Casino Quotes

Nicky Santoro : [ voice-over ] The first one to skip was John Nance. He found a nice, warm, secluded place in Costa Rica. He thought nobody would find him there. But then his kid got nabbed by the Feds for drugs. So, naturally, the bosses were afraid he'd come out of hiding to save his kid, and give them all up. So...
Beeper : [ beeper comes out ] Where you going jack-off! [ shoots Nance ]

Movie: Casino
Nicky Santoro : You call yourself a man? You know you're a lyin', low-life, motherfuckin' gambling degenerate prick? You know that's what you are? Two small kids at home. I gave you money to pay the fuckin' rent and buy groceries, put the heat on. You know your wife called Frankie and told him the fuckin' heat's off? Huh? And you didn't gamble that fuckin' money? You're gonna stand here and tell me that?

Movie: Casino
Ace Rothstein : This is the end result of all the bright lights, and the comp trips, and all the champagne, and free hotel suites, and all the broads and all the booze. It's all been arranged just for us to get *your money*.

Movie: Casino
Nicky Santoro : Give yourself a hand, right across your fucking mouth.

Movie: Casino
Lester Diamond : Can you feel my eyes on you? Can you feel me look into your heart? Can you feel me in the pit of your stomach? Can you feel me in you? In your heart?

Movie: Casino
Lester Diamond : I'm looking at you right now. I'm seeing you for the very first time right this minute. I'm seeing you and I can feel my heart click. I see you fourteen years old. I see the first second i ever saw you. I see you long-legged little colt, stupid braces on your teeth. Every time I ever see you, that's what I see.

Movie: Casino
Ace Rothstein : I want you to exit this guy off the premises, I want you to exit him off his feet and I want you to use his head to open the fucking door.

Movie: Casino
Ace Rothstein : Back home, they would have put me in jail for what I'm doing. Here, they're giving me awards.

Movie: Casino
Nicky Santoro : I didn't like the people I was ripping off looking at me, so I used to turn their fucking pictures around.

Movie: Casino
Nicky Santoro : Tell that fuckin' Pepe if he's switching stones on us, he'd better take a fucking camel back to Nigeria.

Movie: Casino
Ace Rothstein : For Nicky, Las Vegas was the fucking wild west.

Movie: Casino
Remo Gaggi : The little guy. He wouldn't be fucking the Jew's wife, would he?

Movie: Casino
Nicky Santoro : If a guy fucking tripped over a banana peel, they'd bring me in for it.

Movie: Casino
[ about to have sex in a car behind his restaurant ]
Nicky Santoro : I fly stuff in fresh every day. I get bread from back home, I get fish from California, and you can always tell a great kitchen like ours 'cause of the milk-fed veal. That's the secret. See milk-fed veal is pure white. Out here, they got that pink veal. Slide over, honey. Now pink veal, you can pound that shit for two days, and it'll never ever get tender, you know what I mean?

Movie: Casino
Ace Rothstein : If you ever come back again, ever, to take her money, next time bring a pistol. That way you've got a chance.

Movie: Casino
Pat Webb : Ol' Don's as useless as tits on a boar.

Movie: Casino
[ Talking in code on a tapped phone ]
Nicky Santoro : Listen, I gotta meet Clean Face right away, what about the Chez Paris?
Nicky Santoro : [ subtitles ] I gotta meet Charlie the Banker right away at your house, OK?
Ace Rothstein : No, you can't, you gotta make a reservation, it's all booked up.
Nicky Santoro : No no, it's ok.
Ace Rothstein : It's impossible, it's booked up, you gotta make a reservation, it's very difficult to get in.
Ace Rothstein : [ subtitles ] I don't want a meeting at my house.
Nicky Santoro : It's ok, I'll use the service entrance. I'll see you at nine.
Nicky Santoro : [ subtitles ] I'll come in from the golf course side. See you at six.

Movie: Casino
Nicky Santoro : And we know what you do, don't we Charlie? You fuck people out of money and get away with it.
Charlie Clark : You can't talk to me like that...
Nicky Santoro : Hey, you fat Irish prick! You put my fucking money to sleep. You go get my fucking money or I'll put your fucking brain to sleep.

Movie: Casino
Nicky Santoro : [ to the blackjack dealer ] Look at this fuckin beaut they put in now. Sherbert send you in here to rob me now? Been fucking knocking everyone's dick in all night? Huh, you been beating all the customers tonight, motherfucker? Huh? Jag-off. Hit me.

Movie: Casino
Piscano's Brother-in-Law : You gotta lay down the law, otherwise they're gonna make a fool out of you.
Artie Piscano : They're not gonna make a fool out of me. I write it all down in this book. Every fucking nickel, it goes down right here. Receipts, bills, everything's here.
Piscano's Mother : Hey, oh, ah! What's the matter with you? Since when do you talk like that?
Artie Piscano : I'm sorry. Nance gives me trouble, and I'll tell him, screw around with those suitcases and I'll take the eyes out of his freakin head.
Piscano's Mother : Again!
Artie Piscano : I didn't curse, I said 'freakin head'.

Movie: Casino
Nicky Santoro : She was doing pretty good with her lawsuit. But before she could start counting her money, the boys back home decided to settle the case out of court instead. So they sent me. [ Nicky runs into Anna Scott's house and shoots her in the head three times ]

Movie: Casino
Lester Diamond : I'm sending this kid to Bolivia in a fucking box.

