Lois and Clark - The New Adventures of Superman Quotes

Lois Lane: I like your new glasses.
Clark Kent: Thanks.
Lois Lane: Did you ever think of getting contacts?
Clark Kent: No.

TV Show: Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman

Lois Lane: I only know how to make four things, and this is the only one without chocolate.

TV Show: Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman

Lois Lane: I still can't believe you came barreling in here like some 500-pound gorilla! If you really thought we were in trouble, why didn't you bring the police?
Clark Kent: Look...
Lois Lane: Don't tell me, I already know! You're like every other man in Metropolis! You've got this testosterone surplus that says, "I can do it myself"!
Clark Kent: Lois, I've somehow managed to...
Lois Lane: Mess everything up? No kidding!

TV Show: Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman

Lois Lane: I win, you lose, we're both happy.

TV Show: Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman

Lois Lane: It's the not first time I've bent the law for a story, but I did feel bad because, after I finished rationalizing it, I realized that a big part of why I did it is because I don't like you.
Mayson Drake: Really? Oh, god, that is such a relief. I don't like you either.
Lois Lane: Really?
Mayson Drake: Really.
Lois Lane: Well, that makes me feel so much better. I couldn't stand the idea that I was just jealous because of Clark. It's so...
Mayson Drake: Petty. I know. I mean it feels so much better just to...
Lois Lane: To just dislike you because... you're you.

TV Show: Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman

Lois Lane: Jimmy, give me back my dress.
Clark Kent: Now there's something you don't hear around the newsroom everyday.

TV Show: Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman

Lois Lane: Kill or be killed.
Clark Kent: Lois you're talking about war. This is journalism.
Lois Lane: See, your problem is you think there's a difference.

TV Show: Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman

Lois Lane: So basically what you're saying is, all my life I've attracted men that are controlling, incomplete, or downright liars because... because...
Dr. Friskin: Keep going.
Lois Lane: Because that's how I want to be treated? But if I want that kind of man, and I get that kind of man, why am I not happy?
Dr. Friskin: You like chocolate, right?
Lois Lane: How come everybody knows that?
Dr. Friskin: But you know it's not good for you, and the older and wiser we get, the less tolerance we have for something that's not good for us. You're not a victim, Lois, so stop acting like one. You know who you want to be with, you've known all along. The problem is, he's just as scared as you are. So, who's going to be the first to step up and say the scary words?
Lois Lane: How come you don't ask the simple questions?
Dr. Friskin: I would... if I knew the easy answers.

TV Show: Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman

Lois Lane: So you're saying you would never lie to your wife, that's assuming someone would actually be crazy enough to say "I do' to you?

TV Show: Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman

Lois Lane: So, how did I rate as a date?
Clark Kent: Oh, A-plus.
Lois Lane: I hung on your arm decoratively.
Clark Kent: You did.
Lois Lane: Fawned appropriately.
Clark Kent: Absolutely.
Lois Lane: And just faded into the background during your big moment.
Clark Kent: You were beautiful, yet invisible.
Lois Lane: Mmm, make me go through another night like that, and I'll rip out your spleen.

TV Show: Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman

Lois Lane: Tell me the biggest secret you have.
Clark Kent: What?
Lois Lane: Tell me the biggest secret you have. Something you'd never reveal to anyone.
Clark Kent: Why?
Lois Lane: Because I'm about to tell you mine and I need blackmail material.

TV Show: Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman

Lois Lane: Threatening gifts... weird frogs... my fiance's typhoon fighting in India... It's not even 8 o'clock, what's next?
Ellen Lane: Lois, I'm not coming to your wedding.

TV Show: Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman

Lois Lane: Well, I like my quirks. I think they make me unique.
Clark Kent: You certainly are unique.

TV Show: Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman

Lois Lane: Well, I think we've finally found the absolute bottom of Metropolis.
Clark Kent: Why is it that the guys who call in with tips always live in the worst part of town?
Lois Lane: What do you think the brochure on this place would say? Exquisite alley view, complimentary roaches on your pillow?

TV Show: Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman

Lois Lane: Well, that's a terrific reason to get married, to avoid harassment.

TV Show: Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman

Lois Lane: Well, what he can't do, it doesn't matter. It's the idea of Superman. Someone to believe in, someone to build a few hopes around. Whatever he can do, that's enough. I just wish that I could tell him that.

TV Show: Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman

Lois Lane: Well, you two are invited to my house for Christmas dinner tonight.
Perry White: Well that sure beats the soup kitchen.
Lois Lane: Don't get your hopes too high.

TV Show: Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman

Lois Lane: What do I know? These glasses fooled me for two years. Oh boy, what a dope!

TV Show: Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman

Lois Lane: What kind of person keeps a body frozen in a glass case?
Clark Kent: Somebody who's having a hard time getting a date?

TV Show: Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman

Lois Lane: What'd ya open the door for?
Clark Kent: I don't know. I thought maybe for a moment there, maybe... .
Lois Lane: What? You were gonna stick your foot out and drag it along the street and stop the car?
Clark Kent: [shrug] Hmm.
Lois Lane: You've been watching too many Flintstones cartoons.

TV Show: Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman

Lois Lane: You know, it's true what they say - love stinks.

TV Show: Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman

Lois Lane: You see, Clark, there is no such thing as an invisible man.
Clark Kent: [after Lois walks away, a bit sadly] Yes, there is, Lois.

TV Show: Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman

Lois Lane: You still think I'm crazy?
Clark Kent: I think you're brilliant. But there is a fine line between brilliance and lunacy.

TV Show: Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman

Lois Lane: You took advantage of our privileged interview session to steal highly incriminating evidence from an unsuspecting subject... Oh! I love that! Mmmm!

TV Show: Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman

Sarah: You know I could tell a lot about you from the way you organize your kitchen. I'm taking this course in applied psychology.
Lois Lane: Sarah, I told you not to analyze me.
Sarah: Oh, right. That's exactly what I would have said about you from the way you organize your kitchen.

TV Show: Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman

Clark Kent: I just wanted to say goodbye.
Lois Lane: Goodbye? We're partners.
Clark Kent: You don't need a partner Lois, you never did.
Lois Lane: Well, maybe not, but I was starting to like having one.

TV Show: Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman

Clark Kent: I shouldn't have lost my temper.
Lois Lane: Well, you're entitled to. I lose mine once every... what?
Clark Kent: Three, four minutes.

TV Show: Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman

Clark Kent: The point is you are the same reporter you have always been. Hard-working. Dedicated. Maybe a little over the top sometimes. You could use some more vacations. Maybe a semblance of a life...
Lois Lane: Is this leading anywhere?
Clark Kent: Lois, you are the best reporter in the city. You always have been and you always will be.

TV Show: Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman

Clark Kent: Uh, Lois, could you hand me a nail file?
Lois Lane: Why do men always assume that women have nail files with them?
Clark Kent: I'm sorry, but do you have a nail file?
Lois Lane: Actually, I do, but only because it's part of my pocket knife.

TV Show: Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman

Clark Kent: We flip for the bed.
Lois Lane: How about I get the bed, I lend you a pillow?
Clark Kent: How about we alternate nights?
Lois Lane: How about we don't.
Clark Kent: Well, it's a big bed, how about we share?
Lois Lane: How about we alternate nights?
Clark Kent: Deal.

TV Show: Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman