Boy Meets World Quotes

[After seeing Corinna's new song Shallow Boy]
Eric: Oh, that could be about anyone.
Shawn: Well the next song is called Eric Matthews, You're So Vain You Probably Didn't Know This Song Before It Was About You.
Eric: I'm famous!

TV Show: Boy Meets World
Shawn: Mr. Feeny, you're on my side?
Feeny: Frightening, isn't it?

TV Show: Boy Meets World
Virna: What did you say?
Chet: What did I say?
Virna: You said "We work." We don't work, I work. I work like a pig!
Chet: Good thing, because we got a whole microwave full of bills to pay.

TV Show: Boy Meets World
Cory: Shawn, I refuse to believe anything from those stupid tabloids.
Shawn: It's the New York Times, baby.
Cory: This is New York Times Trailer Park edition!
Shawn: It's exactly the same, except you can eat it!

TV Show: Boy Meets World
Cory: For once, just listen to me, man. In the classroom under my desk is a key. The key will open ariport locker number B-378. In the locker, you will find a tattered plaid valise. In the valise, you will find my homework for five years. See, for all these years I understood everything. I'm actually a brilliant student.
Feeny: What is the capital of Montana?
Cory: You're not going to the airport, are ya?

TV Show: Boy Meets World
Cory: You know we've lived in the same room for 15 years and you never even told me about your first time.
Eric: Remember Mitchell Davis?
Cory: That's an unexpected surprise- how 'bout your second time?
Eric: Bear with me. Now, you know that Mitch and I were always competing: Who could- who could run the fastest, who could shoot the most baskets, who could catch the most flies...
Cory: Oh, please, get to it.
Eric: Well, one day Mitch shows up here with a brand new bike; three-speed, emerald green, speedometer on the handle.
Cory: Wait, that's the same one you had.
Eric: Right that's why Mitch got his but you see, to show me up, Mitch's didn't have any training wheels on it. So I beg Dad, "Dad you gotta take these training wheels off". Dad said I wasn't ready. Well apparently Mitch wasn't either because one day we're riding down Oakhurst Drive...
Cory: Ah, Dead Man's Hill.
Eric: Right. Mitch falls off his bike, slams his head into a couple of trash cans, and that my friend is why Mitchell Davis repeated the sixth grade eleven times.
Cory: Eric what could this possibly have to do with me and Topanga and moving past kissing?
Eric: Cory, sex is like a bike without training wheels. Try it before you're ready, you're gonna fall off and break your head.

TV Show: Boy Meets World
Cory: You're my girlfriend and I love you and... and... God we should be at, like, ninth base by now.

TV Show: Boy Meets World
Turner: Hey, Hunter! [walks over to Shawn, who is sleeping] Hey! [taps Shawn] How were you affected by that reading?
Shawn: [in his sleep] I don't wanna go to school, Daddy. Cory's reading poetry.
Turner: You get your butt out of that bed and get to class!
Shawn: [still sleeping] Okay... okay. [eyes closed, stands up clumsily and stumbles out of the class]
Turner: [deadpan] Gee, I wonder what's gonna happen.

TV Show: Boy Meets World
Vader: [to Cory] I remember you, little man. You're in my son's poetry class. You're a bad influence! [leans in closely] I should crush you like garlic and put you in my spaghetti!

TV Show: Boy Meets World
Cory: I told you this was a great idea
Shawn: It's an episode of Cops waiting to happen.

TV Show: Boy Meets World
Cory: So, the Hunters' trailer is right over there.
Eric: The one that looks like all the other ones?
Cory: Yeah, that's it.

TV Show: Boy Meets World
Feeny: I'm sure you're all aware of the conflict in Burundi, which is now spilling over into Rwanda and Uganda.
Cory: He's making these names up.
Shawn: He's finally run out of stuff to teach.
Feeny: The Burundian conflict centers on class differences between the poorer Hutus and the richer Tutsis.
Shawn: We're gonna have to put a bag over him and drag him out of the room.
Cory: That way we save his dignity.

TV Show: Boy Meets World
Feeny: [reading from Eric's one-man play] "There I was on the dusty, dirty highway. The hot wind howled like a kind of howling, hot, windy thing."

TV Show: Boy Meets World
Eric: June 24, 1978: I... am... BORN! Sadat and Begin win the Nobel Peace Prize. John Paul II (eye-eye) is elected the new Pope. And a new dance craze sweeps the nation. [strikes a disco pose] Remember? Remember? 1984: I poo-poo on a bus. Nobody likes me.

