Hocus Pocus Quotes

Dani: You saved my life.
Max: I had to. I'm your big brother.
Dani: I love you, jerkface.
Max: I love you, too.

Movie: Hocus Pocus
Jenny: Hey, Max, how was school?
Max: It sucked!
Dave: Hey, watch your language. [Max goes upstairs and slams his bedroom door]
Max: I can't believe you made me move here!
Jenny: Hmm, he wasn't wearing any shoes.
Dave: Must be some form of protest.

Movie: Hocus Pocus
Little Angel: [to the Sanderson sisters] Bless you! [the sisters scream]

Movie: Hocus Pocus
Master's Wife: Now, tart face, take your Clark bars and get out of my house!
Winifred Sanderson: Make us.
Master: Honeybunch...
Master's Wife: Ralph, sic'em! [a small dog chases Winnie, Sarah and Mary out of the house]

Movie: Hocus Pocus
Winifred Sanderson: Twist the bones and bend the back
Sarah, Mary Sanderson: Itch-it-a-cop-it-a-Mel-a-ka-mys-ti-ca
Winifred Sanderson: Trim him of his baby fat
Sarah, Mary Sanderson: Itch-it-a-cop-it-a-Mel-a-ka-mys-ti-ca
Winifred Sanderson: Give him fur black as black
Mary Sanderson: Just
Sarah: Like
Winifred Sanderson, Sarah, Mary Sanderson: Thisssssssssssss...

Movie: Hocus Pocus
Winifred Sanderson: My ungodly book speaks to you. On All Hallow's Eve, when the moon is round, a virgin, will summon us from under the ground. Oh Oh! We shall be back, and the lives of all the children of Salem will be mine! [All three witches cackle]

Movie: Hocus Pocus