Casino Quote

Nicky Santoro : Where the fuck do you get off talking to people about me behind my back, going over my head?
Ace Rothstein : What people?
Nicky Santoro : What people, d'ja think I wasn't gonna find out?
Ace Rothstein : I don't even know what you're talking about Nick...
Nicky Santoro : No? You said I'm bringing heat on YOU? I gotta listen to people because of your fuckin shit? You're orderin me out? You better get your own fuckin army pal!
Ace Rothstein : I didn't do anything, I mean, I didn't order you or anybody. I only told Andy Stone that you had a lot of heat on you and that was a problem.
Nicky Santoro : You want me to get out of my own fuckin town?
Ace Rothstein : Yeah I said l-let the bullshit blow over for a while, so I can run the casino. Anything goes wrong with the casino it's my ass, it's not yours, it's my ass!
Nicky Santoro : Oh I don't know whether you know this or not, but you only have your fuckin casino because I made that possible. I'm what counts out here, not your fuckin country clubs or your fuckin TV shows! And what the fuck are you doing on TV anyhow? You know I get calls from back home every fuckin day, they think you went bat shit!
Ace Rothstein : I'm only on TV because I got to be able to hang around the casino. You understand that, you know that, come on.
Nicky Santoro : Your fuckin ass! You coulda had the food and beverage job without going on television. You wanted to go on TV.
Ace Rothstein : Yeah I did want to go on TV. That way I have a forum, I can fight back. I'm known. People see me. They know they can't fuck around with me like they could if I was an unknown, that's right, yeah!
Nicky Santoro : You're making a big fuckin spectacle of yourself!
Ace Rothstein<

Movie: Casino


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