TV Show: Boy Meets World
Topanga: If it's any consolation, I think you can do a lot better than Jennifer Bassett.
Shawn: You think so?
Cory: Wait a minute, Topanga, have you looked at her?
Topanga: Okay, so she's pretty, she's tall, she drives a red new convertible, heck, I'd go out with her.

TV Show: Boy Meets World
Eric: I am five again, and I don't know which cubby is mine! Crossroads...nap time.

TV Show: Boy Meets World
[Shawn and Cory are sleeping in Turner's class. Shawn is snoring and Cory is making a yipping noise.]
Feeny: Interesting. In my class, Mr. Hunter handles the yipping.
Cory: [wakes up] Shawn! It's both of 'em!
Shawn: [wakes up and looks around, nervous] Oh, no. Now I don't know which class I slept through.

TV Show: Boy Meets World
Shawn: Mr. Turner, what if my choice is to not do the assignment?
Turner: You want this one, George?
Feeny: No, no, your class. I get them after lunch.
Turner: Well, then you would get an F, not get into college, and spend your time hanging out at the local convenience store waiting for them to bring in a new batch of lottery tickets.
Shawn: And that would change my life... how?

TV Show: Boy Meets World
Shawn: So I show up this morning and the wind chill factor is, like, Jupiter.

TV Show: Boy Meets World
[Shawn is heard screaming upstairs]
Cory: Shawn?
Shawn: It's okay, it's okay. I thought I saw a poster of myself, but it was just a mirror.

TV Show: Boy Meets World
Feeny: What are you doing in Beantown?
Eric: Hiding from you; and I fail. Why must you stalk me so?

TV Show: Boy Meets World
[Cory is driving]
Shawn: Cory, can you drive a little faster? 'Cause there's like twenty cars jammed up behind us.
Cory: Shawn, I happen to be cruising at — what's it say? I can't look down or we'll crash.
Topanga: Eighteen miles an hour.
Cory: I'm up to eighteen? I hope this thing has airbags!
Shawn: Cory, a bicycle just passed you.
Cory: [Motioning with his arm out the window] Come around me! Come around me, please!

TV Show: Boy Meets World
[Cory is driving]
Topanga: Cory, I don't get it. You and your father have always gotten along great.
Cory: Yeah, cause I've always been safe and dependable Cory. Well, tonight a new Cory is born. Dark, wild Cory; built for speed. 24, 25, 26. Look at me, I'm breaking the law.
[Sirens and flashing lights appear behind them.]
Cory: Well, we all saw that coming.

TV Show: Boy Meets World
Alan: Hey, son! How was your day?
Cory: Fine.
Alan: What'd you do in school?
Cory: Nothing.
Alan: Hey, hold on! Wait there! You know, every day I ask you, "What did you do?" and every day you tell me "Nothing." Well, I'm tired of nothing. I mean, we both know something happened in school today and I want to know what it is!
Cory: I decided to be a girl.
Alan: Well, you taught me a very valuable lesson there, son.

TV Show: Boy Meets World
Cory: [dressed as a waitress] And tipping is not a city in China.

TV Show: Boy Meets World
Cory: So I would be correct in assuming that this wonderful meal is one of those, um, condemned-man, death-row, last-meal kinda things. But that can't be, because there's no cake. [Eric lifts the top of a platter to reveal an ornately decorated chocolate cake]... Dead man walkin.'

TV Show: Boy Meets World
Cory: So, you mean that Topanga can't move!
Shawn: Not if TV is the true mirror of our lives.

TV Show: Boy Meets World
Eric: Y'know something, Cor? He's absolutely right. I mean, I had this same problem when I broke up with Francesca. There's a lot of pain, there's a lot of heartache. But eventually time stepped in. And I got over my devastating loss.
Alan: Who's Francesca?
Eric: [whispering loudly] There is no Francesca, I'm just trying to help.
Alan: [whispering loudly] Nobody wants that.

TV Show: Boy Meets World
Amy: I had relationships with four other men before I met your father.
Alan: I know three...

TV Show: Boy Meets World
[Car horn honks.]
Eric: Oh, there's Kelly. Better get going.
Amy: Whoa, wait a minute. You guys have been going out for a while and we still haven't met her. You should invite her to come in.
Eric: Uh, you know, Mom, we're really in a hurry.
Amy: [calling out the door] Kelly, hon, come on in.
Eric: You know something? We're really in a rush.
Alan: What's the matter? Afraid I'll say something to embarrass you?
Kelly: [enters] Hi, I'm Kelly.
Alan: [looking her over] Atta boy!

TV Show: Boy Meets World