Live Free or Die Quotes

The Warlock: Thomas Gabriel's the guy who shut down NORAD with a laptop just to prove a point, and you think I'm scared of you?

Movie: Live Free or Die
John McClane: Mai? Asian chick, likes to kick people? Yeah, last time I saw her she was at the bottom of an elevator shaft with an SUV rammed up her ass.

Movie: Live Free or Die
Matt Farrell: You know, you probably shouldn't antagonise them, seeing as they have these loaded guns
Lucy McClane: Why don't you try to dig a little deeper and find a bigger set of balls, because you're going to need them before we're through

Movie: Live Free or Die
[from trailer]
The Warlock: [to Matt] Why did you bring a cop to my command center?
John McClane: [laughs] It's a basement!
The Warlock: [angrily] Who is this man?

Movie: Live Free or Die
[repeated line]
Matt Farrell: Did you see that?

Movie: Live Free or Die
[from trailer]
Matt Farrell: Shouldn't we call for backup or something?
John McClane: Makes too much sense.

Movie: Live Free or Die