Highlander - The Series Quotes

Duncan MacLeod: Amanda, you've lived for over a thousand years, how many times have you seen real magic?
Amanda: MacLeod, I was an illiterate thief starving on the street before Rebecca found me and made me her student. This is all I have left of her. Magic or not, no-one's gonna take this from me!

TV Show: Highlander - The Series
Duncan: There is no way Methos sent those men, not a chance!
Amanda: Why not? It's perfect. It's wily, it's devious, it's... just like him.

TV Show: Highlander - The Series
Duncan: Why are you doing this? You've lived this long without it, why do you need it now?
Methos: Alexa... she's in hospital in Geneva, she doesn't have long.
Duncan: You knew it had to be this way.
Methos: Yeah, from the first moment I saw her. Is, is that supposed to make it easier? Is that supposed to make it OK?

TV Show: Highlander - The Series
Methos: You understand nothing. Three weeks ago, we were standing on a beach on Santorini, watching the sun rise on the Mediterranean. Now she is lying in a hospital in Switzerland breathing through a tube! ... You think it takes courage to do what we do? Face another Immortal with a sword, knowing only one of you will live? You try being her! You try living one year, knowing that your time is running out. Knowing that when it comes to the final fight, however much you train, whatever tricks you have, you still lose! That's the way it is for them. So little time for them to see anything or do anything.

TV Show: Highlander - The Series
Methos: My flight back to Geneva leaves at 10. She'll never know how close I came.
Duncan: She'll know how much you love her.
Methos: As much as I can for as long as she lives.

TV Show: Highlander - The Series
[At the circus]
Amanda: How can you not be excited, MacLeod? Just the smell of sawdust, popcorn and cotton candy. This makes me feel like a kid! Oh, isn't it exciting! I mean the sights, the sounds, the carnies!
Duncan MacLeod: The wonderful smell of wet fur. Low pay, rotten hours, sleeping in trucks.

TV Show: Highlander - The Series
Danny Cimoli: Sorry, no more autographs, I've got a monster headache.
Duncan: I don't want an autograph, and that's not a headache. We need to talk about who you are.
Danny: (laughs) Like the poster says, I'm The Immortal Cimoli!
Duncan: Ah, the Immortal Cimoli!
Amanda: He's got that part figured out.
Duncan: Listen to me. That headache that you got, all of us get it. It's how we know another one of us is around.
Danny: Ah... look, Mister, I don't know what you're talking about...
Duncan: ... you died recently, a robbery or an accident or something? But you didn't stay dead, did you?
Danny: How did you know?
Duncan: Because it happened to me. Four hundred years ago.
Amanda: We should talk.

TV Show: Highlander - The Series
Danny: Ever since the truck hit me, I've thought, this can't last, one day it's going to end, bang, I won't get up. But if it lasts forever, I can do any trick. Anything, and I wont die! I'll be bigger than Houdini.
Duncan: Sit down. Sit down! This isn't some trick for some magic act!

TV Show: Highlander - The Series
[They are in bed together]
Amanda: MacLeod, you awake? What are you thinking about?
Duncan: Umm, Danny.
Amanda: Must be losing my touch.
Duncan: No, you're not losing your touch!
[They snuggle]
Duncan: What are you thinking about?
Amanda: Moscow.
Duncan: I must be losing my touch.

TV Show: Highlander - The Series
Danny: The hell with the Rules, and the hell with the Game. I want out.
Amanda: Sorry, Danny, but that's not an option.

TV Show: Highlander - The Series
Duncan: Houdini was a friend of mine, and you, Danny, are no Houdini.

TV Show: Highlander - The Series
[Flashback to 1696]
Robert: Well, well, well, what have we here, mice in the parlor. And Immortal mice at that.
Hugh Fitzcairn: I told you there was another way in. Didn't I tell you?
Duncan MacLeod: Be quiet! I'd be careful who I called a mouse, especially if I was a rat.
Robert: (gazing at Gina) If you're a thief, I've never seen a comlier one.
Duncan: You're the thief, we're just protecting her assets.
Robert: And they are wonderful assets.
Fitzcairn: If you please sir! A gentleman does not address a lady in that manner! I'll have his head!
Duncan: Ah, don't be ridiculous. You being dead would probably put her off her appetite.

TV Show: Highlander - The Series
[Flashback to 1696]
Fitzcairn: La-la, la-la-la-la-la!
Duncan: You know, when I heard that voice I said to myself, "That must be Fitzcairn - either that or a dog in heat."

