Infini Quotes

Harris Menzies: Daddy loves you all the way to the Milky way. The long way, not the short way.

Movie: Infini
Whit Carmichael: I know you're listening. You could have chosen any part of any one of us. But you chose the worst parts of human behavior to use as your voice. You chose hatred. You chose violence. You chose conflict. You had an inability to see the bigger picture. You had a down-right fucking refusal to see beyond the present. You couldn't get past your own selfish, ignorant need to dominate. If you had of had time to grow, time to evolve, things could have been different... if we could have worked together.

Movie: Infini
Whit Carmichael: I promised my wife I'd be home for dinner.
Harris Menzies: Technically it's not even lunch back on Earth.

Movie: Infini
Whit Carmichael: If I was infected, I would have ripped your fucking east coast throat out by now, trust me. Now why don't you fuck off and let me do your job.

Movie: Infini
Whit Carmichael: I'm going home. We need to get home.
Rex Mannings: I am home!

Movie: Infini
Chester Huntington: Whit! Come back! I was thinking of making you my new best friend!

Movie: Infini
Whit Carmichael: Please, tell me something you haven't tried.
Claire Grenich: Death.

Movie: Infini
Chief: Singularity, blackhole bullshit.

Movie: Infini
Chester Huntington: Medic!

Movie: Infini
Whit Carmichael: The Pacific ocean, just off San Francisco. That's where your payload is headed.

Movie: Infini
Seet Johanson: We'll see you in a minute.

Movie: Infini
Rex Mannings: I'm just making sure I'm the first fucking asshole to be eaten by the monsters when they appear.

Movie: Infini
Sefton Norick: I was looking for my buddy boy, not some poser who looks like he should be over on the east coast.

Movie: Infini
Claire Grenich: A child needs support on all levels.
Morgan Jacklar: I would walk away from this in a heartbeat.

Movie: Infini
Charlie Kent: Don't sound so disappointed Menzies.
Harris Menzies: I'm just hoping for something other than this goddamn cold to kill me.

Movie: Infini
Philipa Boxen: You said there was no-one else in here!

Movie: Infini
Whit Carmichael: Mineral Opus classified as frozen organic life form. Primordial ooze. Liquefies at minus 10 degrees celcius. Affliction immediate after exposure. Typical transgression 30 seconds to 3 minutes. Longer resistance observed in subjects who displayed advanced emotional stability. Longest known resistance is two hours. Chaos chain reaction with organic matter. Unpredictable results. Will replicate tissue, blood and organs over time. Host dependent. Initial diagnosis is parasitic. Incorrect evaluation. Controls host until new balance restored. Complete dominance. Highly evolutionary. Base instinct is predatory. Self sustaining. Perfect Organism.

Movie: Infini
Harris Menzies: So that would make this entire planet a living entity.

Movie: Infini
Whit Carmichael: I think because its basic instinct is predatory. It's looking for an alpha among us. Something from which it can grow, can evolve. It just wants to exist. It doesn't realize the consequence to us.
Harris Menzies: Doubt it would care either.
Whit Carmichael: It's not capable of understanding, not yet anyway.
Harris Menzies: Like a cancer.

Movie: Infini
Whit Carmichael: Case study one. Pure specimen, introduced single cell of human blood culture. Within one hour, human circulatory network formed with signs of potential for a basic nervous system. Snap frozen at 82 minutes.
Whit Carmichael: Case study two. Introduced multiple cells of human blood culture. Organism demonstrated alpha properties and attacked itself, to establish a single dominant cell.
Whit Carmichael: Signed, Montoli J Reece. IPE Science Unit.

Movie: Infini
Harris Menzies: Basically, it could create a complete human being with enough time.

Movie: Infini
Rex Mannings: This moment right now, Whit, is life. And life is nothing, without choice.

Movie: Infini
Chester Huntington: It's like a message in a bottle and I had to throw that bottle in the water.

Movie: Infini
Claire Grenich: I'm so sorry Whit. We were supposed to get you home.

Movie: Infini
Whit Carmichael: I was never meant to be here. All I was trying to do was make a better life for my family. And you took that away from me. You took that away from all of us. And now look where it's got us. Whatever you tried to do here. You failed.

Movie: Infini
Seet Johanson: I wish I could tell you exactly what's happened here, but I can't.

Movie: Infini