Fight Club Quotes

Narrator : You can swallow a pint of blood before you get sick.

Movie: Fight Club
Richard Chesler : Get the fuck out of here, you're fired!
Narrator : I have a better solution. You keep me on the payroll as an outside consultant and in exchange for my salary, my job will be never to tell people these things that I know. I don't even have to come into the office, I can do this job from home.

Movie: Fight Club
Narrator : It's just, when you buy furniture, you tell yourself, that's it. That's the last sofa I'm gonna need. Whatever else happens, I've got that sofa problem handled.

Movie: Fight Club
[ after giving Marla a breast exam ]
Marla Singer : I wish I could return the favor.
Narrator : There's not a lot of breast cancer in the men in my family.
Marla Singer : I could check your prostate.

Movie: Fight Club
Narrator : When deep space exploration ramps up, it'll be the corporations that name everything, the IBM Stellar Sphere, the Microsoft Galaxy, Planet Starbucks.

Movie: Fight Club
Tyler Durden : Well you did lose a lot of versatile solutions for modern living

Movie: Fight Club
Narrator : Bob is dead, they shot him in the head!
Tyler Durden : You wanna make an omelet, you gotta break some eggs.

Movie: Fight Club
Narrator : It's called a changeover. The movie goes on, and nobody in the audience has any idea.

Movie: Fight Club
Tyler Durden : [ the Narrator places the gun under his chin and cocks back the hammer ] Now why would you want to go and blow your head off?
Narrator : Not my head, Tyler, *our* head.

Movie: Fight Club
Tyler Durden : [ the Narrator is trying to disarm a car bomb of nitroglycerin ] You don't know which wire to pull.
Narrator : I know everything you do, so if you know I know.
Tyler Durden : Or maybe, since I knew you'd know I spent all days thinking about the wrong wires. [ Narrator pauses ]

Movie: Fight Club
Narrator : I want you to listen to me very carefully, Tyler.
Tyler Durden : Okay...
Narrator : My eyes are open. [ the Narrator puts the gun into his mouth and pulls trigger ]

Movie: Fight Club
Doctor : You wanna see pain? Swing by First Methodist Tuesday nights. See the guys with testicular cancer. That's pain.

Movie: Fight Club
Tyler Durden : We are all part of the same compost heap.

Movie: Fight Club
Tyler Durden : Now, ancient people found their clothes got cleaner if they washed them at a certain spot in the river. You know why?
Narrator : No.
Tyler Durden : Human sacrifices were once made on the hills above this river. Bodies burnt, water speeded through the wood ashes to create lye. [ holds up a bottle ]
Tyler Durden : This is lye - the crucial ingredient. The lye combined with the melted fat of the bodies, till a thick white soapy discharge crept into the river. May I see your hand, please? [ Tyler licks his lips until they're gleaming wet - he takes the Narrator's hand and kisses the back of it ]
Narrator : What is this?
Tyler Durden : This... [ pours the lye on the Narrator's hand ]
Tyler Durden : ... is chemical burn.

Movie: Fight Club
Ricky : [ to Bob, while interviewing for applicants ] You're too old, fat man. [ to Angel Face ]
Ricky : And you, you are too fucking... *blonde*!

Movie: Fight Club
Narrator : Tyler's not here. Tyler went away. Tyler's gone.

Movie: Fight Club
Narrator : Fuck you! Fuck Fight Club! Fuck Marla! I am sick of all your shit!

Movie: Fight Club
Narrator : You're fucking Marla, Tyler.
Tyler Durden : Uh, technically, you're fucking Marla, but it's all the same to her.

Movie: Fight Club
Tyler Durden : Something on your mind, dear?

Movie: Fight Club
Angel Face : Bury him in the garden. Come on people, let's go!
Narrator : Get away from him! Get the fuck away!
Angel Face : He was killed serving Project Mayhem, sir.
Narrator : This is Bob. He was a decent man, and we're not gonna bury him in the fucking garden!

Movie: Fight Club
Narrator : How embarrassing... a house full of condiments and no food.

Movie: Fight Club
Ricky : I can't believe he's still standing.
Thomas : One tough motherfucker.

Movie: Fight Club
Tyler Durden : This is a chemical burn. It will hurt more than you've ever been burned before. You will have a scar.

Movie: Fight Club
Narrator : I had it all. Even the glass dishes with tiny bubbles and imperfections, proof they were crafted by the honest, simple, hard-working indigenous peoples of... wherever.

Movie: Fight Club
Tyler Durden : If you could fight anyone, who would you fight?
Narrator : I'd fight my boss, prob'ly.
Tyler Durden : Really.
Narrator : Yeah, why, who would you fight?
Tyler Durden : I'd fight my dad.
Narrator : I don't know my dad. I mean, I know him, but... he left when I was like six years old. Married this other woman, had some other kids. He like did this every six years, he goes to a new city and starts a new family.
Tyler Durden : Fucker's setting up franchises.

Movie: Fight Club
Angel Face : [ the Narrator is about to look at some files but Angel Face stops him ] Don't worry. It's all taken care of, sir.

Movie: Fight Club
Tyler Durden : Warning: If you are reading this then this warning is for you. Every word you read of this useless fine print is another second off your life. Don't you have other things to do? Is your life so empty that you honestly can't think of a better way to spend these moments? Or are you so impressed with authority that you give respect and credence to all that claim it? Do you read everything you're supposed to read? Do you think every thing you're supposed to think? Buy what you're told to want? Get out of your apartment. Meet a member of the opposite sex. Stop the excessive shopping and masturbation. Quit your job. Start a fight. Prove you're alive. If you don't claim your humanity you will become a statistic. You have been warned- Tyler.

Movie: Fight Club
Narrator : When the fight was over, nothing was solved, but nothing mattered. We all felt saved.

Movie: Fight Club
Narrator : [ voiceover ] It must've been Tuesday. He was wearing his cornflower-blue tie.

Movie: Fight Club
Narrator : Like so many others, I had become a slave to the Ikea nesting instinct.

Movie: Fight Club