TV Show: Highlander - The Series
[At Robert and Gina's wedding (1696)]
Fitzcairn: You realize, none of this would have happened if she had come to the opera with me that night.
Duncan: No, she would have seen you for the raving lunatic you are and she would have been with me.
Fitzcairn: I should have asked her to marry me while I still had the chance.
Duncan: You, married? You couldn't stay faithful to a woman for what, more than one hour?
Fitzcairn: Well I would have given it a fair try.

TV Show: Highlander - The Series
Gina: Maybe we are not meant to spend three centuries together. I mean, who mates for life? Swans? Geese? Lobster?

TV Show: Highlander - The Series
Duncan: Don't you want to see Robert and Gina live happily ever after?
Methos: Yeah, but I want to see me live happily ever after even more.

TV Show: Highlander - The Series
Methos: I knew it, I knew it! Getting between a married couple. It's a rule I haven't broken for two thousand years. I knew this would happen.
Duncan: She'll cool off, I'm just telling you to be careful, that's all.
Methos: Great, so I lose my head after five thousand years so that you can play marriage guidance counselor. I must have been out of my mind!

TV Show: Highlander - The Series
Duncan: Honey, I'm home.

TV Show: Highlander - The Series
Duncan: So how did you find me? Witchcraft?
Cassandra : Why bother? It's the twentieth century. I used a detective agency.

TV Show: Highlander - The Series
Duncan: Like you said, this is the twentieth century. I left prophecies behind with the witches and the fairies.
Cassandra : Duncan, listen to me. The prophecy tells of a Highland foundling born on the winter solstice who passes through darkness into light and survives to challenge the voice of death.
Duncan: Really? Is this before or after I slay the dragon?

TV Show: Highlander - The Series
Duncan: I guess he doesn't like me.
Cassandra : We've got to leave, now! [Duncan starts walking towards Roland] What are you doing?
Duncan: I guess asking him to dance is out of the question.

TV Show: Highlander - The Series
Roland: The signs for the prophecy are all in place. You're all that stands in my way. Or don't you believe in signs?
Duncan: Oh no I believe in signs. Don't litter, don't step on the grass, no spitting.
Roland: I prefer rest in peace.

TV Show: Highlander - The Series
Duncan: Power or no power, this is holy ground, he can't harm us here.
Cassandra : And none of us can avoid our fate. "An evil one will come to vanquish all before him. Only a Highland child, born on the winter solstice, who has seen both darkness and light, can stop him. A child and a man."
Duncan: We make our own destinies. Nothing is written.

TV Show: Highlander - The Series
Duncan: I'm an Immortal, you're a Watcher. We can't cross that line. How many times do we have to be taught that?

TV Show: Highlander - The Series
Richie: That's the way it is, isn't it? -- get them before they get you. I've been practicing. Next time you pull a sword on me, it won't be so easy.
Duncan: Richie, I'd like to take back what happened, but I can't. But what you're doing is wrong and you know that, don't you?
Richie: Thanks for the tip.

TV Show: Highlander - The Series
Joe: I know who I am. I've been a Watcher for more than twenty-five years. It's as much a part of me as your clan MacLeod is to you.
Duncan: Then for once, keep your vow. Don't interfere.

TV Show: Highlander - The Series
Duncan: What good is philosophy in a fight?
Graham Ashe: We fight to stay alive -- don't forget to live. Imagine what you can see in a thousand years. Imagine what you can do. It's all there for us, Duncan, because we are blessed. Blessed beyond reason with the gift of eternal life. And every year brings something new -- a new vintage, a new fighting move... or a new pattern of flowers on an Italian hillside. Open your eyes and see it. Cherish it

TV Show: Highlander - The Series
Richie: Look Mac, if the bail comes with a lecture I'd just as soon wait it out in a cell.
Duncan: The guy who's after you. Haresh Clay.
Richie: What about him?
Duncan: I've met him once before.
Richie: Then how come you're both still alive?

TV Show: Highlander - The Series
Duncan: You're out of the Watchers?
Joe: Maybe it's too late... or maybe it's about time. Like Mrs. Wischnoff used to say in my old neighbourhood -- Meit ein tuchas can Meir nisht danzen a tsvai hossannas.
Duncan: Yeah - With one ass, a man can't dance at two weddings.
Joe: You know you were right. I couldn't be both your Watcher and your friend.

TV Show: Highlander - The Series
Duncan: For thousands of years Immortals have fought and Watchers have observed. One day, there will only be one of us left. And some day maybe none at all. Somebody has to record that we've lived. Somebody has to record the history we've seen and the lessons we've learned.

TV Show: Highlander - The Series