Movie: Casino
[ about halfway through the film; Nicky has just calmed Ginger down after Lester was beat up by her husband's thugs ]
Nicky Santoro : [ about her drinking ] And take it easy with this shit, will you? I mean, this can only make matters worse. You're a beautiful girl. You don't want to ruin your looks. I've seen a lot of girls get shot to hell from this stuff.

Movie: Casino
Ace Rothstein : From now on, I want you to put an equal amount of blueberries in each muffin.
Ace Rothstein : ...An equal amount of blueberries in each muffin.
Baker : Do you know how long that's going to take?
Ace Rothstein : I don't care how long it takes. Put an equal amount in each muffin.

Movie: Casino
Nicky Santoro : Where the fuck do you get off talking to people about me behind my back, going over my head?
Ace Rothstein : What people?
Nicky Santoro : What people, d'ja think I wasn't gonna find out?
Ace Rothstein : I don't even know what you're talking about Nick...
Nicky Santoro : No? You said I'm bringing heat on YOU? I gotta listen to people because of your fuckin shit? You're orderin me out? You better get your own fuckin army pal!
Ace Rothstein : I didn't do anything, I mean, I didn't order you or anybody. I only told Andy Stone that you had a lot of heat on you and that was a problem.
Nicky Santoro : You want me to get out of my own fuckin town?
Ace Rothstein : Yeah I said l-let the bullshit blow over for a while, so I can run the casino. Anything goes wrong with the casino it's my ass, it's not yours, it's my ass!
Nicky Santoro : Oh I don't know whether you know this or not, but you only have your fuckin casino because I made that possible. I'm what counts out here, not your fuckin country clubs or your fuckin TV shows! And what the fuck are you doing on TV anyhow? You know I get calls from back home every fuckin day, they think you went bat shit!
Ace Rothstein : I'm only on TV because I got to be able to hang around the casino. You understand that, you know that, come on.
Nicky Santoro : Your fuckin ass! You coulda had the food and beverage job without going on television. You wanted to go on TV.
Ace Rothstein : Yeah I did want to go on TV. That way I have a forum, I can fight back. I'm known. People see me. They know they can't fuck around with me like they could if I was an unknown, that's right, yeah!
Nicky Santoro : You're making a big fuckin spectacle of yourself!
Ace Rothstein<

Movie: Casino
[ Nicky has Dogs head in a vise ]
Nicky Santoro : Hey, Dogs, can you hear me?
Tony Dogs : [ looks over ]
Nicky Santoro : I've got your fucking head in a vise. I'm going to squash your head like a fucking grapefruit, if you don't give me a name. [ now in reasonable voice ]
Nicky Santoro : Come on, Anthony. We go way back. Don't make me do this. Don't make me the bad guy here.
Tony Dogs : [ weakly spits ] Fuck you, you motherfucker.
Nicky Santoro : [ miffed ] Fuck me? [ to cohorts ]
Nicky Santoro : Do you believe this? Two whole days and nights now. [ turns to vise and starts twisting it almost spinning it like a sailor's wheel ]
Nicky Santoro : Fuck me? Huh? Fuck my mother? Huh? Is that what you are telling me you motherfucker?
Tony Dogs : [ gasps painfully as one of his eyes literally sprouts out of its socket! ]
Nicky Santoro : [ upon seeing this ] Oh God, please give me a name.
Tony Dogs : [ gasping ] Charlie, Charlie M.
Nicky Santoro : Charlie M? You make me pop a fucking eyeball out to protect that low life piece of shit?

Movie: Casino
Nicky Santoro : [ to Ace ] I lost control? Look at you, you're fucking walking around like John Barrymore! A fucking pink robe and a fucking cigarette holder? I lost control?

Movie: Casino
Ace Rothstein : [ to Ginger ] Greedy bitch!

Movie: Casino
Nicky Santoro : You call yourself a man? You know you're a lying, lowlife motherfucking gambling degenerate prick. You know that's what you are? Two small kids at home? I gave you money to pay the fucking rent, buy groceries, put the heat on? You know your wife called Frankie and told him the fucking heat's off? Huh? And you sitting here telling me you didn't gamble that fucking money? No? No? You didn't? Don't fuck with me Al! Don't make a fuck out of me! You wanna embarrass me, make a fool out of me, you didn't gamble? Tell me you gambled the fucking money and I'll give you the fucking money to put the fucking heat on! Did you gamble? Huh?
Al : [ the gambler nods and Nicky hands him the money ]
Nicky Santoro : Fucking degenerate ya! Fucking kids at home! Here! Get the fuck out of here!
Al : Thanks Nick.
Nicky Santoro : Yeah, thanks. Let me find out you fucked up, I'll leave you wherever I'll find ya!

Movie: Casino
Ace Rothstein : [ voice-over ] Before I ever ran a casino or got myself blown up, Ace Rothstein was a helluva handicapper, I can tell you that. I was so good that when I bet, I can change the odds for every bookmaker in the country. I'm serious. I had it down so cold that I was given paradise on earth. I was given one of the biggest casinos in Las Vegas to run: The Tangiers, by the only kind of guys that can get you that kind of money. Sixty-two million seven hundred thousand dollars. I don't know all the details.
Nicky Santoro : [ voice-over ] Matter of fact, nobody knew all the details. But it should have been perfect. I mean he had me, Nicky Santoro, his best friend watching his ass. And he had Ginger, the woman he loved on his arm. But in the end, we fucked it all up. It should have been so sweet, too. But it turned out to be the last time that street guys like us were ever given anything that fuckin' valuable again.

Movie: Casino