Bull Quotes

[Goofy has been dressed up in a matador outfit and goes out into a bullring. He sees a newspaper headline showing him, reading "El Goof Matador"]
Goofy: Matador? Hmm. A bullfighter? [suddenly, the truth hits him; shocked]
Goofy: A fighter of the bulls? *Me*? Oh, no! [he runs from the ring - and into the bull stable]

Movie: Bull
Ed Goodman: It's a question of law and order, Annie. Uncle Will keeps the law - and Sitting Bull is out of order.

Movie: Bull
Dr. George 'Doc' Bull: Oh, there's an old saying. There's only one way into the world, but there's a thousand ways out.

Movie: Bull
Jake La Motta: You punch like you take it up the ass.

Movie: Bull
Joey LaMotta: Hey Jack, I just explained the whole thing to you didn't I. It was between me and Salvy. If it had anything to do with Vicki I would've told you about it.
Jake La Motta: That's not what I heard Joey.
Joey LaMotta: What do you mean that's not what you heard?
Jake La Motta: That's not what I heard.
Joey LaMotta: What did you hear?
Jake La Motta: I heard some things.
Joey LaMotta: You heard about me and Salvy.
Jake La Motta: I heard things Joey.
Joey LaMotta: Yeah you heard that I cracked Salvy all around. What did you hear?
Jake La Motta: I heard things Joey. I heard things.
Joey LaMotta: What things you heard?
Jake La Motta: I heard some things.

Movie: Bull
Ned Buntline: Injuns gear their lives to dreams. And what an injun dreams, no matter how farfetched, will wait until he dies to come true. The white men - they're different. The only time they dream is when things are going their way. I'm no expert on the subject, but it seems to me that what Sitting Bull does is a hell of a lot cheaper than mounting a wild west show... which is dreaming out loud.

Movie: Bull