me alone.
Dink: That's how it is, isn't it? You're a hero today, and then you're a goat tomorrow. Now I didn't come because games don't mean nothing to me anymore.
Willie Morris: It's not the game. It's Skip. He's gone for good.
Dink: For good? Now how do you know that? You some kind of fortune teller?
Willie Morris: I got mad at him and I hit him. And he ran away. Just like you ran away. Skip was never afraid of nothing.
Dink: You think I don't know what folks are saying? That old Dink's a coward? Huh? Well I know. And you know what? They're right. I got scared. And I ran. You think it was 'cause I was afraid of dying? Because I wished I was dead plenty of times.
Willie Morris: Then what was it?
Dink: It ain't the dying that scary, boy. It's the killing. Now look, that dog ain't lost. You just need to know where to find him. There's gotta be at least one place around here that you hadn't thought of to look at, right? [Willy runs off to find Skip]
Jack Morris: Sometimes he gets mad and says things he doesn't mean. He gets it from his mother. When I got back from Spain, I got into accounting. I figured I could hide behind a desk. I looked down, and I didn't so much as look up for a whole year. When I finally did, people weren't staring at me anymore. I guess they kind of forgot about it.
Dink: Well, Mr. Morris. You got a purple heart. I got a yellow stripe. You can trust me. They don't forget about cowards.
Jack Morris: Well, folks like to keep things small, Dink. Fit you into one

Movie: My Dog Skip
Narrator: There were so many surprises that year. Who'd have thought that my daddy would ever let me play football? And who'd have dreamed that Rivers Applewhite, the prettiest girl in town, would let me hold her hand? It was indeed a strange and unusual time. Old Skip had helped me through the stuggles of boyhood. But his job was far from done.

Movie: My Dog Skip
Spit McGee: One night, a boy about our age, looked through her window and what he saw, chilled him right to the bone. He saw her murder two men with her bare hands. The boy ran and told the cops, and they got up a posse and chased that witch right into Miller's swamp. Before they could catch her, she got stuck in quicksand. [spits]
Spit McGee: And slowly as she sank in the quicksand, she swore two thing: First, one day she'd rise up from her grave and burn down the whole town! And the other thing she swore was, she'd find that boy who ratted on her and drag him down to hell! [Henjie yelled behind Willie, and everyone yelled]

Movie: My Dog Skip
Willie Morris: Haven't seen you around much.
Dink: Yeah, I've been pretty busy.
Willie Morris: I'm playing some ball now, ya know.
Dink: Oh yeah? That's good.
Willie Morris: Yeah. Right. Well, see ya. Dink, It's opening day. That's what they call the first game of the season, and well, I was sort of wondering if... I was hoping that maybe... you might come.
Dink: Yeah, sure kid. That'd be fine.
Willie Morris: Really? Ok, great! Well, I better get on down there. See ya!
Dink: Thanks for picking my number.

Movie: My Dog Skip