Johnny Dangerously Quotes

Chorus Girl: I'm not wearing a bra, Johnny.
Johnny Dangerously: Yeah? Well that makes two of us.

Movie: Johnny Dangerously
D.A. Burr: (On Johnny Dangerously's payroll) Why don't you ease into the job, by taking a vacation?
Tommy Kelly: But what about crime?
D.A. Burr: Don't worry. It'll still be here when you get back!

Movie: Johnny Dangerously
Danny Vermin: You shouldn't have shot me, Johnny. My grandmother shot me once...

Movie: Johnny Dangerously
Johnny Dangerously: I never should have picked a name like that. A name like that you gotta live up to. What's your last name?
Hood: Binderhoff.
Johnny Dangerously: Binderhoff? Perfect. Keep that name and you'll stay out of trouble.

Movie: Johnny Dangerously
Warden: Your turn, Johnny. The priest you've requested has arrived.
Charley: [pretending to be a priest] Are you ready, my son?
Johnny Dangerously: I'm ready if you are, father.
Charley: Dominus vobiscum nabisco. Espiritu sanctum. De gustibus.
Prisoner: [hands Johnny a part of a tommy gun] So long, Johnny.
Charley: Me gustibus. You gustibus. We missed the bus. They missed the bus.
Prisoner: [hands Johnny another piece of the gun] Be brave, huh, Johnny.
Charley: When's the next bus?
Johnny Dangerously: [begins putting the gun together behind the wardens back] Always, Nails.
Charley: Summa cum laude. Magna cum laude. The radio's too laude. Adeste fidelis.
Prisoner: [gives Johnny another piece] Good luck, Johnny.
Charley: Centra fidelis. High fidelis.
Johnny Dangerously: [struggling to put it together] Why didn't I take shop?
Charley: Post meridian. Ante meridian. Uncle meridian. All of the little meridians.
Prisoner: [adds another piece] Bye bye, Johnny.
Johnny Dangerously: [adds piece to gun] Bye, Rock.
Charley: Magna carta. Master charga.
Prisoner: [hands piece to Johnny] Spit in his eye, Johnny!
Johnny Dangerously: [finishes putting the gun together] OK, rabbi.
Charley: [opens his bible to reveal the guns clip] Dum procellas. Lotsa Vitalis.
Warden: Any last words, Johnny? [gun cocks]
Warden: [turns to see Johnny pointing a to

Movie: Johnny Dangerously
[after his sabotaged toilet explodes]
Jocko Dundee: [to Johnny] You got the number of that other plumber?

Movie: Johnny Dangerously